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研究生: 楊雅嵐
YaLan Yang
論文名稱: 利用約略集合理論預測4G手機消費者偏好
4G Mobile Phone Consumer Preference Predictions by Using the Rough Set Theory
指導教授: 黃啟祐
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 工業教育學系
Department of Industrial Education
論文出版年: 2010
畢業學年度: 98
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 72
中文關鍵詞: 4G手機消費者行為約略集合理論流向圖形式概念分析法
英文關鍵詞: 4G, Mobile phone, Consumer behavior, Rough Set Theory, Flow Graphs, Formal Concept Analysis
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:351下載:0
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  • At the moment, when mobile phone users are demanding more mobile phone features as well as broader bandwidth, the 4G wireless telecommunication standard is emerging. However, how to define appropriate mobile phone features toward various market segmentations to fulfill customers’ needs and minimize the manufacturing cost has become one of the most important issues for 4G mobile phone manufacturers. Thus, a rule based consumer behavior forecast mechanism will be very helpful for marketers and designers of the mobile phone manufacturers to understand and realize. Moreover, precise prediction rules for consumer behavior being derived by the forecast mechanism can be very useful for marketers and designers to define the features of the next generation mobile phones. Therefore, in the pre-process, we utilized Rough Set Theory (RST) that found decision rules to construct the decision table, and approach to data mining and knowledge discovery based on information flow distribution in a flow graph. The post-process applied the formal concept analysis (FCA) from these suitable rules to explore the attribute relationship and the most important factors affecting the preference of customers for the 4G mobile phone features. An empirical study on Taiwanese mobile phone users will be leveraged for verifying the feasibility of the proposed forecast mechanism. Meanwhile, the proposed consumer behavior forecast mechanism can be leveraged on defining features of other high technology products/services.

    Abstract i List of Figures v List of Tables vi Chapter 1 Introduction 1 1.1 Background and motivation 1 1.2 Purpose and Research Methods 3 1.3 Results of this Research 4 1.4 Thesis Structure 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review 6 2.1 Consumer Behavior 6 2.2 Consumer Behavior in High technology market 11 2.3 The RST Applications 13 Chapter 3 Analytical Framework and Methods 15 3.1 Rough Set Theory 15 3.1.1 Information system: 16 3.1.2 Indiscernibility relation: 16 3.1.3 Lower and upper approximations: 16 3.1.4 Independence of attributes: 16 3.1.5 Core and reduct attributes: 17 3.1.6 Classification: 17 3.1.7 Decision table: 18 3.1.8 Decision rules: 18 3.1.9 The measures of quality in classification: 19 3.2 Flow Graphs 19 3.3 FCA and Background 22 3.3.1 The concept of FCA 23 3.4 Modified Delphi Method 24 Chapter4 Empirical Study 26 4.1 The History of Mobile Phone 26 4.2 4G mobile phone 27 4.3 Evolution from 3G to 4G 28 4.4 Applications of 4G 30 4.5 Process of this study 31 4.5.1 Attributes domain definition and the decision table 34 4.5.2 Approximation calculation 36 4.5.3 The reducts of attributes and the core of attributes 36 4.5.4 Developing the decision rules 38 4.5.5 Rules validation 41 4.5.6 Using the flow graphs 47 4.5.7 Using the Formal Concept Analysis 49 Chapter 5 Discussion 50 Chapter 6 Conclusions 56 References 57 Appendix 62

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