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研究生: 翁崇恩
論文名稱: 建構職能模式評鑑項目之研究
指導教授: 朱益賢
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 科技應用與人力資源發展學系
Department of Technology Application and Human Resource Development
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 94
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 153
中文關鍵詞: 職能職能模式評鑑項目德懷術
英文關鍵詞: Competency, Competency Model, Assessment Items, Delphi Technique
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:406下載:88
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  • 本研究旨在建構職能模式之評鑑項目,透過探討文獻建立職能模式的評鑑構面,透過德懷術問卷調查分析各個評鑑項目的重要性,同時綜合分析研究結果及提出建議,以作為未來企業評鑑職能模式效用之參考。

    This study aims to establish the assessment items of competency model. For consulting references and applying the questionnaire of Delphi technique, the dimensions and the importance of each assessment items has been demonstrated and analyzed by the researcher to arrive at a conclusion as offering a future reference resource in the effectiveness of the enterprise competency models.
    The “Delphi Technique Expert Questionnaires” were circulated to twelve professionals in Delphi Technique as being examined and revised in the three-round-survey for proposing the formal questionnaire. Thereafter, the statistical methods, such as mean, mode, and quartile were used to analyze the collected results of the formal questionnaires in this research.
    There are five dimensions of assessment items in competency model, which is “Recruiting and Selection”, “Training Development”, “Performance Appraisal”, “Career Development”, and “Human Resource Planning”, has been concluded by this research. Moreover, the conclusive analyzed results of these five dimensions were shown separately as below.
    First, on the dimension of “Recruiting and Selection”, there were three items, “the level of fit with a new employee’s ability and the requirement of the job”, “the flow rate of new employees within the first year”, “and the perpetuation rate of new employees on probation”, meeting the “very important” scale; besides, another two items meeting the “important” scale.
    Secondly, on the dimension of “Training Development”, “the tangibility of the evaluation of the goal of the training” met the “very important” scale; otherwise, another eleven items belonged to the “important” scale.
    Thirdly, on the dimension of “Performance Appraisal”, “the level of feedback about an employee’s performance from his/her superintendent” met the “very important” scale; in addition, seven other items belonged to the “important” scale.
    Fourthly, on the dimension of “Career Development”, there were two items, “The staff wants the duty which takes over to need ability it “to be clear about the degree”. The other one, “the ratio of that the company can assess potential employees”; four other items meeting the “important” scale.
    Fifthly, on the dimension of “Human Resource Planning”, the results shows one very important item, “the specificity of the work content design, which means whether the title and content of work can be matched or not”, was referred to the very important scale; five other items belonged to the “important” scale.

    Conclusively, this research reveals two directions for the future direction of the enterprises and the follow-up research.
    For the enterprises, the “very important” items should be first considered; additionally, quantitative and qualitative items should be correlated with an appropriated evaluation method.
    As for the follow-up research, the deep interviews should be held for pursuit of the actual reasons, and the more different backgrounds of Delphi technique experts should be invited to testify the accordance with the academic and piratical fields, yet a case study should be made to an individual company to establish appropriated assessment items and methods.

    Keywords:Competency 、Competency Model、Assessment Items、
    Delphi Technique

    目錄 中文摘要 I ABSTRACT III 目錄 VI 表次 VIII 圖次 X 第一章 緒論 1 第一節 研究背景與動機 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 3 第三節 研究範圍與限制 4 第四節 重要名詞釋義 6 第二章 文獻探討 7 第一節 職能模式 7 第二節 職能模式的現況與應用 18 第三節 人力資源效能項目 27 第四節 德懷術 36 第三章 研究設計與實施 41 第一節 研究方法 41 第二節 研究架構 43 第三節 研究實施及流程 44 第四節 研究對象 50 第五節 研究工具 55 第六節 資料分析 57 第四章 研究結果 59 第一節 問卷調查結果分析 59 第二節 研究結果整理 92 第五章 結論與建議 97 第一節 研究結論 97 第二節 研究建議 104 參考文獻 107 一、中文文獻 107 二、英文文獻 111 附錄 117 附錄一 專家審查名單(依筆劃順序排列) 117 附錄二「建構職能模式評鑑項目之研究」德懷術專家之徵求信函 118 附錄三 建構職能模式評鑑項目之德懷術專家問卷(第一回) 119 附錄四 建構職能模式評鑑項目之德懷術專家問卷(第二回) 125 附錄五 建構職能模式評鑑項目之德懷術專家問卷(第三回) 131 附錄六 德懷術專家問卷三回合各構面項目的統計結果 137 表次 表2-1 企業導入職能模式之原因 18 表2-2 建立職能模式之方法 20 表2-3 職能模式運用處 21 表2-4 公司產業別與職能模式運用狀況之比較 22 表2-5 職能模式相關研究 24 表2-6 職能於人力資源管理的效益 25 表2-7 人力資源管績效評估之準則矩陣 30 表2-8 人力資源績效衡量指標 32 表3-1 德懷術三回合問卷的實施情形 48 表3-2 德懷術三回合問卷的回收率 49 表3-3 德懷術專家名單 50 表3-4 專家所屬公司之背景資料 52 表3-5 表格填答範例及配置 55 表4-1 職能模式評鑑項目第一回問卷招募甄選構面填答結果統計表 61 表4-2 職能模式評鑑項目第二回問卷招募甄選構面填答結果統計表 63 表4-3 職能模式評鑑項目第三回問卷招募甄選構面填答結果統計表 65 表4-4 職能模式評鑑項目第一回問卷教育訓練構面填答結果統計表 69 表4-5 職能模式評鑑項目第二回問卷教育訓練構面填答結果統計表 71 表4-6 職能模式評鑑項目第三回問卷教育訓練構面填答結果統計表 74 表4-7 職能模式評鑑項目第一回問卷績效評估構面填答結果統計表 76 表4-8 職能模式評鑑項目第二回問卷績效評估構面填答結果統計表 78 表4-9 職能模式評鑑項目第三回問卷績效評估構面填答結果統計表 80 表4-10 職能模式評鑑項目第一回問卷生涯發展構面填答結果統計表 82 表4-11 職能模式評鑑項目第二回問卷生涯發展構面填答結果統計表 83 表4-12 職能模式評鑑項目第三回問卷生涯發展構面填答結果統計表 85 表 4-13 職能模式評鑑項目第一回問卷人力資源規劃構面填答結計表 87 表4-14 職能模式評鑑項目第二回問卷人力資源規劃構面填答結果統計表 89 表4-15 職能模式評鑑項目第三回問卷人力資源規劃構面填答結果統計表 91 表4-16 達非常重要之評鑑項目 92 表4-17 達重要之評鑑項目 94 圖次 圖2-1 職能的冰山模型 10 圖2-2 標準職能評鑑流程 15 圖2-3 專家會議法之流程 16 圖3-1 研究架構圖 43 圖3-2 研究流程圖 45 圖3-3 德懷術調查程序流程圖 47

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