研究生: |
歐于君 Ou, Yu-Jun |
論文名稱: |
行動裝置輔助發音訓練成效: 一個系統性回顧 The Effects of Mobile-Assisted Pronunciation Training: A Systematic Review |
指導教授: |
Chu, His-Chin |
口試委員: |
Tseng, Wen-ta 吳文琪 Wu, Wen-chi 朱錫琴 Chu, His-Chin |
口試日期: | 2021/09/24 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
英語學系 Department of English |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 77 |
中文關鍵詞: | 行動輔助學習 、發音教學 、發音學習應用程式 |
英文關鍵詞: | mobile-assisted learning, pronunciation instruction, pronunciation training applications |
研究方法: | 系統性文獻分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202101865 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:231 下載:21 |
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在英文對話中,良好的發音對於成功的溝通扮演了相當基本而重要的角色;然而,在課室中,因為發音教學耗時也可能降低學生的動機,所以大多數老師並不重視發音教學。隨著科技發展,行動科技可能是輔助發音學習的有效方針,然而,行動輔助發音的相關研究的成效結果不盡相同,也欠缺系統性的統整與回顧,因此本研究旨在回顧實徵研究如何探究行動裝置輔助發音教學成效。研究樣本為 30 篇實徵研究,分析結果顯示 (1) 大部分的行動裝置輔助發音教學研究為發表於2015年後的期刊,並且以英文為第二外語學習情境為多數; (2) 大部分的研究參與者年齡介於18歲到18歲以上,多為就讀大學之學生並有初階的第二外語程度; (3) 大部分的研究在教室裡使用手機來進行發音學習,常用的應用程式為教學型的應用程式,研究時間介於短期-五個禮拜以內、中期-六到十個禮拜;長期-十一到十七個禮拜 (4) 在30篇實徵研究中,研究顯示使用行動裝置輔助發音教學擁有正面成效,大部分的研究交使用單字朗讀來衡量發音教學成效,大部分的研究測量發音元素中的雙音段音位(dual segmental)與超音段音位(suprasegmental)來檢視發音學習成效。根據上述發現,本研究提供一些教學上的建議。
Comprehensible pronunciation is essential for language learners to achieve
successful conversation in speaking. However, pronunciation instruction is still
neglected in classroom due to the fact that it’s time consuming and it might decrease students' motivation. With the features of probability, availability, mobile technology could be a solution to effective pronunciation instruction. However, there are inconsistent result of empirical studies and there is no rigorous synthesis about mobile-assisted pronunciation training up to date. The aim of this systematic review is to investigate the empirical evidence for the feasibility of the mobile-assisted pronunciation training. A total of 30 peer-reviewed articles are analyzed in terms of study characteristic, research participants, research design, learning outcomes in this review. The analysis of the included studies showed that (1) most of pronunciation studies were published journal articles, appeared after 2015 and they were most conducted in EFL (English as foreign language) context; (2) the majority of the research participants were of 18 years of age and above, with a diverse L1 language background. Participants in all studies had English as a target language; (3) The majority of the studies employed mobile phones as the learning device and incorporated teaching application for pronunciation training in the formal setting of classroom. One-third of the studies devoted a short, medium, and long-term duration each for treatment. (4) A majority of the studies reported the positive effect of mobile-assisted pronunciation learning and used controlled reading aloud to measure pronunciation performance. The target features assessed mostly were the dual segmental and suprasegmental. The pedagogical implication is addressed for pronunciation in practice.
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