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研究生: 陳怡卉
論文名稱: 初級華語教材行為文化研究─以問候語及讚美語語對為例
Behavioral Cultures in CFL Beginner Textbooks: Using Adjecency Pairs of Greetings and Compliments as References
指導教授: 曾金金
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 華語文教學系
Department of Chinese as a Second Language
論文出版年: 2012
畢業學年度: 100
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 107
中文關鍵詞: 初級華語教材教材分析行為文化問候語讚美語
英文關鍵詞: CFL beginner textbooks, material analysis, behavioral cultures, greetings, compliments
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:676下載:95
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  • Hammerly(1982)將文化劃分為成就文化、信息文化以及行為文化三類。而根據Yu(2009)調查,行為文化佔初級華語教材文化內容比重的83.3%,顯示行為文化在初級華語教學中的重要性。然而目前對於初級華語教材中的行為文化內容研究仍顯不足。有鑑於此,本研究採內容分析法針對中、台、美、法四地通行的六本初級華語教材為研究材料,以問候及讚美為行為文化代表範例,探討教材中問候語及讚美語語對之內容以及對話關係,旨在了解教材中的華人行為文化內涵及不同教材的特點。

    Hammerly (1982) described culture in three categories or divisions: achievement culture, informational culture, and behavioral culture. Yu (2010) noted that behavioral culture weighs the heaviest at an average of 83.3% among the CFL Beginner textbooks. This shows that behavioral culture is an important component in teaching Chinese as a foreign language at the beginner level. However, there has been relatively little research conducted on behavioral culture in CFL beginner textbooks. Therefore, the present study aims to investigate Chinese behavioral culture in CFL textbooks and to address the similarities and differences among various materials. Six leading beginning-level Chinese language textbooks were used in this study, and adjacency pairs of greetings and compliments were taken as references.
    The present study identifies three types of greetings: declarative forms, address forms, and situational form. In addition, the greetings will be discussed in two categories according to their simplex or complex form. The results of this study show that simplex and complex forms accounted for 37.8% and 62.2% respectively of greeting forms in CFL beginner textbooks. On the other hand, we discover that some complex greetings didn’t reflect Chinese social interaction norms in the research, since they use both of the declarative greetings “Nihao”, which suggests alienation, and the use of nicknames and kin names, which suggest a sense of familiarity, at the same time. The usage in the textbooks would probably pose a negative effect on the CFL learning.
    As for the compliment research, the present study sorts the compliments in the materials into four types: appearance, performance, character, and possessions. The research shows that 85% of the compliments are on the topic of performance in the 6 CFL textbooks, whereas most of the textbooks include no compliment on the topic of appearance. Yet, that is the most frequent topic tended to use by the Chinese native speakers. The study also discusses the function of compliments and the compliment responses. The findings demonstrate that both the materials published in Mainland China and in France tend to make use of “rejection” strategies, while only the materials published in Taiwan and in the U.S introduced the “acceptance” strategies, which Chinese native speakers tend to adopt nowadays.
    Additionally, based upon the results of this research, some suggestions are given for language teaching and material compiling, as well for the reference of material design and research in the future.

    目錄 IV 表目錄 VII 圖目錄 VIII 第一章 緒論 1 1.1 研究背景及動機 1 1.2 研究目的及問題 3 1.3 名詞釋義 3 1.3.1 初級華語教材 4 1.3.2 行為文化 4 1.3.3語對 5 1.3.4社會變項 5 1.4 本文架構 5 第二章 文獻探討 7 2.1 第二語言文化教學的理論基礎 7 2.1.1 第二語言文化教學的定位及目標 7 2.1.2 華語教材文化內容評估原則 9 2.1.3 初級華語教材文化內容研究現況 14 2.2 語用研究與第二語言文化教學 16 2.2.1 語用學研究在第二語言文化教學的應用 16 2.2.2 語用學與會話禮貌原則 19 2.2.3 交際策略與模式 23 2.3 華語行為文化比較的理論基礎 24 2.3.1 華人行為文化的社會取向特徵 24 2.3.2 問候語相關文獻回顧 27 2.3.3 讚美語相關文獻回顧 33 第三章 研究方法 38 3.1 研究方法設定 38 3.2 研究架構及流程 39 3.3 資料蒐集方法 41 3.3.1 研究材料選定及說明 41 3.3.2 界定資料類別及記錄單位 44 3.4 資料處理及分析 45 3.4.1 問候語分析架構 45 3.4.2 讚美語分析架構 46 第四章 華語教材問候語內容比較 47 4.1 單一型問候語 47 4.1.1 宣示問候語 47 4.1.2 稱呼問候語 49 4.1.3 情境問候語 51 4.2 複合型問候語 55 4.2.1 複合型問候語:稱呼+宣示 56 4.2.2 複合型問候語:稱呼+情境 60 4.3 華語教材問候語分布情形 64 4.4 與英法語教材問候語比較 66 第五章 華語教材讚美語內容比較 70 5.1 讚美主題 70 5.2 讚美語用功能 76 5.3 讚美回應比較 80 5.3.1 讚美回應策略介紹 80 5.3.2 華語教材讚美回應策略分布情形 81 5.4 與英法教材讚美語比較結果 91 第六章 結論與建議 94 6.1 教材研究結論 94 6.1.1問候語研究結論 94 6.1.2讚美語研究結論 95 6.2 教材使用與編輯建議 96 6.3後續研究建議及展望 98 參考文獻 100 附錄一 外語教材文化教學檢核清單 107

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