研究生: |
林欣怡 Li, Shin-Yi |
論文名稱: |
公共衛生人員之組織充能,心理充能與工作滿意度,組織承諾相關因素之探討 The research on the relationship between organizational empowerment, psychological empowerment and work satisfaction, organizational commitment for public health workers. |
指導教授: |
Liu, Chieh-Hsing |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2006 |
畢業學年度: | 94 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 公共衛生人員 、組織充能 、心理充能 、工作滿意度 、組織承諾 、結構方程模式 |
英文關鍵詞: | public health worker, organizational empowerment, psychological empowerment, work satisfaction, organizational commitment, structural equation model |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:474 下載:55 |
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本研究引用「基層醫療人員充能教育模組發展與成效評價(1/2)」(劉潔心等,2004)第一年調查之部份資料進行次級資料分析。研究對象選取北區各公共衛生所人員,共計約670人,回收649份,有效樣本回收率為85.97%。本研究依Kanter(1977,1979,1993)提出充組織能理論與Spreitzer (1995)則基於Thomas與Velthouse (1990)所提出之心理充能模式為主;選取問卷之部份變項以重新建構為本研究架構之重要變項。
The research of empower is growing to attach important to apparatus and organization. However, if the organization can provide a empowerment environment which can improve their perceived of empowerment, then improve their work satisfaction, organizational commitment. Additionally, alleviate the burnout or turnover intention that derived from working pressure. As regards the public health workers who confronted by occupational activities had been conditioned, that factors should certainly be cogitated. The research proposed to realize that public health workers’ demography based-data, organizational empowerment, psychological empowerment, work satisfaction, organizational commitment and the correlation between these variables. And further, building a model of these four variables, so clearing the influence of indirect and direct, demonstrating theory of organizational empowerment and psychological empowerment.
Using secondary data analysis of a year quasi-experimental test design-The empowerment instructional model and evaluation of primary health professionals. The subject of the research was the public health workers from the north in Taiwan, that counted up the samples are 670. There are 649 copies of questionnaires received( 85.97% of considered valid response rate). This research according to Kanter’s organizational empowerment theory (1977,1979,1993) , Spreitzer (1995) bottomed on psychological empowerment which be claimed by Thomas and Velthouse(1990). Extracting from a part of variables from the questionnaire , then built the major variables of this research.
The research achievements are listed as follows: 1. Public health workers consisted mostly of women(99.5%), 31-40years old (39.8%), married(82.1%), with academy education (60.53%), and abundant in work experience. Besides, public health workers that facing the occupational activities and organization reform of health center, only a minority of public health workers participated in in-service education or training. 2. Organizational empowerment, psychological empowerment, work satisfaction, organizational commitment were average and these are high correlation with each other. 3. At the directed and indirect effect of latent variables: organizational empowerment could direct effective to predict psychological empowerment and work satisfaction, but couldn’t on organizational commitment. However, organizational empowerment should get past the work satisfaction or psychological empowerment, so it could indirectly effective to predict organizational commitment.
According to this result, advising the health centers should strengthen the work environment, so the members will promote their perceived of empowerment and work satisfaction. Then, it could avail to alleviate burnout and turnover intent which derived from working pressure, and improve the public health workers’ service quality and work efficiency. The research result could be regarded as the policy or management consultation in public health administrative organization.
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桃園縣衛生局 (無日期).所屬衛生所組織架構圖.2004年5月17日取自:
彰化縣衛生局(無日期) .所屬衛生所組織架構圖.2004年5月17日取自:
臺南縣衛生局(無日期) .所屬衛生所組織架構圖.2004年5月17日取自: