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研究生: 薛廷悠
Hsueh, Ting-You
論文名稱: 優質化學校組織變革準備度量表建構與信效度之研究
A Research on the Construction of a Measuring Scale and Validity and Reliability Testing of Measuring Readiness For SAP School facing Change
指導教授: 陳佩英
Chen, Pei-Ying
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育政策與行政研究所
Graduate Institute of Educational Policy and Administration
論文出版年: 2019
畢業學年度: 107
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 104
中文關鍵詞: 學校組織變革準備度高中優質化
英文關鍵詞: Readiness for school organizational reform change, School actualization program (SAP)
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201901027
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:322下載:32
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  • 「面對改變,準備好了嗎?」面對即將發生的未來,我們只想著如何去因應改變,卻忽略了自己是否做好面對未來的準備,多數對於教育改革的研究在於如何因應教育改革、哪些因素為要、對於教育改革的信念與看法為何?過去對於學校組織變革的研究大多對於教育組織變革、校長領導、組織成員抗拒等主題作為探討,少有以組織變革準備度的教育相關研究,故本文希望引介Holt(2007)組織變革準備度的研究,建構學校組織變革準備度量表與其信效度,供於現今面臨高中優質化政策下教育改革的學校,作為自我評估與檢視變革準備度,改進變革準備度不足之處,以利於後續變革的進行。
    本研究以學校為單位,共發放95份問卷,回收率100%,其中排除未參與過該校課程發展與在該校服務年資10年以下之教師,共取50份問卷,參與高優計畫3年以下的學校5份,參與高優計畫4年以上學校45份。接著將蒐集到的填答資料以SPSS 18.0進行基本資料與信度、效度分析─內部一致性α係數與因素分析,研究結果如下:
    二、量表信度檢驗:各構面的內部一致性系數Cronbach's α值皆介於0.7~0.9之間,表示該量表具有良好的信度。

    “Are you ready to face change?” Almost, we just to wonder how to face the change of future, whereas ignoring whether to do something for future. In the past, most researches about educational reform were focused on how to face the reform, importance and the belief and opinion. Most researches of school organizational change were rather focused on education organizational change, principal lead, the resist of organization members than the readiness for organizational change. Therefore, the research would like to combined the research of readiness for organizational change on the business (Holt, 2007) with school organizational change. To construct the measure of the readiness for school organizational change and its reliability and validity for schools that are facing education reform under the School actualization program (SAP) policy, as a self-assessment and review of the readiness for change, improve the lack of preparation for change, in order to facilitate the subsequent changes.
    In this study, 95 questionnaires were distributed in schools. The recovery rate was 100%. Excluding teachers who have not participated in the development of the school curriculum and the service years of the school for less than 10 years, 50 questionnaires were taken. 5 schools have participated in SAP with less than 3 years, and 45 schools have participated in the SAP for more than 4 years. Then, the collected data will be analyzed by SPSS 18.0 for basic data and reliability and validity analysis. The internal consistency α coefficient and factor analysis are as follows:
    1. Readiness for school facing change are divided into four aspects: “change necessity”, “change management support”, “change confidence” and “personal benefit”, a total of 29 questions.
    2. Scale reliability test: The internal consistency coefficient Cronbach's α value of each dimension is between 0.7 and 0.9, indicating that the scale has good reliability.
    3. Scale validity test: factor analysis is used to extract the factor scores of each facet, and then the validity of the scale is tested. The factors loading: the factor load of each item is greater than 0.5; the difference validity: there is no statistically significant correlation between the facets. Validity of the criterion: Each facet and the effect scale are statistically significantly correlated, indicating that the scale has good validity.
    This scale is targeted at school organizations and is different from the readiness for general industry’s scale. The readiness for general industry’s scale are more general, and this study finds that the more specific the problem description is for the school organizational development scale, the letter the better the degree and validity.
    Organizational change is the continuous process of continuous self-improvement and improvement of the organization. Therefore, this scale is also applicable to the school organizations that have been transformed to make regular assessments. It is hoped that the inspection of this scale will make the school organization and development become better.

    第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究動機 2 第二節 研究目的與研究問題 5 第三節 名詞釋義 5 第二章 文獻探討 9 第一節 組織變革與組織變革準備度 9 第二節 組織變革準備度量表建構 16 第三節 學校組織變革之探究 24 第四節 學校組織變革之影響構面 27 第五節 現行學校於108課綱改革實行下所面臨之困境 33 第六節 小結 38 第三章 研究方法 40 第一節 研究流程 40 第二節 研究工具 41 第三節 研究對象 46 第四節 問卷施測 46 第五節 資料處理與分析 47 第四章 結果與討論 51 第一節 學校變革準備度量表內容效度建構 51 第二節 學校準備度量表題項答題反應 56 第三節 學校變革準備度量表信度建構 62 第四節 學校變革準備度量表構念效度之建構 70 第五節 學校變革準備度量表效標關聯效度建構 84 第五章 結論與建議 90 第一節 研究結論 90 第二節 未來研究建議 91 參考文獻 93 附錄一 學校變革準備度量表 99

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