研究生: |
謝政成 Jeng-Cheng Hsieh |
論文名稱: |
發展自律學習監控及偵測機制提升網路學習之學習成效研究 The Study on Developing a Self-regulated Monitoring and Detecting Mechanisms for Promoting Web-based Learning Performance |
指導教授: |
Hong, Chin-Ming 陳志銘 Chen, Chih-Ming |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
電機工程學系 Department of Electrical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 98 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 76 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自律學習 、自律能力 、學習成效 |
英文關鍵詞: | Self-regulated Learning, Self-regulated Ability, Learning Performance |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:385 下載:0 |
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由於網路快速發展,知識的來源不再侷限於教師的課堂傳授,傳統教學中學習者往往扮演被動學習的角色,教學者只單向的把知識傳授給學習者,因此學習者常常過度依賴教學者,導致學習者缺乏自主思考的能力。一個學習者能否進行有效的自律學習是影響網路學習成效的關鍵。因此本研究在個人化網路學習系統上建置一自律學習監控及偵測機制,以輔助教師即時監控學習者的自律與成效狀態,並據此給予適時回饋,以提升學習者之網路學習成效。本研究以桃園縣某國小四年級學生為實驗對象,分別各取一班為實驗組及一班為控制組。實驗組採用本研究提出之具識別自律學習型態機制之個人化網路學習系統(Personalized e-learning system with identifying self-regulated learning style mechanism, PELS-ISRLSM)進行自律學習;控制組則採用具自律監控學習機制之個人化網路學習系統(Personalized e-learning system with self-regulated learning monitoring mechanism, PELS-SRLMM) (Chen, 2009)進行學習。實驗處理以為期兩週數學「分數」單元的教學,探討本研究發展之PELS-ISRLSM在輔助自律學習上是否優於PELS-SRLMM。結果顯示不論是採用PELS-ISRLSM或者PELS-SRLMM對進行自律學習,其學習成效提昇均達顯著差異;但是使用PELS-ISRLSM系統之學習者在自律表現上優於使用PELS-SRLMM系統之學習者,且在提升自律能力上具有顯著差異;不同性別之學習者其自律能力與學習成效呈部分相關性,可透過自律能力預測學習成效。
As the fast development of web knowledge sources are no longer limited to classroom teachers teach, learners tend to play the traditional teaching of the role of passive learning and teaching are just one way to imparting knowledge to learners, so learners often over-reliance on teaching , leading to a lack of autonomous learners ability to think. A learner can carry out effective self-learning is the key to influence the effectiveness of online learning. In this study, the personalized online learning systems, build a self-learning monitoring and detecting mechanisms to assist teachers with real-time monitoring the learning performance, and thus to give timely feedback to enhance the online learning performance. In this study, fourth-grade students in Taoyuan County Elementary School were divided into one experimental group and one control group in this experiment. Experimental group used the personalized e-learning system with identifying self-regulated learning style mechanism, PELS-ISRLSM, proposed by this study; control group used personalized e-learning system with self-regulated learning monitoring mechanism, PELS-SRLMM (Chen, 2009). The experimental treatment of two weeks the "Fraction" unit of Mathematics to explore the research and development of PELS-ISRLSM in supporting self-learning is better than the PELS-SRLMM. The results showed that both the use of PELS-ISRLSM or PELS-SRLMM right to self-learning, improve their learning outcomes reached significant difference; but using PELS-ISRLSM system performance of learners in self-regulation is better than using the PELS-SRLMM system learners and the ability to enhance self-discipline are significantly different; learners of different gender and learning outcomes of their self-regulated ability was part of the correlation can predict the effectiveness of learning through the self-regulated ability.
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