研究生: |
劉瓊珊 Liu, Chiung-Shan |
論文名稱: |
Bowen自我分化諮商團體於共依附特質傾向青少年之成效與療效因素初探 The Effects and Therapeutic Factors of a Counseling Group Based on Bowen's Concept of Self-Differentiation for Adolescents with Codependency in Taiwan. |
指導教授: |
Chang, Shih-Hua |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2016 |
畢業學年度: | 104 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 123 |
中文關鍵詞: | 人際親密能力 、共依附 、自我分化 、自我概念 、青少年 、諮商團體 、Bowen理論 |
英文關鍵詞: | Adolescents, Codependency, Counseling group, Interpersonal competence, Self-concept, Differentiation of self, Bowen theory |
DOI URL: | https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202205174 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:825 下載:42 |
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本研究旨在探討Bowen自我分化諮商團體於共依附特質傾向青少年的成效與療效因素。本研究採混合研究之嵌入式設計,主要以質性研究探討本團體對於具共依附特質傾向且有感情困擾之青少年的幫助和療效因素;輔以量化研究探討本團體於提升共依附特質傾向青少年之自我分化、人際親密能力、及自我概念之成效。本研究採前實驗設計之單組前後測設計,並增加團體結束後三個月的追蹤測,依據Bowen理論的自我分化概念,設計八週,每週二小時,共十六小時的諮商團體。本研究六位團體成員為北部某專科五專生,其在中文版共依附量表(The Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale)之平均分數高於3.00,於目前或曾經有感情困擾且自覺在關係中有共依附特質傾向。本研究於團體前後,並於團體結束後三個月時進行量表施測,團體結束後一週進行半結構訪談;量化資料以無母數Wilcoxon配對符號等級檢定進行分析,質性資料則以現象學為研究取向,並以主題分析法進行編碼及分析。
This study aimed to explore the effects and therpaeutic factors of a counseling group based on Bowen's concept of self-differentiation for adolescents with codependency in Taiwan. The study used a mixed method embedded design. The primary purpose of the study was to explore the helpfulness and therapeutic factors of counseling group for adolescents with codependency and intimate relationship problems. The secondary purpose of the study was to examine the effects of the counseling group on improving members' differentiation of self, interpersonal competence, and self-concept. The group model consisted of eight two-hour sessions for a total of sixteen hours for eight weeks. The participants were six female students in a five-year junior college in Taipei, who had an average score greater than 3 on the Chinese version of the Spann-Fischer Codependency Scale. They also experienced codpendent relationships or had problems in the current or past intimate relationships.
Quantitative data were collected at the pre-group, post-group and three-month follow up on the Chinese versions of the Differentiation of Self Inventory, Interpersonal Competence Questionnaire, and Tennessee Self-Concept Scale. The Wilcoxon Matched-Pairs Signed-Ranks Test was used to analyze guantitative data. With semi-structured interviews and a phenomenological approach, qualitative data were coded and analyzed using thematic analysis.
Participants' perceptions of the ways in which the group was helpful included: (1) progress of individuation and differentiation, (2) balance of intimacy and autonomy, (3) learning solutions for relationship problems. The therapeutic factors of the group included: (1) awareness of the experiences in family and interpersonal interaction, (2) realizing and empathizing with the experiences of others, (3) a warm environment of trust and feedback exchange in the group, (4) helping members solve problems. The quantitative results showed that there were immediate effects of the counseling group on differentiation of self, interpersonal competence, and social self-concept, but no immediate effects were found for psychological self-concept. At the three-month follow up, significant effects were found for interpersonal competence, and social self-concept, but none were found for differentiation of self, psychological self-concept.
The implications of these findings for group counseling and suggestions for future research are discussed.
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