研究生: |
李啟龍 Chi-Lung Lee |
論文名稱: |
網路上的合作探究學習 Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Learning |
指導教授: |
Chang, Kuo-En |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
資訊教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Information and Computer Education |
論文出版年: | 2000 |
畢業學年度: | 88 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 89 |
中文關鍵詞: | 探究學習 、合作學習 、合作探究學習 、合作探究式概念構圖 |
英文關鍵詞: | Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Learning, Collaborative Inquiry Learning, Collaborative Inquiry Concept Mapping |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:382 下載:37 |
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研究結果發現: 1.網路上的合作探究式概念構圖系統,可以有效整合探究學習策略、合作學習策略與概念圖知識表徵法,並提供學生一個相互合作以進行探究知識和表徵知識成果的學習環境。 2.本研究依據認知和教學理論,提出網路上的合作探究學習模式及學習活動,包含定錨與計畫、個人探究學習、合作探究學習、建構小組成果以及成果展示與討論等階段,可以作為在教室情境中有效的教學策略。 3.在定錨與計畫階段,學生在閱讀教材完畢後,可以根據問題先形成假設再到教材中尋找證據,建構出個人概念圖。但學生構圖的成品個別差異相當大。 4.在個人探究學習階段,學習者相當熱衷於到網路上探究證據,且其瀏覽的網頁也與主題相關,惟將閱讀後的成果加以組織和表達在記事本上的成果較為缺乏。 5.在合作探究學習階段,學習者可以透過討論工具充分進行資料、成品和觀念上的分享。學生最熱衷於討論區中觀念的溝通,其次是記事本的分享,最後是概念圖的分享。 6.在建構小組成果階段,投票機制可以協助成員產生小組的共同成果,但是在協商、溝通、妥協的過程中,往往需要犧牲自己的想法,遷就成品較完整的同學,達成共識的情形較少。
There are two purposes in this study. The first is to integrate the inquiry learning strategy, the collaborative learning strategy, and the concept mapping strategy to develop a Web-based Collaborative Inquiry Concept Mapping (WCICM) system. The second is to propose an appropriate learning model along with learning activities on web-based collaborative inquiry learning.
The major findings are as following: (a) The WCICM system can efficiently integrate the inquiry learning strategy, the collaborative learning strategy, and the concept mapping strategy. (b) The web-based collaborative inquiry learning activity including anchoring and planning phase, inquiry by individual phase, collaborative inquiry phase, building group’s product phase, and product presentation and discussion phase. (c) In anchoring and planning phase, the student’s concept mapping product showed significant individual differences. (d) In inquiry by individual phase, students crave for search evidence on Internet but the product are not fruitful for every student. (e) In collaborative inquiry phase, students can collaboratively complete their inquiry task by the idea sharing, data sharing, and product sharing processes. (f) In building group’s product phase, voting mechanism can help group member produce group’s product but students seldom have a common consensus.
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