研究生: |
張皓甯 Chang, Hao-Ning |
論文名稱: |
情境感知遊戲式博物館導覽中參與者之混合存浸感與自我導向學習之探討 Participant’s Mixed Reality Immersence and Self-directed Learning in Context-Aware Museum Mobile Game |
指導教授: | 王健華 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
圖文傳播學系 Department of Graphic Arts and Communications |
論文出版年: | 2017 |
畢業學年度: | 105 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 98 |
中文關鍵詞: | 情境感知導覽 、混合實境遊戲 、混合存浸感 、存在感 、沉浸度 、自我導向學習傾向 、數位博物館 |
英文關鍵詞: | context-aware guide, mixed reality game, mixed reality immersence, presence, immersion, self-directed learning readiness, digital museum |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202547 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:354 下載:19 |
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本研究建置出情境感知遊戲式博物館導覽應用程式Genie Hunter,為混合實境遊戲,此種遊戲任務分配模式會使得參與者需要在真實環境及虛擬環境中尋找遊戲線索以達成任務,參與者隨著遊戲的情境脈絡、闖關任務與挑戰,將持續或漸進的融入在遊戲中,在整個遊戲過程中參與者的心理上被轉移到虛實共構的環境中產生與以往不同的心理感受,本研究稱之為混合存浸感。藉由研究的過程,實際了解參與者在情境感知遊戲式博物館導覽中產生的混合存浸感,並且探討混合存浸感與自我導向學習傾向的相關性,以及混合存浸感與自我導向學習傾向對於學習成效或MR學習體驗是否有影響。
In recent years, there are several researches developing the new type of museum guidance by integrating context aware guidance and game-base mobile learning. Such methods can provide participants appropriate information by leveraging the portability of mobile devices and capability of data retrieval. Participants also can perform context-triggered actions to do self-learning when approaching objects.
This research develops a game application Genie Hunter which supports context-aware museums guidance. Genie Hunter is a mixed reality game which enables participants acting in virtual and real environment base on the hint to fulfill the task. Participants can be gradually involved in the game with scenarios, tasks and challenges of the game. In addition, participants may have different perceptual response from before due to mentally remaining in virtual and real co-existence environment in the flow of the game. In this study, such finding is called as mixed reality immersense. This research practically discovers the mixed reality immersense as participants engage in context aware museum guidance. It also evaluates the relationship between mixed reality immersense and self-directed learning readiness. Furthermore, the influence of mixed reality immersense and self-directed learning readiness on learning results and MR learning experience is discussed.
This research shows the participants can advance learning results after joining in context aware game base museum guidance. In the descriptive statistics shows that different self-directed learners have different learning results and need for further analysis. In terms of mixed reality immersense, those who have high mixed reality immersense can fulfill the task quickly, win the game and have better MR learning experience. The research suggests self-directed learning in a mixed reality game is a good learning strategy for development. The influence of mixed reality immersense on MR learning experience and interaction experience of the game should be taken into consideration for learning context and game design.
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