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研究生: 鄭羽辰
Cheng, Yu-Chen
論文名稱: 以中文為母語的兒童頻率副詞詮釋之實證研究
An Empirical Study of Children’s Interpretations of Frequency Adverbs in Mandarin
指導教授: 陳純音
Chen, Chun-Yin
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2017
畢業學年度: 105
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 129
中文關鍵詞: 頻率副詞第一語言習得理解中文
英文關鍵詞: frequency adverbs, first language acquisition, interpretations, Mandarin Chinese
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202202935
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:499下載:70
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  • 本研究旨在探討以中文為母語之兒童頻率副詞詮釋的發展。本研究主要包含兩階段理解測驗:第一階段為辨認與排序測驗,可得知兒童對於頻率副詞的理解差異;第二階段為接受度測驗,可觀察兒童對於頻率副詞修飾動詞事件種類的接受程度是否有別,語境效應亦融入此階段測驗中。兩階段測驗皆探討年齡效應。研究對象包含實驗組的八十位兒童,依其就讀年級分為四組:幼兒園大班、小學二年級、四年級、六年級,每組各二十位,以及對照組的成人二十位。

    The present empirical study aims at investigating children’s interpretations of Chinese frequency adverbs. Two phases were designed to elicit the child subjects’ interpretations. In Phase 1, the children’s interpretations of frequency adverbs were obtained from the identification and the ordering tasks. Similarly, in Phase 2, the children’s acceptability of various kinds of event types was investigated by the acceptability task. A comparison between a context-free task and a context-provided task was also explored in this phase. Age differences were examined in the both phases. A total of eighty children studying in an elementary school in New Taipei City were recruited and further divided into four experimental groups according to their grades (i.e., the kindergartners, Grades 2, 4 and 6). Moreover, twenty adults were recruited as the control group.
    The results indicated an age-related pattern in the acquisition of Chinese frequency adverbs. It was found that Grade 4 was able to interpret atypical frequency adverbs. However, even Grade 6 had not yet acquired adult-like interpretations of typical frequency adverbs. Therefore, typical frequency adverbs were more challenging for the subjects to interpret than atypical ones because typical frequency adverbs were vaguer in meaning than atypical ones. As for the events modified by frequency adverbs, it was found that telic events were more acceptable than atelic ones. All the groups, except for the kindergartners, accepted frequency adverbs when they were used to modify telic events in a higher degree than those used to modify atelic events. Moreover, the subtypes of telic events displayed a similar degree of acceptability when they were modified by frequency adverbs for the older children (Grades 4 and 6) and the control group but not for the younger children (the kindergartners and Grade 2). Because Grade 4 was able to interpret atypical frequency adverbs, differentiate telic from atelic events and accept frequency adverbs when they were used to modify the subtypes of telic events in a similar degree, it was concluded that Grade 4 was a critical period for the acquisition of Chinese frequency adverbs. Finally, it was found that contextual clues showed a negative effect on the interpretations of frequency adverbs. The subjects generally gave lower acceptability ratings to the context-provided task than the context-fee task.

    CHINESE ABSTRACT i ENGLISH ABSTRACT ii ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iv TABLE OF CONTENTS vi LIST OF TABLES viii LIST OF FIGURES x Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation 1 1.2 Theoretical Background 2 1.3 Research Questions 6 1.4 Significance of the Study 7 1.5 Organization of the Thesis 7 Chapter Two Literature Review 9 2.1 Theoretical Studies of Frequency Adverbs 9 2.1.1 Wu and Ding (2005) 10 2.1.2 Zou (2006) 15 2.1.3 Piao (2011) 21 2.1.4 Summary 25 2.2 Empirical Studies of Vague Linguistic Terms 26 2.2.1 Kuczaj (1975) 27 2.2.2 Beyth-Marom (1982) 30 2.2.3 Hoffner, Cantor and Badzinski (1990) 33 2.2.4 Huang and Huang (2011) 37 2.2.5 Summary 40 2.3 Summary of Chapter Two 43 Chapter Three Research Design 45 3.1 Subjects 45 3.2 Methods and Materials 46 3.2.1 Types of Frequency Adverbs 46 3.2.2 Types of Events 47 3.2.3 Four Tasks 52 Phase 1 53 Phase 2 56 3.3 Procedures 61 3.3.1 Formal Study 61 3.3.2 Data Analysis 62 3.4 Summary of Chapter Three 63 Chapter Four Results and Discussion 64 4.1 Typical and Atypical Frequency Adverbs 64 4.1.1 Overall Findings 65 4.1.2 A Second Look at Typical Frequency Adverbs 66 4.1.3 General Discussion 70 4.2 Telic and Atelic Events 73 4.2.1 Overall Findings 73 4.2.2 General Discussion 78 4.3 Three Subtypes of Telic Events 79 4.3.1 Overall Findings 80 4.3.2 General Discussion 85 4.4 Contextual Clues 86 4.4.1 Overall Findings 87 4.4.2 General Discussion 91 4.5 Age Differences 93 4.6 Summary of Chapter Four 97 Chapter Five Conclusion 98 5.1 Summary of the Major Findings 98 5.2 Limitations of the Present Study and Suggestions for Future Research 100 Bibliography 101 Appendix A: The Test Items Used in Phase 1 106 Appendix B: The Worksheet Used in Phase 1 114 Appendix C: The Test Items Used in the Context-free Task in Phase 2 115 Appendix D: The Test Items Used in the Context-provided Task in Phase 2 118 Appendix E: The Worksheet Used in Phase 2 128 Appendix F: Consent Form 129

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