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研究生: 洪菁穗
Hung, Ching Sui
論文名稱: 高中科學教師「探究與實作」課程的教學概念與評量素養的系列研究
A Series of Studies on Assessment Literacy and the Teaching Conceptions about the Curriculum "Inquiry and Practice" of High School Science Teachers
指導教授: 吳心楷
Wu, Hsin-Kai
口試委員: 王子華
Wang, Tzu-Hua
Hsu, Ying-Shao
Lee, Min-Hsien
Peng, Shu-Ling
Wu, Hsin-Kai
口試日期: 2022/07/13
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 科學教育研究所
Graduate Institute of Science Education
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 217
中文關鍵詞: 教學概念評量素養探究與實作高中教師科學實務
英文關鍵詞: Conceptions of Teaching, Assessment Literacy, Inquiry and Practice, High School Teachers, Science Practice
研究方法: 調查研究半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201213
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:370下載:0
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  • 本論文旨在調查高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的教學概念、評量素養,及對於科學課程的評量素養現況。本文包含三個研究,研究一探討高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的教學概念,包含課程特徵、挑戰與需求、課程目標與教學活動設計,並分析課程目標與活動設計的交互作用。研究二旨在調查高中科學教師的「探究與實作」課程之評量素養,並分析評量素養元素間的交互作用。在研究一、二也分別探索不同科目、年資及專業成長經驗的教師對於「探究與實作」課程的教學概念及評量素養分布。研究三則開發了科學評量素養問卷,並調查高中科學教師的評量素養現況、評量素養元素間的關係及背景因素的影響。由於研究二、三以Abell與Siegel (2011)的科學教師評量素養模型為基礎,二個研究都包含評量目的、內容、策略與行動。但研究二的評量行動聚焦於評量計分,研究三則加入教師對於教學與學習的概念。
    40位主要來自於北台灣的高中科學教師參與研究一、二,每科各10人,包含資淺、資深教師各3人及種子教師(即學科中心教師及課綱委員) 4人。這二個質性研究主要以半結構訪談收集資料,並混合資料導向及文獻導向的方式產生編碼架構。研究三為量化研究,採取二階段的分層隨機抽樣,最後得到322份北北基桃公立高中科學教師的有效問卷作為後續分析的基礎。

    The purposes of this dissertation were to explore teachers’ conceptions, assessment literacy about “Inquiry and Practice” and science assessment literacy. The series of studies consists of three studies. Study 1 explored teachers’ conceptions about the “Inquiry and Practice” curriculum, including its characteristics, challenges, teaching goals and activities and analyzed the interactions between teaching goals and activities. In study 2, teachers’ assessment literacy about the same curriculum and the interactions among the components of assessment literacy were explored. Furthermore, this dissertation analyzed the distribution of teaching concepts and assessment literacy of teachers with different subjects, teaching and professional development experience in study 1 and 2 respectively. In study 3, a science assessment literacy questionnaire was developed to investigate the science assessment literacy of high school teachers, and to analyze the interrelations among the components of assessment literacy and the effects resulting from background factors. Since study 2 and 3 were theoretically based on the model for science teacher assessment literacy developed by Abell and Siegel (2011), the components of assessment literacy in both studies were assessment purposes, competences assessed, assessment strategies and assessment actions. In Study 2, the assessment action focused on assessment scoring. In Study 3, the construct - conceptions about teaching and learning also included.
    Forty high school science teachers with relevant experience in inquiry teaching, mainly from northern Taiwan, participated in study 1 and 2. There were 10 teachers in each subject with 3 less-experienced, 3 experienced and 4 “seed” teachers (who were regularly involved in professional development activities). Data were collected from semi-structured interviews of teachers and their background questionnaires. The coding scheme was developed through both data-orienting and theory-orienting approaches. Study 3 used a two-stage stratified random sampling method to collect 322 valid questionnaires from public high school science teachers in four cities in northern Taiwan.
    Study 1 revealed that teachers’ conceptions of course characteristics were consistent with curriculum guidelines but they ignored some aspects of scientific investigations. Although recognizing the value of this curriculum, teachers also indicated challenges at different levels. The most common challenge were micro-level factors, followed by the macro-level ones. Besides, teachers set multiple goals for inquiry teaching and set specific goals in different phases or activities of inquiry. However, less attention was paid to analyzing and interpreting data, argumentation and modeling regardless of learning goals or activities. The inquiry activities designed by teachers were various, including general and specific activities. Moreover, teachers with different subjects, teaching and professional development experience have their own characteristics in conceptions of inquiry teaching. Study 2 found that the most mention purpose of assessment in inquiry teaching was formative purpose, followed by summative one. The competences assessed were very diverse, and the responces of “inquiry as ends” was more than that of “inquiry as means”. Teachers often use written, oral, and observational data to assess students' performance in science, but rarely use artifacts and models. Teachers' scoring criteria reflected the diversity of competences assessed and data types. Additionally, the noticeable interactions among assessment purpose, competences assessed and assessment strategies were presented. There were also some significant differences among the assessment literacy of teachers with different backgrounds. Study 3 confirmed the CFA models in components of assessment literacy. Teachers in study 3 hold constructivist learning conception, placed emphasis on diagnostic purposes, presented diversity in competences assessed and the types of data used to assess students' performance. Study 3 also identified that constructivist conceptions were more positive predictors of teachers’ assessment purposes, the frequency of assessing different competences and taking actions than traditional conceptions. The differences resulting from subjects and teaching experiences in assessment literacy were distributed in different assessment literacy components. Finally, some suggestions and discussions were provided.

    第一章 前言 1 第一節 研究動機 1 第二節 研究目的與問題 6 第三節 名詞釋義 8 一、探究(inquiry) 8 二、科學實務(science practices) 8 三、教學概念(conceptions of teaching) 8 四、評量素養(assessment literacy) 9 第二章 理論背景 10 第一節 探究與科學實務 10 一、探究 10 二、科學實務 13 三、教學目標由探究到科學實務的轉變 16 四、臺灣108課綱探究與實作課程的簡介 18 五、整合美國與臺灣課綱中探究與實作的分析架構 20 六、相關研究成果與挑戰 23 第二節 教師對於探究教學的概念 27 一、教師的信念、概念與觀點 27 二、教師對於探究教學的概念 29 三、教師探究教學概念與背景因素 30 第三節 評量素養 32 一、評量素養的定義 32 二、評量素養理論 33 三、探究學習的評量 38 四、評量素養元素及元素間的關係 42 五、教師背景因素與評量素養 58 六、評量素養工具的開發與成果 61 第三章 研究方法 66 第一節 研究流程與研究間的關聯 66 第二節 研究一與研究二 68 一、研究對象 68 二、研究工具與資料收集 70 三、資料分析 72 第三節 研究三 75 一、研究對象與取樣方式 75 二、工具的設計 76 三、資料分析 81 第四章 研究結果 83 第一節 研究一 83 一、高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的概念 83 二、不同科目的高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的概念分布 94 三、高中科學資淺、資深、種子教師對於「探究與實作」課程的概念分布 110 四、研究一總結 117 第二節 研究二 119 一、高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的評量素養 119 三、不同科目的高中科學教師對於「探究與實作」課程的評量素養分布 133 三、高中科學資淺、資深、種子教師對於「探究與實作」課程的評量素養分布 146 四、研究二總結 154 第三節 研究三 156 一、問卷的信效度 156 二、高中科學教師的評量素養 160 三、評量素養元素間的關係 165 四、教師背景因素與評量素養元素的關係 170 五、研究三總結 173 第五章 結論與討論 176 第一節 研究一 176 一、結論 176 二、課程挑戰 176 三、教學目標 177 四、活動設計 178 五、背景因素的影響 179 六、教師專業成長與研究限制 179 第二節 研究二 180 一、結論 180 二、評量目的、內容與策略 181 三、評量內容與與策略的交互作用 183 四、評量計分 183 五、建議與研究限制 184 第三節 研究三 185 一、結論 185 二、對教學與學習的概念 185 三、評量內容與資料類型 186 四、評量素養元素間的關係 188 五、背景因素對評量素養的影響 189 六、建議與研究限制 190 第四節 整體的討論 190 一、探究學習課程目標、活動設計與評量的對應 190 二、探究實作與科學課程評量素養的比較 193 三、總結與建議 197 參考文獻 199 附錄 216

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