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研究生: 劉永康
Liu, Yung-Kang
論文名稱: 以渴望導向之多準則決策分析模式定義基於品質機能展開、萃思法、失效模式與影響分析之創新策略
Defining Innovation Strategies by Aspiration Oriented MCDM Methods Based QFD, TRIZ and FMEA
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 166
中文關鍵詞: 互動式電子白板修正式德菲法品質機能展開萃思法失效模式與效應分析多準則決策分析決策實驗室分析法決策實驗室網路程序分析法灰關聯分析法VIKOR
英文關鍵詞: Interactive whiteboard system, Modified Delphi method, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), TRIZ, Failure Mode Effect Analysis (FMEA), Multiple-criteria Decision Making (MCDM), Decision- Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL), DEMATEL-based Network Process (DNP), Grey Relational Analysis (GRA), VIKOR
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.DIE.040.2018.E01
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:478下載:0
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  • 互動式電子白板應用於提升傳統白板在開會及講課時的互動性。系統融入滑鼠的操控功能,延伸傳統白板在繪圖、標註、互動和啟發上的效能。這項創新的應用,在各國市場銷售落差很大,市調機構預估全球互動式電子白板每年有1,000 萬台左右市場需求,顯見這項產品設計改善深具市場價值。本研究擬使用修正式德菲法、品質機能展開、萃思法、失效模式及效應分析之多準則決策方法提升互動式電子白板的設計。首先,透過文獻探索,以修正式德菲法達成專家一致共識,建構品質機能展開法之顧客需求要素與設計特性,並籍由決策實驗室分析法及網路程序分析法推導要素指標之影響關係及權重,作為問題決策之架構。進一步運用灰關聯分析法,分析顧客需求要素與設計特性兩者間之關聯度,將重要關鍵的設計特性,作失效模式分析及效應分析,擬定預防改善措施。最後,分別再以萃思法定義創新策略、VIKOR 選擇創新策略。本研究結論,售價、銷售通路、電池及電池壽命等設計特性,是以顧客為導向之重要關鍵指標。在電池失效模式及效應分析中,標示警語「勿接近高溫或火源」、「長時間不使用請將電池取出」及增加電池反裝保護迴路為安全改善預防措施。在設計需求衝突上,使用可更換式電池為產品創新策略。期能藉由研究過程建立一套系統化的設計流程,提供給A 公司作為互動式電子白板的設計參考,佳惠更多產品。

    Interactive whiteboards should be used to enhance the interaction of traditional whiteboards during meetings and lectures. The system incorporates mouse-handling capabilities to extend the performance of traditional whiteboards in drawing, annotation, interaction and inspiration. This innovative application causes a great of difference in market sales among countries. Market research agency estimates that the global interactive whiteboard has
    about 10 million market demands per year. Obviously, improvement of this product design has a great market value. This study aims to improve the design of the interactive whiteboard system by using Multiple-criteria Decision Making (MCDM) of Modified Delphi method, Quality Function Deployment (QFD), TRIZ, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA). First of all, through the research of the literature, a consensus of experts could be made by a
    Modified Delphi method, to build customers’ needs and design characteristics of Quality Function Deployment, and the relationship and the weight between factors were derived by the Decision- Making Trial and Evaluation Laboratory (DEMATEL) and DEMATEL-based Network Process (DNP) as the framework for decision-making. Further, the correlation between the elements of customers’ need and design characteristics was analyzed by using Grey Relational Analysis (GRA) method. The key design characteristics were used in Failure Mode and Effect Analysis (FMEA) to develop preventive measures. Finally, we define the innovation strategy with the TRIZ method and choose the innovation strategy with VIKOR. This study concludes that design characteristics such as price, sales channel, battery and battery life are important customer-oriented indicators. In the battery failure mode and effect analysis, the warning words "Do not approach high temperature or fire", "Please remove the battery if not used for a long time" and increase the battery reverse protection circuit are safety improvement measures. In the conflict of design requirements, the use of replaceable batteries as a product innovation strategy. Through the research process to establish a systematic design process.
    Provided to Company A as a design reference for interactive whiteboards, and
    more products.

    摘要 ..............................................i ABSTRACT ........................................ ii Table of Contents ............................... iv List of Table ................................... vi List of Figure ................................ viii Chapter 1 Introduction ............................1 1.1 Research Background .......................... 1 1.2 Research Motivations ......................... 3 1.3 Research Purposes ............................ 5 1.4 Research Procedure ........................... 6 1.5 Research Limitations...........................7 1.6 Thesis Structure ............................. 9 Chapter 2 Literature Review ..................... 11 2.1 Customer-oriented Innovation ................ 11 2.2 Customer-driven Product Design ...............13 2.3 Product Design-optimization ................. 14 2.4 Quality Function Deployment ................. 15 2.5 Failure Mode and Effects Analysis ........... 19 Chapter 3 Research Method ....................... 25 3.1 Modified Delphi Method ...................... 25 3.2 TRIZ ........................................ 28 3.3 Multiple Criteria Decision Making ........... 33 Chapter 4 Empirical Study ....................... 51 4.1 Background of the Empirical Case ............ 51 4.2 Modified Delphi Method to Confirm Customer Needs.. 52 4.3 Decision the Needs of Customer Structuring by DEMATEL.. 53 4.4 Decision the Needs of Customer Structuring by DNP .. 73 4.5 Quality Function Deployment Model .. 81 4.6 Grey Relational Analysis of Quality Function Deployment .. 84 4.7 Constructing the Correlation among Design Characteristics .. 90 4.8 Failure Mode and Effect Analysis of Design Characteristics .. 92 4.9 Definition of Innovation Strategy for Design Characteristics .. 100 4.10 Choosing the Best Innovation Strategy .. 103 Chapter 5 Discussion ........................... 105 Chapter 6 Conclusions .......................... 115 Reference....................................... 119 Appendix ....................................... 129 Appendix A. 39 Engineering Characteristics Parameters .. 129 Appendix B. Description of 40 Innovative Rules of TRIZ .. 130 Appendix C. Questionnaire ...................... 134

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