研究生: |
粘富閔 Nien, Fu-Min |
論文名稱: |
生物課堂教學樣貌的詮釋性研究-以TIMSS-R錄影研究中的五國生物課堂為例 Identifying the Teaching Characteristics of Science Teachers in the TIMSS-R Videotapes:Findings from Eighth-Grade Biology Classes in Australia, Czech Republic, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States |
指導教授: |
Tam, Hak-Ping |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 294 |
中文關鍵詞: | 錄影分析 、教學表徵 、生物教學 、Kikan-Shido 、TIMSS-R VIDEO |
英文關鍵詞: | TIMSS-R VIDEO Study, Kikan-Shido, Video analysis, Instructional Representation, Biology Class Teaching. |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:341 下載:79 |
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The purpose of this study is to establish a coding framework for video analysis that can be used for cross-national comparison of biology classes. Subsequently, the framework was attempted on the TIMSS-R videotapes data that were released in 2011, thereby illuminating the advantages and disadvantages of different teaching strategies adopted by biology teachers in different countries.
In order to achieve its purpose, this study adopted a mixed method design by first comparing and contrasting several existing frameworks for coding videos that led eventually to the compilation of a new framework that is intended to be applicable in a cross-national settings. The whole process involved three phases, starting from the initial stage, the clarification and development stage, and then finalizing into the adjustment stage that settled on incorporating the comparison of various instructional representations, instruction activities, Kikan-Shido (or between-desks-instructions), teaching behavior and textbooks usage into the framework.
The results indicated that teachers in all five countries, namely, Australia, Czech Republic, Japan, the Netherlands, and the United States, used “instructional representation to explain biological contents” with at least 74% of the time, indicating that the importance of this instructional approach. It was noticed that the usage of “instructional representation to explain biological contents” by the American teacher for reviewing was far higher than for other purposes, which amounted to reflecting that the American teacher took less than 29% of the teaching time for teaching the topic of the day. Furthermore, the ratio of verbal explanation by the American teacher was lower than those by teachers of the other countries. Besides verbal explanation, the American teacher resorted to using more graphical illustration and multi-media.
On the other hand, it was noticed that comparing the relative approach to “teaching process” within the IPA and PSM process was an appropriate way to analyze the teaching characteristics of teachers from the five countries. For example teachers from the Czech Republic and The Netherlands preferred to use question-and-answer approach as a pedagogical means for guided conceptual learning. In contrast, the Dutch teacher valued independent learning by students and allowed them more time to construct their own knowledge. However, the teachers from Australia and Japan regarded group learning as a good opportunity that allowed closer interaction between the teacher and students. Not only was it easier to provide adaptive teaching to individual students, but it also created a friendly teaching environment. The analysis revealed various usage of instructional representations across countries in teaching biological concepts and sub-concepts as well as in the clarification of any misconceptions.
The analysis of the PSM process revealed that for the Australian, the Czech Republic’s and the American teachers preferred to give students assignments in order to achieve the purpose of teaching review. The Czech Republic’s teacher, in addition, adopted a multi-media teaching, while the Japanese teacher let the whole class read the text in unison and wrote the summary of the lesson on the board at end of class.
As for “textbooks usage”, it was found that the Dutch teacher made use of the textbooks at the highest rates in comparison to his peers. The teachers from the Czech Republic and Japan used the textbooks part of the time, while the American and the Australian teachers preferred to use handouts while they taught. These practices seemed to depend on the teachers’ subject matter knowledge of Biology, pedagogical content knowledge and their personal preference.
As regards the feature of “Kikan-Shido,” it was noticed that the American teacher used Kikan-Shido as a way to monitor the learning progress of students and to give them guidance in a timely manner. The Dutch teacher used Kikan-Shido to provide scaffolding as a special form of explanation, guiding students to think along with the questions, monitoring the progress of students and promoting closer interaction between the teacher and students.
The way the Japanese teacher used Kikan-Shido was in encouraging the students to learn and in guiding them to think by asking questions. It was regarded as an instructional act related to the on-task activity and intended to motivate and to provide support and feedback to individuals or to groups of students. The teacher of Czech Republic placed less emphasis on student-centered activities. Kikan-Shido was used as a means for monitoring and in providing instructional information regarding how the assignments should be written. It was not a time for teacher and students interaction, but rather for students to reflect on their own progresses.
Finally, the Australian teacher made extensive use of Kikan-Shido in the lesson for an extended periods of time. It was interpreted that the teacher consciously regarded that he could use various instructional practices to create a friendly teaching environment, thereby implicitly reducing the potential power differences between the teacher and the students.
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