研究生: |
陳雅玟 Chen Ya-Wen |
論文名稱: |
大台北地區家長對其學齡子女才藝班消費決策取向之探討 The Research of Parents' Consumer Decision-Making Orientations about their Children's After-school Activities in Taipei |
指導教授: | 鍾志從 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2003 |
畢業學年度: | 91 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 104 |
中文關鍵詞: | 家長 、才藝班 、CSI量表 、消費者決策取向 、消費者決策型態 |
英文關鍵詞: | Parents, After-school Activities, CSI Scals, Consumer Decision-Making Orientation, Consumer Decision-Making Styles |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:609 下載:152 |
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本研究採用問卷調查法,研究工具「家長對其學齡子女才藝班消費之決策取向問卷」發展修訂自Sproles 與 Kendall(1985、1986)的消費決策型態量表(CSI量表),將消費決策分為「完美主義取向」、「商標意識取向」、「價格意識取向」、「新奇流行取向」、「省時滿意取向」、「迷惑尋求支持取向」、「衝動粗心取向」、「習慣品牌忠誠取向」八種,本研究另增加一種「使用者至上取向」後共九種消費者決策取向,並以489位台北縣市六所公立國小家長為研究對象。
所得量的資料以百分比、次數分配、平均數、標準差等呈現受試者在各變項上的分佈情形,並以單因子變異數分析比較不同的人口統計變項對家長在各決策取向的表現差異狀況。研究結果發現:台北縣市家長對其學齡子女才藝班的消費者決策取向,以使用者至上取向(83.4﹪)、完美主義取向(49.9﹪)、省時滿意取向(48.9﹪)及習慣品牌忠誠取向(44.2﹪)四種最普遍。 研究結果可證實Sproles的消費者決策型態理論,除了可以應用於一般實體商品,亦可用於解釋無形的服務性商品,但若是決策者的角色非為使用者本人時,應可再增加一種「使用者至上取向」。家長對其學齡子女才藝班的消費者決策取向有城鄉之別,台北縣家長比台北市家長具有較高的價格意識取向、新奇流行取向、迷惑尋求支持取向及衝動粗心取向。而且,經濟相關因素,如家長職業、教育程度、家庭收入等,是影響家長選擇才藝班時做決策的重要因素,若經濟狀況不佳,個人的消費者決策較不易傾向完美、重視品牌,反而要精打細算、注意價格;若知識不足,則易導致消費者決策陷入迷惑、衝動狀態。
本研究建議:學校應適度將才藝學習融入課程中,避免因城鄉及貧富差距造成學生學習之差異; 政府應檢核市面上的才藝班,以提供家長一個安心讓子女學習的場所。並多開設親職及消費者教育講座,使家長在為其子女做消費決策時,能更理性且不迷惑;才藝班應努力維持好品質與好口碑,並盡量設立於交通便利,可以方便接送子女之地點;家長為子女做才藝班消費決策時,要實地勘查並瞭解才藝班環境,避免做粗心衝動的決定;並多瞭解才藝班的資訊,才可免於迷惑而盲從。
The purpose of this study was to investigate the parents’ consumer decision-making orientations about their children’s after-school activities. The methodology of this study adopted survey research. Based on Sproles and Kendall’s CSI device, the subjects from 489 parents in Taipei were measured in the terms of perfectionism, brand-conscious, value-conscious, novelty-and-fashion conscious, shopping avoider / time saver, confused / support-seeking, impulsive and careless, habitual and brand-loyal, and user consumer decision-making orientations.
Major results were shown as follows:
1) The most remarkable factors that influenced the parents’ decision-making orientations about their children’s after-school activities were user Orientation (83.4%), perfectionism Orientation (49.9%), shopping avoider / time saver Orientation (48.9%), and habitual and brand-loyal Orientation (44.2%). The result was complied with Sproles’.
2) The locations in which subjects inhabit made the result different; namely, the parents’ occupations, family income, and the whole family economic situations were taken into account when parents chose after-school activities about their children. The less economic ability they own, the less consumer qualification they get.
This study suggests more various curricula with the regular education system package to meet the pupils’ needs, and shorten the distance between the poverty and the wealth.
KEY WORDS: Parents, After-school Activities, CSI Scales, Consumer Decision-Making Orientation, Consumer Decision -
Making Styles.
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