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研究生: 鄭惠文
Cheng, Hui-wen
論文名稱: 安迪‧沃荷的後現代意識形態研究
Study on the Postmodern Ideology of Andy Warhol
指導教授: 王哲雄
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 美術學系
Department of Fine Arts
論文出版年: 2006
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 321
中文關鍵詞: 沃荷後現代藝術大眾文化去深度性去純粹性去主體性
英文關鍵詞: Warhol, Postmodern Art, Popular Culture, De- depth, De- pure, De- subject
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:763下載:0
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  • 受到現代主義追求進步的影響,現代藝術在不斷的創新過程中,始終以追求烏托邦的世界為理想,但卻忽略了藝術已經離大眾越來越遠的問題。而且,現代主義嚴肅的分割各門學科,在建立美學自主領域、追求為藝術而藝術的同時,也越來越窄化了自己的創作空間。在這種內外交迫的狀況下,現代藝術的理想逐漸顯得窒礙難行。

    Under the effects of Modernism that aspires for progress, modern art always takes Utopia as the aim during the continuous innovation process; however, it neglects the problem that it has gone further and further away from the general public. Modernism seriously separates all disciplines, while at the same time it is establishing art’s independent fields, and creating art for arts sake. While narrowing its own creative fields. Under the trying circumstance, the ideals of Modern art seem to become difficult.
    The popular culture has its own positive meanings. The tendency of Postmodern art is to connect with society and revaluate the popular culture from a point of view without bias. This new attitude should be the most meaningful of Postmodern art. The artists of Postmodern art are no longer limited in the requirements of exalted ideology of Modern art. They are well-connected to popular culture, and they like to interact with public by a friendly and easily understood approach to art. This kind of fun approach to Postmodern art has been shown in Andy Warhol’s art works in the sixties. Warhol had always mistrusted Modern art both in his art works and his behavior. He used “dedepth” ”depure” “desubject” to solve the stalemate between Modern art and society. This way of thinking about art started the beginning of the Postmodern art movement as well as suggested a series of possibilities for Postmodern art. Therefore, current art history sees him as an important figure who molded Postmodern art.
    This thesis doesn’t totally agree with all of popular culture. Although popular culture has its own issues, totally denying it is the wrong approach. Even though Postmodern art is still being debated and on a branched routes. By looking at Warhol’s Postmodern ideology, this thesis hopes to unravel the path of western art development since the sixties.

    緒論 .....................1 第一章 現代藝術的轉向.... 15 第一節 現代藝術的概念... 15 第二節 杜象的「現成物」與「反藝術」..35 第三節 普普藝術與大眾文化...44 第二章 後現代的現象....... 63 第一節 後現代主義思潮......63 第二節 文化的「他者」......88 第三節 普普藝術的餘波......105 第三章 沃荷的「去深度性」..125 第一節 走入群眾...........125 第二節 抗拒深度詮釋........144 第四章 沃荷的「去純粹性」...162 第一節 跨越藝術界限........162 第二節 從獨佔到共有........184 第五章 沃荷的「去主體性」.. 203 第一節 成為一部機器........203 第二節 藝術家是什麼?......219 結論.....................242 年表.....................253 參考文獻.................266 人名索引.................276 圖錄....................281 圖版....................290

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