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研究生: 黃曉莉
Huang, Shiau-Li
論文名稱: 基於專利地圖設計之能力集合擴展與可變空間規劃提升創新能力
A Patent Map Design based Competence Set Expansion and Changeable Space Programming for Enhancing Innovation Capabilities
指導教授: 黃啟祐
Huang, Chi-Yo
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 126
中文關鍵詞: 專利佈局可變空間能力集合擴展
英文關鍵詞: Patent Plan
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202691
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:311下載:0
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  • 現在是屬於知識經濟的時代,透過知識的累積、流動與應用,幫助個人、企業、經濟可以成長精進。之前的研究已展現出專利的分析與探討,然而,關於企業針對專利在競爭力中所做的分析與戰略的訂定,以及如何讓資源分配最佳化,這兩部分較少被討論。因此,本研究的目的是為了幫助以知識為主的高科技企業,來制定決策及與競爭對手產生差異化,並且分析技術的競爭力,以利未來投資組合的發展。

    Knowledge has become one of the most factor conditions for most economies. Previous researchers have already demonstrated how the patent information be explored and analyzed. However, that how the patent information introduced for firm's levels competence analyses, strategy definitions, as well as the Meta optimum solution derivations for resource allocation were seldom discussed. According to the study, these decision makers can use the outcome to take decisions for differentiating between competitors and help the portfolio strategies developed. During the process, the study tries to find out the hidden patterns from patent data that are the important origin of the innovation. This study uses qualitative method, and to get an important view of innovation activities. For extending the study focusing digging the information of patent, this study would broaden the scope that the competence set expansion of patent information as the basis. At first, the author would define the technology scope that carries on patent search. After checking the patent database selected, the author would construct the technology/functionality matrix by the result. Next, based on the professional opinion, the author would use hybrid MCDM methods consisting of the DEMATEL based network process and the VIKOR method to satisfy the technology of innovation of specific product. Following that, the author would evaluate how to reduce the gap between the level of technology and the level of desire. Through a variety of methods of operation, a complete process of technological development, while the hope that through the operation can help enterprises achieve the goal of optimization.

    摘要 i Abstract ii Context iii List of Table v List of Figure vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Research Background and Motivations 1 1.2 Research Objectives 8 1.3 Research Process 10 1.4 Research Limitations and Future Research 12 1.5 Research Structure 13 1.6 Overview of the Research 14 Chapter 2 Literature Review 15 2.1 Patent 15 2.2 Competence 25 2.3 The Relationships between Patents and Competence 33 Chapter 3 Research Methods 35 3.1 Patent Search 36 3.2 Technology selection 49 3.3 Fuzzy Competence Set Expansion 56 3.4 Performance gap improvement for establishing improvement strategies 62 3.5 Modified VIKOR method for ranking and improving competence sets 65 3.6 Changeable Space 68 Chapter 4 Empirical Study 73 4.1 Problem Description 73 4.2 Result analysis 74 Chapter 5 Discussion 109 5.1 Management implication 109 5.2 Research Limitations 113 5.3 The possibility of future research 114 Chapter 6 Conclusion 115 Reference 117

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