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研究生: 陳欣希
Hsin-Hsi Chen
論文名稱: 家庭語文經驗對幼兒詞彙表達能力影響之研究-生態系統理論PPCT的應用-
Effect of home literacy experience on toddlers’expressive vocabulary skill-- Application of Ecological model
指導教授: 張鑑如
Chang, Chien-Ju
Liaw, Fong-Ruey
學位類別: 博士
系所名稱: 人類發展與家庭學系
Department of Human Development and Family Studies
論文出版年: 2011
畢業學年度: 99
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 210
中文關鍵詞: 生態系統模式詞彙表達能力家庭語文經驗2歲幼兒
英文關鍵詞: Ecological model, expressive vocabularyskills, family literacy experience, home literacy experiences, 2-year-old toddlers
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:496下載:76
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  • 本研究以Bronfenbrenner之生態系統理論及其提出的PPCT模式(process-person-context-time model)為基礎,採方便取樣(convenience sampling)找尋台灣地區家中有2008年出生之2歲幼兒的家庭,探討幼兒的家庭語文經驗及其對詞彙表達能力的影響。調查幼兒家庭語文經驗的工具為研究者自編的「2歲幼兒家庭語文活動調查問卷」,調查範圍包含幼兒與母親互動、與父親互動、及幼兒獨自探索的活動;評估幼兒的詞彙表達能力的工具則是「華語嬰幼兒溝通發展問卷(臺灣版)」(劉惠美、曹峰銘編製,2010)。
    1. 自編問卷測得近側歷程(proximal Process)部份概念、信效度尚可。效度方面,經過兩次專家效度評估,認為本問卷問項之相關性和可讀性算良好;信度方面,語文活動問卷中的Cronbach’s α值介於.82~.92之間,總問卷α值為.918,代表無論是各分問卷或總問卷皆有很好的內在一致性信度。
    1. 在「幼兒與母親想像遊戲」、「幼兒與母親聊天」、「幼兒與父親說故事」、「幼兒與父親看電視」、「幼兒獨自想像遊戲」、「幼兒獨自看書」這些語文經驗,隨著幼兒年齡的成長,有此經驗的人數比例均有提升。

    Based on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model and his process-person-context-time model, this research aimed to investigate home literacy experiences and their effects on expressive vocabulary skills in two-year-old toddlers. The two-year-old toddlers and their families who participated in this research were recruited by convenience sampling. The two-year-old toddlers’home literacy experience questionnaire edited by the author was used to investigate toddlers’home literacy experiences including toddler-mother interaction, toddler-father interaction, and the toddlers’self-exploration activities. The Mandarin-Chinese Communication Development Inventory (Taiwan) (Liu & Tsou, 2010) was used to assess toddlers’expressive vocabulary skills.
    This research included two studies. Study 1 investigated the relationship between 207 two year-old toddlers’home literacy experience, their expressive vocabulary skill, their parents’education level, their siblings and their gender. Study 2 was a follow-up study of study 1. It aimed to find the change of toddlers’home literacy experience and their vocabulary skill after 3 months. It also investigated the effect of home literacy experience, parent’s education level, their siblings and their gender on their expressive vocabulary skill in two differenttimes. Subjects in study 2 were the 66 toddlers among the 207 toddlers in study 1 and their age was between 2;0 to 2;2. The research methods used to do the quantitative analysis included stepwise regression, ANOVA, and chi-square with SPSS17.0. The major findings are in the following:
    1.results of questionnaire
    The validity and reliability of the proximal process of the questionnaireedited by the author were acceptable. According to the evaluation of validity from experts for two times, validity of the questionnaire edited by the author is good in terms of relevance of questionsand readability. The Cronbach’s alpha for the literacy activities in the questionnaire was betweeb .82 and .92, and the Cronbach’s alpha for the whole questionnaire was .918, which indicated that the intra-reliability for secions of the questionnaire and the whole questionnaire was good.
    2. Results of Study 1
    (1) Toddlers in Taiwan had the home literacy experience by interacting with familymembers and by exploringthemselves.
    (2) The toddlers had similar literacy experience when interacting with their mothers or fathers.
    (3) The toddlers were highly involved in the home literacy activity, but did not do it regularly.
    (4)The home literacy activities relevant to the toddlers’expressive vocabulary skill included pretend play between toddlers and mothers, joint anecdote between toddlers and mothers, story-telling between toddlers and fathers, toddlers watching TV with fathers, toddlers’self pretend play, and book reading by toddlers themselves.
    (5) The factors that influence toddlers’literacy experience were variable.
    (6) The literacy activities influence toddlers’expressive vocabulary under different conditions include pretend play between toddlers and mothers, joint anecdote between toddlers and mothers, story-telling between toddlers and fathers, toddlers’self pretend play, and book readingby toddlers themselves.
    3. Results of Study 2
    (1)As the growth of toddlers, the number of toddlers who had the following literacy activities was raised. The literacy activities were pretend play between toddlers and mothers, joint anecdote between toddlers and mothers, story-telling between toddlers and fathers, toddlers watching TV with fathers and toddlers’self pretend play, and book reading by toddlers themselves.
    (2) The toddlers’expressive vocabulary skill was not affected significantlyby the following literacy activities: pretend play between toddlers and mothers, joint anecdote between toddlers and mothers, story-telling between toddlers and fathers, toddlers watching TV with fathers, toddlers’self pretend play and book reading by toddlers themselves.
    The results of the researchcan be reference for relevant issues and developing activities to promote toddlers’language development

    家庭語文經驗對幼兒詞彙表達能力影響之研究 iii 目次 xii 圖次 xvi 第一章緒論 1 第一節研究動機與目的 1 第二節研究問題 10 第三節名詞釋義 12 第二章文獻探討 18 第一節整體語文經驗和幼兒語言能力的研究 22 第二節單一語文經驗和幼兒語言能力的研究 26 第三節文獻回顧的收穫 38 第三章研究方法 48 第一節整體架構 49 第二節研究設計 50 第三節研究對象 54 第四節研究工具 56 第五節資料分析 76 第六節研究範圍 78 第四章幼兒家庭語文經驗及詞彙表達能力之探索性研究(研究一) 79 第一節家庭語文經驗之調查結果 80 第二節2歲幼兒之家庭語文經驗、詞彙表達能力與變項間關係之研究結果 90 第三節研究一結果之綜合討論 135 第五章幼兒家庭語文經驗及詞彙表達能力變化之追蹤性研究(研究二) 145 第六章結論與建議 162 第一節結論 163 第二節建議 168 參考書目 172 附錄一「台灣地區幼兒家庭語文活動調查問卷」之專家效度評定表 195 附錄二「台灣地區幼兒家庭語文活動調查問卷」之正式版 202

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