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研究生: 謝佳琳
論文名稱: 人稱代詞之中文口語言談功能探析:文類比較
Discourse Functions of Personal Pronouns in Spoken Chinese: A Genre Comparison
指導教授: 張妙霞
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2013
畢業學年度: 101
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 106
中文關鍵詞: 人稱代名詞非典範用法文類比較言談目的話題
英文關鍵詞: personal pronoun, non-canonical use, genre comparison, speech goal, topic
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:516下載:15
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  • 本文採共時分析比較不同文類之中文人稱代名詞在言談中的使用情況。在不同的語境下,人稱代詞可呈現典範(canonical)或非典範(non-canonical)用法。過往文獻多著墨非典範用法的描述與分類,忽略探究人稱代詞於真實情境之應用。本研究以溝通互動為基準,以電視訪談秀(TV interviews)及日常對話(daily conversations)為分析之來源。研究結果顯示人稱代詞在不同文類呈現頻率分佈與功能之差異。非典型單數代詞於電視訪談秀中出現頻率高於日常談話。談話者頻繁的使用非典型單數代詞(特別是第一與第二人稱單數)使得代詞具備較多元功能,也提高非典型用法在電視談話秀的頻率。探析人稱代詞之分佈與功能之異同,本文主張其差異來自不同文類中談話目的(speech goal)與話題(topic)之迥異。以觀眾為主(audience-oriented)的談話主題藉由人稱代詞之非典範用法,吸引未在場聽者之融入參與,以達成其言談目的。反之,以言談參與者為導向(participant-oriented)的日常談話,著重於談話者間人際往來互動(interpersonal relation),故典範用法較常見於會話之中。總而論之,中文人稱代詞兼具典範用法與非典範用法之功能,其使用情形因不同文類之言談目的與話題影響而變異。

    The current study conducts a synchronic investigation in examining the uses of Chinese personal pronouns in distinct speech genres. Personal pronouns can be regarded as deictic (canonical) or non-deictic (non-canonical) under various contexts. Previous studies regarding the non-canonical use fail to provide a systematic analysis of pronoun uses; nor do they address the uses of pronouns in different genres. Built on the interactive nature of communication, two spoken genres, TV interviews and daily conversations are used for qualitative and quantitative comparison. The results indicate the asymmetric frequency distribution and functional distinction. The singular personal pronouns are more frequent in TV interviews than in daily conversations. The speakers tend to adopt the non-canonical singular form (especially the first and second person) whose constant occurrences lead to the diverse functions of these pronouns and further increase the token frequency in the TV talk. A further investigation of the distribution and function differences reveals that these differences are due to different speech purposes and dissimilar topics in speech. In TV talk, the audience-oriented topics aim at attracting the involvement and participation of the non-present hearers, and the inclusion of others can be achieved by adopting atypical personal pronouns. On the other hand, the participant-oriented conversations focus on the interpersonal relation of the speech participants, and thus the more occurrence of the canonical use. To conclude, Chinese personal pronouns display various functions aside from its deictic meaning and the pronoun uses are under the influence of the speech purposes and topics in different speech genres.

    Chinese Abstract………………………………………………………………………............i English Abstract……………………………………………………………………............ii Acknowledgments………………………………………………………………….............iii Table of Contents……………………………………………………………….............iv List of Tables…………………………………………………………………………............vi Transcription Notation………………………………………................vii Chapter One Introduction……………………………………..................1 1.1 Background, Motivation and Purpose…………….............1 1.2 Data and Methodology………………………………….…………….............2 1.3 Organization………………………………..………………………………….............3 Chapter Two Literature Review…………………………………….............4 2.1 Canonical Use: Deictic Referential Expression………....4 2.2 Non-canonical Use: Deictic and Non-deictic Reference…7 2.2.1 First Person Pronouns…………………….....................8 First Person Singular…………………………………..............8 First Person Plural…………………………………………............11 2.2.2 Second Person Pronouns: Singular and Plural……....14 2.2.3 Third Person Pronouns………………………………………………….........23 Third Person Singular…………………………………………….........23 Third Person Plural………………………………………………..........32 2.3 Summary……………………………………………………………………….............33 Chapter Three Personal Pronouns in Two Speech Genres………35 3.1 Overall Results………………………………..……………………………......…...35 3.2 Non-canonical Uses of Personal Pronouns……………….....36 3.2.1 First Person Singular Pronoun: Wo ‘I’ ……………...………36 Impersonal Use……………………………………………............……..36 Dramatic Use…………………………………………………................40 Metalinguistic Use…………………………………………........…....44 Summary of First Person Singular………………….…………...45 3.2.2 Second Person Singular Pronoun: Ni ‘you’ ……………………46 Metalinguistic Use………………………………………............……46 Impersonal Use…………………………………………………..............49 Dramatic Use……………………………………………………...............53 Summary of Second Person Singular……………………………...58 3.2.3 Third Person Singular Pronoun: Ta ‘s/he’.………………….58 Redundant Use……………………………………………………..............59 Generic Use……………………………………………………................61 Inferred Use……………………………………………………...............63 Summary of Third Person Singular………………………………...66 3.2.4 First Person Plural Pronoun: Women ‘We’.………………………67 Vague Use……………………………………………………….................67 Summary of First Person Plural…………………………………....74 3.2.5 Second Person Plural Pronoun: Nimen ‘You’ …………………74 3.2.6 Third Person Plural Pronoun: Tamen ‘They’ …………………76 Inferred Use……………………………………………………...............77 Vague Use……………………………………………………..................79 Summary of Third Person Plural……………………………….....81 3.3 Summary.....……………………………..………………………………………...........81 Chapter Four Comparison of the Two Speech Genres…………………82 4.1 Speech Goal........……....……………………………….………………………....84 4.2 Topic...……………………………………….…………………………………..............87 4.3 Summary................…………………………………………………………......92 Chapter Five Conclusion…………………………………………………………..........94 Reference………………………………………………………………………...................95

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