研究生: |
楊淑涵 Shu-Han Yang |
論文名稱: |
選擇非傳統學習領域之四技女生生涯決定歷程之敘說研究 The Narrative Research of Career Decision-making Process for Female Non-traditional Undergraduate |
指導教授: |
Jin, Shuh-Ren |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 153頁 |
中文關鍵詞: | 女性生涯發展 、非傳統學習領域 、敘說研究 、生涯決定歷程 |
英文關鍵詞: | Female career development, Non-traditional fields, Narrative research, Career decision-making process |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:319 下載:105 |
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The purpose of this study is to understand the developmental context of career themes of the female students who study in non-traditional fields of technology program at an accredited four-year university. Furthermore, researcher interprets their career anticipation in details after re-telling. Consequently, from the perspective of ecological context, researcher highlights the society’s cultural background that affects the process of female students’ career decision-making.
This study is based on three female sophomores who regard the technology program as their major at a four-year university. The methodologies thesis is divided into two categories: narrative research, and the analysis of holistic content and hermeneutic circle. Several findings according to the data analysis are as follows:
1.The development contexts of the three female sophomores who choose to study in non-traditional fields are “Learning something I like”, “Never worry about money again, furthermore, to improve parents’ living quality” and “By no means to fall behind others”. The career expectation of the three female sophomores reveals the following information:
a.The development of career expectation is the process of searching resolutions of essential living problems.
b.The career expectation is generated through family experience during one’s childhood. However, people or major events occurred after childhood may have determinative effects.
c.There is a range of levels in developmental context.
d.Dissimilar “self-as-subject” exists in various phases within the developmental context.
2.After re-telling, three female sophomores seem to have:
a.Changed some of their visions and generated distinct understandings. The contents of re-telling are: “To find out meaningful words from teachers that could supplement our learning”, “To clarify the denotation of parents to us, and to work hard in order to let parents have a better living”, “To see myself making attempt to excel others and to realize that talents are more important than a degree.”
b.Be encouraged to find my own standpoints and future career development. The contents of re-telling are “The confidence in being able to support themselves becomes the major force of career development”, “To avoid their parents from worrying about money is the driving force of career development”, and “By increasing one’s significance in the society in order to compete with others results in negative effect in that it intensifies one’s pressure.”
3.After the re-telling of three female sophomores, there exits two different contents of career expectation:
a.Main contents of future description are extensions of past events. Major contents of future description include “To have more confidence to live by myself and have limitless career path” and “To have stable jobs and never worry about financial matters”
b.The main contents of future description exclude from past stories and become new stories. The main subjects of future portrays are “No need to compare with others, instead, be truly oneself.”
4.The society that mainly affect these three female sophomores consist of “High expectation of college degree”, “One will not have a good career unless one completes the high school education” and “Female students’ performance is worse than male students in non-traditional fields.”
Lastly, the limitations and recommendations of this research based on these discussions could be future references of related researches.
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