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研究生: 張淑品
Shu-Pin Chang
論文名稱: 國中重度聽障學生與耳聰學生國語單元音與聲調的聲學比較分析
Acoustic Analysis on Mandarin Vowels and Tones by Severely Hearing-Impaired and Normal Hearing Students
指導教授: 張蓓莉
Chang, Bey-Lih
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 特殊教育學系
Department of Special Education
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 161
中文關鍵詞: 國語單元音聲調聲學分析聽障
英文關鍵詞: Mandarin, Vowels, Tones, Acoustic Analysis, Hearing-Impaired
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:469下載:0
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  • 本研究主要是藉由聲學分析方式,比較國中重度聽障學生與耳聰學生國語單元音及單字聲調發音特性。國語五個單元音(一、ㄨ、ㄩ、ㄚ、ㄜ)及/一/的四個聲調的單字為語料,以就讀台北市國中的重度聽障及耳聰學生男、女生各五名,共二十名為發音人。首先運用Dr.Speech語音分析軟體,蒐集五個單元音前三共振峰頻率及單字聲調的基頻曲線、音高及時長等聲學參數值。元音部份以前三共振峰頻率的平均值、標準差及F2/F1、F3/F1、F3/F2分佈圖作為分析的依據;字調部份則由原始基頻音高分析圖的曲線變化圖及基頻測量參數值平均數二部份來探討。本研究主要發現如下:
    1. 耳聰學生各單元音前三共振峰平均頻率都有其獨特模式及F1/F2分佈圖中各單元音都各自有一集中區域。
    2. 聽障學生各單元音前三共振峰的平均頻率的模式,除/ㄚ/有較明確不同外,其餘元音都很相近。顯示聽障學生發元音時,舌位變化有限。同時,各單元音共振峰頻率變異也較耳聰學生大。
    3. 聽障學生的前高圓唇元音/ㄩ/的平均F2值都有較前高展唇元音/一/低。顯示聽障學生發元音時對唇形變化掌握度較佳。

    The purpose of this study was to make an acoustic analysis on articulatory characteristics of Mandarin vowels and tones spoken by severely hearing-impaired junior high students, as compared with that of normal hearing students. The speech samples were five Mandarin vowels (/i u y a r /) and four tones, as they occur in citation forms of monosyllabic morphemes in a controlled environment. The subjects were divided into two groups: severely hearing-impaired and normal hearing speakers, with each group 5 males and 5 females. Acoustic analysis of the frequencies of first three formants of the five vowels and pitch contour, pitch height, and duration of tones were executed by using commercial Dr. Speech & Real Speech software. For the vowel formants, the means and standard deviations of frequencies of first three formants and F2/F1、F3/F1、F3/F2 plots were analyzed. For the tones, "Pitch-fundamental frequency Extraction " and the means of acoustic parameters of fundamental frequencies were analyzed.
    The main findings of this study were as follows:
    1. The mean frequencies of first three formants of five vowels of hearing students showed distinct patterns, and each vowel sample was concentrated in F1/F2 plot.
    2. The mean frequencies of first three formants of five vowels of hearing-impaired students may not be distinct, except /a/. This finding suggests that hearing-impaired students use restricted tongue movements to achieve vowel differentiation. At the same time, the deviations of frequencies of first three formants of five vowels of hearing-impaired students were larger than that of normal hearing students.
    3. The mean frequencies of F2 of hearing-impaired students for the high front rounded vowel (/y/) were lower than that for the high front spread vowel (/i/). This finding suggests that hearing-impaired students could master lip shapes of vowel articulation.
    4. The pitch contour of four tones of normal hearing students was distinct, tone 1 was a high-level contour, tone 2 was a mid-rising or mid-falling-rising contour, tone 3 was a low-falling-rising or mid-falling contour, and tone 4 was a high-falling contour. Whereas, the pitch contour of four tones of hearing-impaired students may not be distinct, except tone 4. The pitch of hearing-impaired students was higher and duration of tones was longer than that of normal hearing students.

    誌謝 中文摘要 ----------------------------------------------- I 英文摘要 ----------------------------------------------- III 目錄 ----------------------------------------------- V 圖表目錄 ----------------------------------------------- VII 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機 ---------------------------- 1 第二節 研究目的與待答問題 -------------- 4 第三節 名詞釋義 ---------------------------- 5 第二章 文獻探討 ----------------------------- 7 第一節 國語單元音 ------------------------- 7 第二節 國語聲調的生理及聲學特性 ------ 14 第三節 聽覺障礙者語音的發音特性 ------ 23 第四節 語音分析工具及可能遭遇的難題 - 37 第三章 研究方法 ----------------------------- 39 第一節 研究對象 ---------------------------- 39 第二節 研究工具 ---------------------------- 41 第三節 資料蒐集與分析 -------------------- 43 第四節 研究步驟 ---------------------------- 46 第四章 結果與討論 ---------------------------- 49 第一節 單元音前三共振峰的頻率 ------- 49 第二節 單字聲調的聲學特性 ------------- 72 第五章 結論與建議 --------------------------- 100 第一節 結論 -------------------------------- 100 第二節 建議 -------------------------------- 104 參考文獻 ----------------------------------------- 107 附錄 附錄一 聲學分析紀錄表 ---------------------- 116 附錄二 耳聰及聽障學生單元因聲譜及頻譜圖 118 附錄三 聲調基頻音高分析圖 ----------------- 138 附錄四 耳聰學生各單元音前三共振峰頻率值 140 附錄五 聽障學生各單元音前三共振峰頻率值 143 附錄六 耳聰男生單字四聲基頻的各項參數值 146 附錄七 耳聰女生單字四聲基頻的各項參數值 150 附錄八 聽障男生單字四聲基頻的各項參數值 154 附錄九 聽障女生單字四聲基頻的各項參數值 158

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