簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 司馬琨誠
Christopher Schifani
論文名稱: 紀大偉的《膜》及其他四篇故事 研究與英譯
指導教授: 賴慈芸
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 翻譯研究所
Graduate Institute of Translation and Interpretation
論文出版年: 2014
畢業學年度: 102
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 229
中文關鍵詞: 同志文學九○年代台灣文學紀大偉《膜》
英文關鍵詞: Tongzhi Literature, Chi Ta-wei, 1990s Taiwanese Literature, Membranes
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:716下載:49
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  • 九零年代的台灣解嚴後發生罕見的全球化、商業化、都市化、文化及社會上的改變。以其改變為背景,台灣同志與酷兒族群以不少社會及文化上的活動,很成功地找到了自己的聲音,尤其是通過當代同志文學家來寫書給這些受公共認可未久的族群與台灣廣大社會來看。在同志文學家中,紀大偉的地位特別重要:他早期的短篇小說一邊幫台灣同志族提高聲音及社會承認,一邊同時批評當代台灣保守社會社會上、政治上、性別上與情欲上的不公平,強烈抗議害同志接受次等公民地位的不平等。本論文翻譯且研究紀大偉得獎寫的《膜》與其他四篇短篇故事,作品皆集於2011年出版的《膜》此書。本論文分成兩部分:第一部分提供譯者對紀大偉五篇作品及譯文的討論及研究,包括前言、作者生品、作品情節的簡介及關於紀大偉作品研究與翻譯現況的初步討論。第一部分的第二章討論台灣同志文學的起源與現況,從1960年代起至目前為止說明同志文學在台灣的發展與特色,亦有助於將紀大偉的作品脈絡化(contextualization)。第三章則談到紀大偉作品中所提到並使用的酷兒議題與脈絡(context)。第四章到譯者對翻譯的概念,也談到翻譯過程所遇到的問題與解決方式。第五章為結論,重新提到譯者對翻譯的看法與多將紀大偉早期作品翻成外語的建議與必要。第二部分為《膜》及其他四篇作品的譯文。

    The 1990s in Taiwan were an almost unprecedented era of globalization, commercialization, urbanization, and cultural and social change following the lifting of martial law in 1987. Against this vibrant backdrop Taiwan’s tongzhi and ku’er communities powerfully found their voices through a number of political and social movements and, perhaps most importantly, through a number of talented young authors who wrote specifically for this emergently visible yet still marginalized market. Among these authors, Chi Ta-wei occupies a prominent place: his early novellas and short stories brought visibility to tongzhi and ku’er communities and the issues they faced while offering powerful critiques of the social, political, gender, and sexual inequalities and imbalances in Taiwanese society that prevented these communities from enjoying full equality with their straight peers. The present thesis offers a translation of Chi’s second, prize-winning novella, 膜 Mo (Membranes), in addition to four other short stories that were published under the title Membranes in a 2011 collection of Chi’s works. The thesis is divided into two Parts: Part 1 consists of a study of the works translated, while Part 2 consists of the translations themselves. The first chapter of Part 1 serves as an introduction to the study, containing a brief preface, an introduction to the author, summaries of the translated works and a brief review of the scholarly literature on Chi’s works and currently available translations. Chapter 2 presents a brief chronological discussion of tongzhi literature in Taiwan from its beginnings in the 1960s to the present, helping to situate Chi’s works in their literary and cultural context. Chapter 3 discusses Chi’s use of queer themes and contexts in his works, highlighting how the author uses his fiction as a vehicle to both inspire and critique the often conservative social and military cultures of 1990s Taiwan. Chapter 4 discusses my views on translation and provides examples of translation problems encountered and the strategies used to overcome them. Finally, Chapter 5 offers brief concluding remarks that recapitulate my views on translation and note that much work still remains to be done in making Chi Ta-wei available to foreign readerships. This chapter is followed by Part 2, which consists of my translation of the five works by Chi Ta-wei discussed in the preceding chapters.

    PART I: A STUDY 4 CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION 4 1.1 ABOUT THE AUTHOR 4 1.2 SUMMARY AND DISCUSSION OF WORKS TRANSLATED 5 1.2.1 Introduction 5 1.2.2 Plot Summaries for the Works Translated 5 1.2.3 Section Summary 8 1.3 LITERATURE REVIEW 9 1.3.1 Overview 9 1.3.2 Section Summary 10 CHAPTER 2: A BRIEF CHRONOLOGICAL DISCUSSION OF TAIWANESE TONGZHI LITERATURE 11 2.1 INTRODUCTION 11 2.2 1960S 12 2.3 1970S 12 2.4 1980S 13 2.5 1990S 15 2.6 2000S 17 2.7 CHAPTER SUMMARY 18 CHAPTER 3: DISCUSSION OF TONGZHI, KU’ER, AND QUEER THEMES IN THE WORKS TRANSLATED 19 3.1 INTRODUCTION 19 3.2 SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY IN CHI TA-WEI’S FICTION 22 3.2.1 Androids, Cyborgs, and the Performativity of Identity in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 22 3.2.2 Utopia in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 29 3.3 SEXUALITY AND A CRITIQUE OF GENDERED POLITICS IN CHI TA-WEI’S FICTION 32 3.3.1 Erotic Fluidity and Multiplicity 33 3.3.2 A Political Critique of Sexual and Gendered Power in Contemporary Taiwan 37 3.4 THE INDIVIDUAL AND THE FAMILY IN CHI TA-WEI’S FICTION 42 3.4.1 The Inner World of the Heart / Mind 42 3.4.2 Family and Home in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 45 3.5 CONTEXT IN CHI TA-WEI’S WORKS 50 3.5.1 Representation in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 50 3.5.2 Recognition in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 53 3.5.3 Contextuality in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 57 3.5.4 “Queering” in Chi Ta-wei’s Fiction 60 3.6 CONCLUSION 64 CHAPTER 4: TRANSLATION STRATEGIES, SOLUTIONS, AND VIEWPOINTS 65 4.1 INTRODUCTION 65 4.2 ANNOTATIONS 66 4.3 ISSUES OF GENDER AND THE BALANCE OF POWER 67 4.4 STYLE AND PUNCTUATION 70 4.5 CONCLUSION 75 CHAPTER 5: CONCLUDING REMARKS 77 REFERENCES 79 WESTERN-LANGUAGE REFERENCES 79 ASIAN-LANGUAGE REFERENCES 81 PART II: TRANSLATIONS 83 ENGLISH TRANSLATION OF MEMBRANES AND OTHER WORKS 83 Prefatory Material 83 Preface to the New Edition 83 Preface: A HIGH Place for Writing 87 Award Acceptance Speech: Keep Up the HIGH 88 Judges’ Comments: Cruelly Stabbed in the Heart by the Author (Wu Nianzhen) 90 MEMBRANES 91 L’APRES-MIDI D’UN FAUNE 185 THE WAR IS OVER 191 NUIT ET BROUILLARD 211 11 SONGS FOR PERCUSSION 219

    Western-Language References

    Chi Ta-wei. “A Stranger’s ID.” Angelwings: Contemporary Queer Fiction From Taiwan. Ed. and trans. Fran Martin. Honolulu: University of Hawaii Press, 2003. Pages 213-220.
    ---. “I’m not Stupid.” Trans. Fran Martin. AntiTHESIS: A Transdiciplinary Postgraduate Journal. Special Issue: Everyday Evasions: Cultural Practices and Politics (Volume 9) 1998. Department of English with Cultural Studies, the University of Melbourne. Pages 141-144.
    ---. “The Scent of HIV.” Trans. Fran Martin. AntiTHESIS (Volume 9) 1998. Pages 145-151.
    ---. “Tänder.” Trans. Anna Gustafsson Chen. ORD & BILD 1-2 (2003). Göteborg, Sweden. Pages 93-114.
    ---. “Umbilicus.” Trans. Susan Wilf. Renditions: A Chinese-English Translation Magazine No. 63 (Spring 2005). Chinese University of Hong Kong. Pages 47-61.
    Krishna Vaipayana Swami attrib. The Mahabharata. Trans. Kisari Mohan Ganguli. Sacred-texts.com. Web 7 Jan. 2013. <http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/maha/index.htm>
    --- Translator’s Preface Web 7 Jan. 2013. <http://www.sacred-texts.com/hin/m01/m01001.htm>
    Lingenfelter, Andrea. “Howard Goldblatt on How the Navy Saved His Life and Why Literary Translation Matters.” Full Tilt: A Journal of East-Asian Poetry, Translation, and the Arts (2) 2007.
    Martin, Fran. “Introduction: Taiwan’s Literature of Transgressive Sexuality.” Angelwings. Pages 1-28.
    ---. “Desire and the Commonplace: Reading Ta-Wei Chi’s Fetish: Stories.” Mo (Membranes). Taipei: Lianjing Publishing Company, Ltd., 2011. Print. Pages i-vi.
    Venuti, Lawrence. The Translator’s Invisibility. Routledge: London, 1995.

    Asian-Language References

    Chi Ta-Wei 紀大偉。《膜》。聯經出版事業有限公司:台北,2011年。
    ---。 ---。 華藝出版社:北京,2003年。
    ---。 ---。人民教育出版社與重慶出版社:北京,2012年。
    ---。黃英哲與垂水千惠編輯,白水紀子譯。《台湾セクシュアル.マイノリティ文学 2: 中.短篇集紀大偉作品集膜》。作品出版社:東京,2008年。
    ---。〈新版序〉。集於《膜》。本文英譯為“Preface to the New Edition”並引用為Prefatory Material,頁5-7。
    ---。〈自序:書寫的HIGH處〉。集於《膜》。本文英譯為 “Preface: A HIGH Place for Writing”並引用為Prefatory Material,頁1-4。
    ---。〈得獎感言:繼續HIGH下去〉。集於《膜》。本文英譯為 “Award Acceptance Speech: Keep Up The HIGH”並引用為Prefatory Material,頁8。
    Li Ru’en 李如恩。〈台灣九○年代酷兒科幻小說中的後人類政治:以洪凌和紀大偉作品為例〉。中興大學台灣文學與跨國文化研究所碩士論文,2010年。
    Lin Jianguang 林建光。〈主導文化與洪凌、紀大偉的科幻小說〉。〈中外文學:35:3 2006年〉。頁79-108。
    Lin Yuhan 林育涵。〈情慾文本化與酷兒操演:紀大偉的書寫與實踐 (1995-2000)〉。靜宜大學中國文學研究所。2004年。
    Zhang Zhiwei 張志維。〈從假聲借題到假身借體:紀大偉的酷兒科幻故事〉。〈中外文學 32:3,2003年〉。頁106-124。
    Wu Nianzhen 吳念真。〈審評意見:被作者狼狽刺了一刀〉。集於《膜》。本文英譯為 “Judges’ Comments: Cruelly Stabbed in The Heart by The Author”並引用為Prefatory Material,頁9。
    Zha Yuqi 查昱琪。〈九○年代以降台灣科幻小說中的空間感-以洪凌、紀大偉作品為例〉。靜宜大學台灣文學系年碩士論文。2011年。
