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研究生: 吳傳照
Ted Chuan-chao Wu
論文名稱: 台中一中電腦輔助英文寫作練習之個案研究
The Effectiveness of Computer-enhanced Writing: A Case Study in Taichung First Senior High School
指導教授: 周中天
Chou, Chung-Tien
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2002
畢業學年度: 91
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 80
中文關鍵詞: 電腦輔助寫作英文作文紙筆寫作網際網路電子郵件文字處理
英文關鍵詞: computer-enhanced writing, English composition, paper-and-pencil writing, Internet, e-mail, word processing
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:250下載:18
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  • 中文摘要

    This study aims at exploring the effectiveness of
    computer-enhanced writing in senior high school. How to reap the optimal advantages of computer technologies and apply them in writing English compositions has been a great and grave concern for many English teachers. For example, it is helpful for student writers to familiarize themselves with the skills of computers; they will have a much easier time revising, editing, or enriching their writings. Also, if they foster the habit of surfing the net for more resources, their writings will become more abundant. After all, putting one’s thoughts into words depends not merely on one’s introversive thinking, but also upon external brainstorming with others around oneself as well as with various information available to one. Writing itself is extremely difficult and mysterious, and this study found that some of the students were not inspired or improved by the innovated writing tools. The researcher is still convinced that long-term training of utilizing computer technologies to help generate more thoughts that contribute to writing is essential. This study employed the students’ compositions, a questionnaire, and nine individual interviews to calibrate the change in the students’ writing quality and to identify some nuanced attitudinal inclinations towards writing and using technology for writing. While there may be some limitations and insufficiencies to this implementation, at least, hopefully, it could provide some implications and clues for future research.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ABSTRACT i ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii TABLE OF ONTENTS iv LIST OF TABLES vi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 1.1. Background 1 1.2. Motivation of the Study 5 1.3. Purpose of the Study 6 1.4. Organization of the Study 7 2. REVIEW OF RELATED LITERATURE 9 2.1. Difficulties of Writing 9 2.2. Writing as Product or as Process 10 2.3. The Relationship Between Reading and Writing 17 2.4. From Page to Screen: Implications of Electronic Technologies on Practices of Writing 18 2.5. Concluding Remarks 29 3. METHODOLOGY AND PROCEDURES 34 3.1. Methodology 34 3.2. Procedures 40 4. RESEARCH FINDINGS AND ANALYSIS 47 4.1. Students’Compositions 47 4.2. Questionnaire 54 4.3. Interviews 62 5. CONCLUSION 71 5.1. Paper-and-pencil Writing in Contrast with Computer-enhanced Writing 71 5.2. Limitations of the Study 73 5.3. Recommendations for Further Studies 74 REFERENCES 76 APPENDIX A i APPENDIX B iii APPENDIX C vi

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