研究生: |
何志偉 Ho, Chih-Wei |
論文名稱: |
基於層級分析法探討虛擬實境顧客接受度與創新需求之研究 Research on the VR Customer Acceptance and Innovation Required Based on the AHP Analysis |
指導教授: | 許全守 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
工業教育學系 Department of Industrial Education |
論文出版年: | 2019 |
畢業學年度: | 107 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 116 |
中文關鍵詞: | 虛擬實境 、顧客接受度 、層級分析法 |
英文關鍵詞: | Virtual reality, customer acceptance, Analytic Hierarchy Process |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU201900988 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:10502 下載:0 |
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隨著5G和AI的精熟與發展,虛擬實境(Virtual Reality,VR)在休閒與娛樂產業之應用將創造無限商機,為廠家不容忽視的一環。本研究基於當前臺灣VR市場之推廣與發展,由頭戴式顯示器(Head Mounted Display, HMD)切入探討顧客接受虛擬實境-頭戴式顯示器(VR-HMD)之關注與創新之需求,提供廠家對準市場氛圍,開發設計符應與鳩受之價值對擴展市場的產品與功能,營造更優勢商機與產品價值。爰此,本研究以顧客導向之體驗感受為核心,對市場使用者體驗VR-HMD的接受度與創新需求調查,企圖提供開發與設計者,參酌以掌握市場脈動和研發方向。
With the development of 5G and AI, Virtual Reality (VR) will create business opportunities in the application of the leisure and entertainment industry, It is a part of the company that can’t be concerned. Based on the current promotion and development of the VR market in Taiwan, this study explores the innovative needs of customers to accept virtual reality head mounted displays (VR-HMD). Provide manufacturers to market, develop the value of design to expand the products and functions of the market, and create more advantageous business opportunities and product value. Therefore, this research focuses on the customers’ experience, and explores the acceptance and innovation needs of market users to experienced VR-HMD, providing developers and designers to learn about market pulsation and research and development.
In the 2019 Taipei International Game Show and Computer Show, a survey of visitors was conducted by researchers. After two exhibitions totaling 63 hours in nine days, 65 questionnaires were completed, and 30 valid questionnaires were used. After AHP analysis, The highest of the acceptance within five areas is with humanization (0.313), and the price/performance ratio is second (0.233) and the lowest is convenience (0.108).
Within the weight of each item of the areas, the top five items are: Humanized area's operational safety (0.0753), wearing device weight (0.0573), wearing device comfort (0.0544), device compliance with personal use (0.0487), and unique area's high compatibility with other company gaming platforms. Relatively, In the field of innovation needs, we also received 12 innovation requirements, providing reference for the development or design or improvement of VR-HMD vendors.
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