研究生: |
賴映錤 Lai, Ying-Chi |
論文名稱: |
數位建築概念運用於室內空間設計操作-以辦公室為例 The Concept of Digital Architecture Used in Office Design |
指導教授: |
Su, Wen-Ching |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 66 |
中文關鍵詞: | 數位建築 、設計思考 、形式特質 、法蘭蓋瑞 、札哈哈蒂 |
英文關鍵詞: | Digital architecture, Design thinking, Forms, Frank Gehry, Zaha Hadid |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202443 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:188 下載:32 |
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面對數位時代的來臨,數位科技改變了人類的生活空間模式與生活型態,在建築、室內空間和產品設計各種設計相關的領域裡,相對地也產生了極大的影響。在創作的設計思考當中因為有了數位媒材的出現,對於設計師將抽象的概念轉化成實物的過程中媒材扮演了相當大的角色,相對的媒材的限制也影響創作者的設計思考,往往造成設計師抽象的概念無法傳遞。在此希望透過對數位建築概念的研究,達到抽象概念的轉化運用在室內空間中的操作。本研究透過文獻蒐集了解數位建築的設計思考過程以及分類出數位媒材造成的形式特質作為在研究方法裡檢視的範圍。研究方法為個案研究法和次級資料分析法。以普立茲克獎得主Frank Gehry 和 Zaha Hadid的作品為研究個案,兩位建築師的事務所都設有數位媒材的研究中心,並且在他們的建築作品中,充分運用了數位媒材讓建築設計作品突破傳統風格與形式。本論文個案研究裡分別挑選兩位建築師的三個作品,為了達到研究設計類型的廣泛性,挑選的六個作品都是屬於不同類型的建築,有商業大樓、美術館、醫療研究中心、綜合型大樓、文化中心以及住宅大樓;每個作品的資料蒐集後,分析他們的設計思考以及作品的形式特質。研究結果發現兩位建築師大多以地景性開始了概念發想,以手繪加上模型製作的方式,再轉換到電腦的模型裡,透過數位媒材呈現了建築師的設計,產生了數位建築特質。本研究整理出兩位建築師作品的形式特質有動態、拓樸、地景以及參數式。在設計創作方面以數位建築的概念運用到辦公室室內空間的操作,以地景性作為概念發想,地景為台灣的地理特色高山、丘陵、盆地、台地及平原,再經由手繪平面及立面表達概念運用數位媒材呈現3D的圖,模擬整個空間設計。希望透過個案研究了解在數位媒材運用上最具代表性的建築師Zaha Hadid 和 Frank Gehry的作品,將其概念運用到辦公室的室內空間設計操作。透過本研究針對以上兩位建築師的數位媒材運用在建築的設計思考過程以及產生的形式特質作分析後,再藉由辦公室空間的創作,希望給未來運用數位建築概念的室內空間設計一個參考方向。
In the information age, digital technology has vast impacts on human’s lives, especially on the professions of architecture, interior design, product design, etc. In the creations of design thinking, digital media has helped designers to transform their ideas into tangible products. Without the proper media designers’ creativity, however, this capability could possibly be limited; designers would have to compromise or modify their original ideas to something that can be modelled in real life. The concept of digital architecture will be studied and applied to the interior design field. In the literature review, design thinking and the characteristics of form making in the digital architecture have been studied. Case study and secondary analysis will be the research methods. The cases will be selected from the works of Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid which both are Pritzker Architecture laureates. Three cases from each laureate, a total of six cases exploring different types of building, including business building, museum, research center, commercial building, cultural center, and residence will be reviewed. After collecting information of the six cases, the data will be analyzed based on literature review of the design thinking and the characteristics of form making. The result shows that both architect’s design thinking begins with the landscape of the specific project and develops the digital forms from it; the characteristics of the forms are dynamics, topology, and parametrics. The design process and the digital forms found from Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid’s works will be applied to the interior design of an office, the project required in this thesis. The design idea will be the landscape and geography of Taiwan which will be applied to the sketching of the layout. The elevated models will be made into three-dimensional models using a computer. After studying the design thinking and the characteristics of form making in digital architecture from both well-known architects Frank Gehry and Zaha Hadid, this will help designers to apply the concept of digital architecture to interior design in the future.
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