簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 柯涵瑜
Ke, Han-Yu
論文名稱: 遊牧札記—柯涵瑜創作論述
Nomadic Notes: A Study of Painting by Ke Han-Yu
指導教授: 李君毅
Lee, Chun-Yi
口試委員: 孫翼華
Sun, Yi-Hua
Chen, Bing-Hong
口試日期: 2021/07/02
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2021
畢業學年度: 109
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 53
中文關鍵詞: 移動遊牧水墨拼貼札記
英文關鍵詞: mobile, nomadic, ink collage, notes
研究方法: 主題分析現象分析
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100720
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:202下載:8
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  • 本文以筆者 2018 年初開始的水墨拼貼實驗創作至研究所期間作品作為研究對象,此脈絡下的創作,內容以現代社會因為科技、交通與資訊進步而提升移動方便性,卻逐漸改變環境中人與人之間的距離,而衍生出的許多社會問題為主題,因此期許藉自身創作呈現並記錄屬於當代社會中移動的記憶,引起觀者認同與共鳴,一起思索移動所帶來的意義與價值。

    This thesis is based on the author's ink collage experiment creation from the
    beginning of 2018 to the product institute as the research project. The creation in this context, the content of modern society is improved by the advancement of technology, transportation and information, but gradually changes the people in the environment. The distance between people and many social issues are the themes. Therefore, I hope to use my own creation to present and record the memories that belong to the movement in contemporary society, so as to arouse the recognition and resonance of the viewers, and to let them think about the meaning and value brought by different kinds of movements.
    The second chapter cuts into the sociological theory, analyzing the background
    of the formation of mobile life in different eras in order to understand the problems faced by the modern fast-moving society, includ the change of home and community values, the loss of belonging and the weakening of uniqueness. Through the image analysis of the works of related artists, it analyzes how the creators in the similar era are connected with the current state of society through artistic creation.
    The third chapter takes the content and form of the work in this creative research
    as the main contact. First, it explains the important conceptual elements, then it
    analyzes the creative process and the formal characteristics of the work, and finally
    takes the actual creative process to the method of decomposition steps is accompanied by photos.
    The fourth chapter introduces in detail the creative connotation and form
    composition of each work from the two series of "One Person" and " People and
    People", and uses artistic creation to record my emotional memory of living in a new nomadic society full of mobility. The author hopes that the work can be connected and echoed with the real environment, and in the future creation process, she will continue to pay attention to the social environment closed the life exploring the creative performance and techniques will record the emotional feelings in the work in the era of rapid mobility.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 研究內容與範圍限制 2 第三節 研究方法 5 第四節 名詞概念 6 第二章 從社會學角度探討 8 第一節 遊牧者回歸 8 第二節 現代遊牧者的生活型態 10 第三節 快速移動下的社會 12 第四節 現代遊牧者的價值體現 16 第三章 創作理念與形式表現 24 第一節 創作理念與思維 24 第二節 創作脈絡與形式風格 26 第三節 媒材與技法表現 30 第四章 個人創作實踐與作品分析 36 第一節 《一個人》系列 36 第二節 《人與人》系列 45 第五章 結論 50 參考文獻 51

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