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研究生: 范日奎
論文名稱: 服務設計之實務案例創作研究-以前瞻藥局概念為例
The study and creation of service design perform in real projects, An example of Drugstore's prospective concept.
指導教授: 梁桂嘉
Liang, Kuei-Chia
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 設計學系
Department of Design
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 114
中文關鍵詞: 服務設計設計思考跨領域合作
英文關鍵詞: service design, design thinking, cross-disciplinary cooperation
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:605下載:82
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  • 本研究結合工業設計、建築設計、廣告、企業管理、政治科學等領域 之專才共同合作,藉由跨領域合作的方式,實際於專案執行中操作服務設 計之相關方法與流程,為一專案對象連鎖藥妝藥局規劃新的企業策略以及 未來可能發展的服務體驗,以作為服務設計研究實際案例的貢獻。
    研究中以深度訪談及參與式觀察作為服務場域及服務利益相關者之接 觸點洞察,並將洞察之資料分析彙整為接觸點原型,置入顧客服務旅程, 了解服務接觸時的關鍵時刻,標示出具有潛力之接觸點。接著透過腦力激 盪及心智圖的繪製,延伸在服務傳遞中可能產生的潛在以及創見服務接觸 點,進一步藉由人物誌、劇本導引法等設計方法與工具假想服務情境,以 簡單的服務原型作為溝通的道具,預演新的服務概念之狀況,從中修改與 檢討。最後將概念導入實際場域,並以實際場域之規格、周遭環境作為設 計之規範,以 3D 建模及動畫展示本研究提出之服務概念與流程規劃。
    透過研究及創作發現,服務設計中跨領域的分工合作及將無形的服務 活動實體化相當重要,將是左右服務設計成效的關鍵,如何擬訂一套專業 的方案說服產業願意進行服務設計的檢視及改造,更是設計團隊所要面臨 的挑戰。因此期望藉由本研究中有限的貢獻,作為往後研究者的參考。

    This study is performed by the cooperation of experts from various fields such as industrial design, architectural design, advertisement, business management and political science. Through the inter-disciplinary cooperation, the methods and procedures related to service design are practically performed in real projects. This study plans new industrial strategies and the service experience of possible future developments for the object of the project, a chain drugstore. The result of this study will serve as the contribution to the real instance of the service design study.
    In this study, profound interview and participant observation serve as the touch point insight of service field and service stakeholders. The data of insight will be analyzed and collected into touch point prototype, which will be placed into the customer service journey, for understanding the key moment of touching service and for marking potential touch points. Through brainstorming and drawing of mind maps, the study is stretched to the possible potential or creative service touch points in service delivery. Furthermore, designing methods and tools such as biographies and scenarios assume service situations. Simple service prototypes serve as the tools of communication, rehearse the situations of new service concepts, and modify and review the contents. Finally, the concepts are introduced into the real fields. The specification and surrounding environment of the real fields are taken as the designing regulation. The service concepts and procedure planning presented by this study are displayed through 3D modeling and animation.
    Based on the findings of the study and creation, cross-disciplinary cooperation and the materialization of invisible service activities are both important for service design. They will be the keys deciding the effects of service design. How to draw up a set of professional project for persuading industries to review and improve their service design will be a challenge for the designing group. Therefore, the limited contribution of this study may serve as the reference for future researchers.
    Keywords: service design, design thinking, cross-disciplinary cooperation

    第一章、緒論 1.1研究背景與動機...............................................................................................1 1.1.1研究背景.....................................................................................................1 1.1.2研究動機.....................................................................................................4 1.2研究目的與創作目標........................................................................................5 1.2.1研究目的.....................................................................................................5 1.2.2研究與創作目標...........................................................................................5 1.3研究範圍界定.................................................................................................5 第二章、文獻探討 2.1設計的定義與設計思考....................................................................................6 2.1.1設計的定義.................................................................................................6 2.1.2設計思考....................................................................................................7 2.2服務的定義與服務設計...................................................................................15 2.2.1服務的定義................................................................................................15 2.2.2服務設計...................................................................................................18 2.2.3服務設計方法.............................................................................................24 2.3體驗經濟......................................................................................................31 2.4小結.............................................................................................................33 第三章、創作流程與研究方法擬定 3.1創作流程與研究方法.......................................................................................34 3.1.1接觸點探索階段..........................................................................................36 3.1.2接觸點檢視與發展階段.................................................................................39 3.1.3設計概念導入實際場域階段...........................................................................42 第四章、研究與創作執行內容 4.1接觸點探索階段..............................................................................................43 4.1.1相關背景及文獻分析.....................................................................................43 4.1.2服務利益相關者訪談與服務場域觀察...............................................................49 4.1.3訪談及觀察資料分析.....................................................................................62 4.2接觸點檢視與發展階段.....................................................................................63 4.2.1顧客服務旅程...............................................................................................63 4.2.2腦力激盪會議與心智圖..................................................................................66 4.2.3人物誌法與情境導引法..................................................................................68 4.2.4服務概念與服務場域原型討論.........................................................................74 4.2.5設計概念導入實際場域階段............................................................................76 4.3設計理念與概念呈現........................................................................................78 4.3.1設計核心理念...............................................................................................78 4.3.2設計概念呈現...............................................................................................81 第五章、創作及研究結論與建議 5.1創作及研究結論...............................................................................................93 5.1.1設計思考導入服務設計之可行性......................................................................93 5.1.2服務設計中跨領域成員分工之重要性...............................................................95 5.1.3執行服務設計可能產生之挑戰.........................................................................96 5.2未來研究建議..................................................................................................97 參考文獻.............................................................................................................98 附錄一、專家訪談大綱(區經理).............................................................................112 附錄二、專家訪談大綱(藥師、銷售人員)................................................................113 附錄三、服務接受者訪談及服務場域觀察大綱.........................................................114

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