研究生: |
劉曜銘 Liu, Yao-Ming |
論文名稱: |
繭縛待蛻:一位體育初任教師成長之路之自我敘說 Seeking for changes: Narrative inquiry on a growth road of a beginning physical education teacher. |
指導教授: |
Shy, Deng-Yau |
口試委員: |
Kao, Li-Chuan 林靜萍 Lin, Ching-Ping 施登堯 Shy, Deng-Yau |
口試日期: | 2022/07/07 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
體育與運動科學系 Department of Physical Education and Sport Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 177 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我敘說 、初任教師 、教師專業發展 、角色認同 |
英文關鍵詞: | narrative inquiry, beginning teacher, self-identity, teacher professional development |
研究方法: | 紮根理論法 、 敘事分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201533 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:406 下載:0 |
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本研究以自身作為研究對象,從師資培育時期至成為初任教師之經驗作為研究主體,主要採用自我敘說作為研究的方法,以 Clandinin 與 Connelly 建立之三度敘說探究空間來重新回憶並澄清自身經驗與其對自我的影響,並透過研究者蒐整過往的札記、相簿、作業文件及社群媒體記錄,輔以紮根理論的開放編碼作為分析方法,藉此回溯問題與意義的本質,在一連串連續的歷程當中,內心的狀態與對自我角色的認同和對學校特殊的情誼,如何影響一名教師的決定與未來的成長之路,剖析其歷程與轉變,重新回望其影響的關鍵因素為何。本研究結論如下:(一)師資培育時期所建立的師資生信念及對未來的想像,是促進教師專業精進的動力來源,但同時也容易因為文化適應的問題造成對教學職涯的適應與衝擊,新課綱推動的素養教學與教學現場的傳統教學容易產生抵觸,師資生更面臨初入社會的適應階段,需要透過自我調適與他人協助才能重新適應,並轉化文本知識與教學現場的實際狀況,才能逐漸地融入學校文化。(二)學校場域的多重角色,現階段的初任教師,容易被指派到責任重大且無人願意承接的行政工作,缺乏工作經驗與學校的夥伴支持,容易面對許多挫敗經驗,導師時期面對家長的質疑與學生種種不同的問題顯得無助,而接任行政時也因脫離教學環境,產生更多的衝擊與失落感,容易與職業倦怠因素產生共鳴,進而影響對自我價值的懷疑。(三)根植於挫敗經驗與年資的累積,重新回望自己的來時路,因應自己心中所期待的教師信念與價值,調整自己能掌握且影響的因素,捨棄對無法控制之事物的執念,透過與學生更多的回饋交流,重新建立起對教師的角色認同,也學習職場之間的應對進退,以反思作為專業成長的基礎。
This study adopts self-narrative as the subject of the study, from the teacher preparation period to the experience of becoming a beginning teacher as the main research topic, and employs the three-dimensional narrative space of inquiry established by Clandinin and Connelly to recollect and clarify one's own experience and its impact on the self. Furthermore, Through the researcher's collection of past journals, photo albums, assignment documents, and social media records, supplemented by the open coding method of Grounded Theory, the researcher aims to retrace the nature of the problem and its meaning and analyze how the internal state and identification with the role of self and the special relationship with the school affect a teacher's decision and future growth path in a series of continuous experiences, so as to examine the key factors that influence the process and changes. This study concluded as follows: (a) The beliefs and imagination of the future established during the teacher training period are the driving force for teachers' professional development. However, at the same time, it is also prone to adapt and impact on teaching career due to the cultural adaptation problem. The new curriculum promotes competency-based teaching and traditional on-site teaching, which are easily contradictory. As a teacher raised under the traditional teaching program, he/she is faced with the adjustment stage of the new society and needs self-adaptation and others' assistance to re-adapt and transform the textual knowledge and the actual situation of the teaching site in order to gradually integrate into the school culture. (b) Multiple roles on the school campus. At this stage, beginning teachers are prone to be assigned to administrative tasks with great responsibility that no one is willing to take on, and lacking work experience and support from school partners, they are prone to face many frustrating experiences and appear helpless in the face of parents' queries and students' various problems during the mentoring period. (c) Based on the accumulation of frustrating experiences and years of experience, teachers will look back at their own paths, adjust the factors they can master and influence in light of the beliefs and values they expect from teachers, abandon their obsession with things beyond their control, and re-establish their role as teachers through more feedback and communication with students. In addition, they finally acquire how to cope with the challenges of the workplace and reflect on them as a basis for professional development.
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