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研究生: 黃盛蘭
Huang Sheng-Lan
論文名稱: 高中學生行為困擾問題與求助態度之研究
A Study of Behavioral Problems and Help-Seeking Attitude of the Senior High Students
指導教授: 簡茂發
Chien, Maw-Fa
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 164
中文關鍵詞: 高中學生行為困擾求助態度
英文關鍵詞: senior high school students, behavioal problems, help-seeking attitude
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:419下載:0
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  • 本研究主要目的在探討不同性別、科別、社經別之高中學生一般行為困擾問題與嚴重的行為困擾問題之異同以及求助態度的傾向。為達成上述研究目的,本研究採問卷調查法,調查對象為台灣地區公私立高級中學高二學生,共發出800份問卷,實得有效問卷為677份;調查問卷使用兩個量表作研究工具進行研究,一是採用蔡敏光(民74)所編製的「行為適應問題自檢量表」以分析高中學生行為困擾之問題;另一係採林幸台(民68)取自E.H. Fischer & J.L.Turner (1970)所編之「求助態度量表」(Attitudes Toward Seeking Professional Psycholgical Help Scale),進行統計分析,最後根據研究結論,提出具體建議。歸納結論如下:
    四、 性別與科別有交互作用,但一般行為困擾問題在社交與娛樂、人我的關係、升學與就業三項無顯著差異;嚴重行為困擾問題只在課業與學習一項無顯著差異。
    五、 就社經別差異來看,一般的或嚴重的行為困擾問題都是低社經地位學生之困擾最多。
    八、 高中生求助意願與求助態度呈低相關;高中學生的行為困擾問題與求助態度呈低相關,其中容忍瑕疵程度與人際間開放程度與求助態度有密切關聯,與承認輔導之必要性、信任輔導人員之關聯性不大。

    The purpose of this paper is to delve into the different behavioral problems and help-seeking attitudes of senior high students having different sexes, socioeconomic status and studying different academic programs. For the achievement of this purpose, this paper employed the questionnaire survey method.
    Questionnaires were distributed to second year students in the private and public senior high schools of Taiwan. Effective questionnaires collected totaled 677. For tools, this paper used two types of measuring scale. One is the "Behavior Adjustment Problems Check List" created by Tsai Min-Kuang (1985), which was used to analyze the behavioral dilemmas of senior high school students. The other was the "Attitudes toward Seeking Professional Psychological Help Scale" created by E.H. Fischer & J.L. Turner (1970) and used by Lin Hsin-Tai (1979).
    The data have been proceed for statistical analysis under the software SPSS for windows 7.0.
    Listed below were findings and conclusions:
    A.Behavioral Problems
    1.General behavioral problems are classified, in order of priority, into the five categories; "school work and learning", "self-understanding", "further study and employment", "social and recreational activities" as well as "living attitude ". Problems are least in the "love for the opposite sex" and " family relations " categories.
    2.Serious behavioral problems are classified, in order of priority, into the five categories; " school work and learning ", " self-understanding ", " further study and employment ", "health and physical development” and "school and teaching”. Problems are least in the " family relations " and " love for the opposite sex " categories.
    3.In the gender classification grouping, in terms of general behavioral problems, senior high school boys have more love for the opposite sex and school and teaching problems than the girls, while the senior high school girls have more health and physical development and self-understanding problems than the boys. In terms of serious behavioral problems, senior high school boys have more love for the opposite sex and living attitude problems than the girls, while the girls have more health and physical development, self-understanding and school work and learning problems than the boys ,but these problems do not reach significant standard,
    4.In the course classification grouping, in terms of general behavioral problems, general senior high school students have more health and physical development , living attitude, and school work and learning problems than the vocational course students, while vocational course students have more "finances, living conditions and employment " and family relations problems than the general senior high school students. In terms of serious behavioral problems, general senior high school students have more self-understanding, living attitude, and school work and learning problems than the general senior high school students, while vocational course students have more finances, living conditions and employment and family relations problems than the general senior high school students.
    5.Different genders and courses have interactions with each other.
    6.In the economic status grouping, it was found that both in terms of general and serious behavioral problems, students having low socioeconomic status have the most problems.
    B.Attitude toward seeking-help.
    1.In terms of the help-seeking inclination, it was found that senior high school girls have a stronger inclination than the boys, and general senior high school students have a stronger inclination than vocational students. No significant difference was noted among students from different socioeconomic status.
    2.As for the nature of help sought, it was found that senior high school students would first seek the help of their friends or classmates, then turn to their parents, siblings, guidance counselors and relatives.
    3.Attitude toward seeking- help of the whole student average rank on the four-point scale was 2.64,leaning a little bit toward the positive aspect. In the gender classification grouping, it was found that senior high school girls have more aggressive help-seeking attitudes than the boys, and general senior high school students have more aggressive attitudes than vocational students. No significant difference was noted among students from different socioeconomic status.
    4.The help-seeking inclination of senior high school students is low-correlated to their help-seeking attitudes; but in the behavioral problem and help-seeking attitude aspect, a low correlation was noted in all four vectors. In the "capacity to tolerate shortcomings" and "openness towards interpersonal relationship" aspects, a very close correlation was noted between the behavioral problems and help-seeking attitudes of students.
    The following proposals were made:
    A.Suggestions to schools
    1.Improve teaching quality and administrative functions, adapt teaching to suit circumstances so school and learning problems may be reduced.
    2.Give importance to skill training courses, hold social activities to fortify the mind and bodies of students. Satisfy social and recreational demands of students.
    3.Guide and encourage students to join counseling and growth groups, as well as seminars and speeches regarding career search, sex education, career preparation, community service, etc. These programs help develop the adaptation skills of students.
    4.Guidance counselors should continue to learn more professional knowledge, show more professional dedication, as well as formulate counseling models suitable for students of different genders, courses and socioeconomic status. These efforts can help student face challenges of the future.
    B.Suggestions for further studies
    1.Future studies may focus on the correlation between grades and the personal psychological makeup of students.
    2.Future studies may delve into the correlation between the help-seeking need and attitude of students.
    3.Scope of studies may be expanded to include students having different genders, courses and socioeconomic status for deeper understanding of the subject. This can make up for the inadequacies of other studies.

    第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的 1 第二節 待答問題與名詞釋義 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 6 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 青年期的心理與行為特徵 9 第二節 青年期的行為適應 14 第三節 高中學生行為困擾問題之相關研究 22 第四節 高中學生求助態度及其相關研究 25 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構 30 第二節 研究對象 31 第三節 研究工具 33 第四節 實施程序 39 第五節 資料處理 41 第四章 研究結果與討論 第一節 高中學生行為困擾問題之分析與討論 46 第二節 高中學生行為困擾各項目百分比之分析與討論 93 第三節 高中學生求助態度之分析與討論 109 第四節 高中學生行為困擾問題與求助態度之相關分析 124 第五節 部份高中學生訪談結果之分析 125 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 結論 133 第二節 建議 138 參考書目 中文部分 141 英文部分 147 附錄 附錄一 151 附錄二 159

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    李柏英(民 74)。大學生之求助態度與求助行為及其相關變項。國立臺灣大學心理研究所碩士論文
    周 幸(民56)。高中學生行為困擾調查研究。國立政治大學教育研究所碩士論文。
    紀文祥(民68)。國中以上學生對輔導人員的人格期望及求輔態度與輔導方式偏好之研究。 國立政治大學教育與心理研究,第3期,頁141-204。
    張 耐(民70)。你的求助態度如何?。靜宜學院宜園,第20期。
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    郭靜晃、吳幸玲譯(民82)。Philip and Barbara Newman原著:發展心理學,頁52,409,411,424。台北:揚智。
    歐用生(民65)。柯爾曼之青年文化(Adolescent sub-culture)研究。台灣教育輔導月刊,第26卷第2期,頁3-7。

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