研究生: |
范晶智 Fan, Ching-Chih |
論文名稱: |
3D VR虛實結合園藝治療對社區老人健康介入成效探討 The Effects of a Combination of 3D VR and Hands-on Horticultural Therapy on Community-dwelling Older Adults’ Physical and Mental Health |
指導教授: |
Guo, Jong-Long |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系健康促進與衛生教育碩士在職專班 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 87 |
中文關鍵詞: | 3D 虛擬實境 、園藝治療 、社區老人 、自尊 、憂鬱 、孤寂 、自我掌控 、成就動機 |
英文關鍵詞: | 3D virtual reality, Horticultural therapy, Community-dwelling Older Adults, Self-esteem, Depression, Loneliness, Mastery, Achievement Motivation |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100122 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:592 下載:0 |
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藝治療已被證實為具有改善生心理健康之健康策略,本研究以3D VR虛實結合園藝治療探討對社區老人健康介入成效。
招募參與新北市社區整體照顧服務計畫C單位之社區老人為研究對象,共62人。實驗組32人介入8周3D VR虛實結合園藝治療。以自尊、憂鬱、孤寂、自我掌控、成就動機量表搜集介入前後對心理層面之成效;另以目標效果量表,評值參與後對技能、學習態度與行為意圖之影響,透過心率變異檢測儀,瞭解對生理層面之影響。對照組30人,參與一般健康促進活動。分別以描述性統計、卡方、t檢定及廣義估計方程式(GEE)檢定分析介入成效。
本研究結合科技,有別於傳統實作園藝治療,實驗組藉由3D VR虛實結合園藝治療提升自尊、自我掌控及成就動機,降低憂鬱與孤寂;對照組唯有自尊、憂鬱達顯著改善成效。
結論:3D VR 虛實結合園藝藝治療介入成效,透過主觀與客觀資料結果顯示,適合應用於社區老人,可作爲未來設計長期照護健康促進方案之參考。
Objectives:The use of technology to guide the elderly in learning and health care is a modern trend. Horticultural therapy is an effective strategy to improve physical and mental health. The study applied 3D virtual reality (VR) combined with hands-on horticultural therapy to explore the effects of community-dwelling older adults’ physical and mental Health.
Method:The study recruited 62 community-dwelling older adults from the long-term care unit C in New Taipei City. 32 and 30 participants were in the experimental and comparison groups, respectively. The participants in the experimental group participated in the 8-week intervention program of 3D VR virtual reality combined with hand-on horticultural therapy. The measurements included self-esteem, depression, loneliness, mastery and achievement motivation scale were administered before and after intervention. HRV detector as a research tool to explore the aspect of physical health. Statistical analyses used Chi-square test, t-test and Generalized estimating equation model (GEE).
Results:The participants of experimental group demonstrated significantly improvements on self-esteem, loneliness, mastery and achievement motivation compared to those of the counterparts of comparison group. The results was promising in term of increase parasympathetic nervous regulation among participants in experimental group.
Conclusion: Subjective and objective results support the 3D VR combined with hands-on horticultural therapy could effectively improve the physical and mental health of the community-dwelling elderly. The intervention program can be promoted to long-term care institutions as an effective health promotion program.
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