研究生: |
吳潔萍 WU, Chieh-Ping |
論文名稱: |
運動舞蹈愛好參與者深度休閒及主觀幸福感之研究 A Study on Dance Sport Participants’ Serious Leisure and Subject Well-being |
指導教授: |
Chu, Wen-Tseng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
運動休閒與餐旅管理研究所 Graduate Institute of Sport, Leisure and Hospitality Management |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 238 |
中文關鍵詞: | 運動舞蹈 、運動舞蹈愛好者 、深度休閒 、主觀幸福感 |
英文關鍵詞: | Dance Sport, Dance Sport Enthusiasts, Serious Leisure, Subject Well-being |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:485 下載:109 |
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本研究主要探討運動舞蹈者之參與行為、深度休閒及主觀幸福感情形。對象為大臺北地區的運動舞蹈愛好者,工具採用Gould等 (2008) 之18構面54題項深度休閒量表,以及「中國人幸福感量表」20題項,共回收有效問卷590份。研究結果發現: (1) 運動舞蹈參與者有陰盛陽衰及熟齡情形。 (2) 平均舞齡7.09年、練舞時數每週4.9時,顯示愛好者之規律且持續參與行為。 (3) 愛好者從運動舞蹈中獲得「自我享受及活力」最大,「財務回饋」最小。 (4) 幸福感受上,一般愛好者高於學校社團,已婚大於未婚,月收入高感受也較高。 (5) 深度休閒及幸福感在不同人口背景變項下,參與行為因不同程度差別達到顯著性差異:已婚、自由業、月平均收入高者,深度休閒涉入程度也高。舞齡、練舞時數、表演及參賽得獎次數、舞蹈花費等越多,深度休閒特質越明顯。參賽及得獎次數高、舞蹈花費多、自評舞蹈「容易」,有較高的幸福感受。六、深度休閒與主觀幸福感有顯著正相關,且深度休閒可以預測主觀幸福感,「努力及堅持不懈」是預測幸福感最有效的變項。
The aim of this study was to discuss Participation Behavior, Serious Leisure, and Subject Well-being of participants of Dance Sport. The subjects were enthusiastic participants of Dance Sport in Taipei area. Study tool: 54 questionnaires in 18 factors quoted by “the Serious Leisure Inventory and Measure” the SLIM short form (Gould et al., 2008) ,and 20 questionnaires by “Chinese Happiness Inventory, CHI”. There were 590 valid copies of the survey. Study results showed the followings: (1) Female participants are much more than male. Also it showed an aging situation in Dance Sport. (2) Average dancing duration was 7.09 years; practice frequency was 4.9 hours per week. The result showed that participants were involved in Dance Sport consistently and in a regular pattern. (3) The Factor of “Self-enjoyment and Re-creation” was the highest score in Serious Leisure, while “Financial Return” was the lowest score. (4) The degree of regular participants was higher than school group, married was higher than unmarried, and high salary was higher as well in “Well-being” category. (5) For Serious Leisure and Subject Well-being, different demographic background variables, different degrees of participation behavior displayed significant differences. Participants who were married, self-employed and higher salary had higher involvement. The obvious qualities to whom had longer dance age and more practice frequency; gained more numbers of performances and competition winners; and spent more were high in Serious Leisure. The partiicipants who had more participation and wins, more spending, and self-measurement "easy" level in Dance Sport gained better Well-being. (6) The study showed significant positive correlation in Serious Leisure and Subject Well-being, and different degrees of Serious Leisure can predict level in Subject Well-being. "Hard working and perseverance" is the most effective variable to predict happiness.
Not only were the explanations of the findings offered, but the applications were provided. To courage adults to enhance self-realization by in depth participation as the way to promote Dance Sport; and to well understand the participation motives, obstruction, and satisfaction of today's students and consider both learning skills and fun as we postulated Dance Sport was a life-time learning activity by stimulating consistent involvement. Investment spending of Dance Sport was different by person.Therefore we distinguished the target market into "leisure enthusiasts" and "general participants” and planned appropriated marketing strategies to meet the different ethnic groups of Dance Sport enthusiasts. The public sector provided the resources to encourage enthusiasts and amateurs to be teachers in their spare time contributing greatly to Dance Sport promotion.
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