研究生: |
陳永裕 |
論文名稱: |
分享式的理化網站平台「理化小站」之建置及探討影響理化教師上站分享知識的因素 |
指導教授: |
Chiu, Mei-Hung 周金城 Chou, Chin-Cheng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2007 |
畢業學年度: | 95 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 190 |
中文關鍵詞: | 虛擬社群 、知識管理 、知識分享 、網站滿意度 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:230 下載:18 |
分享至: |
查詢本校圖書館目錄 查詢臺灣博碩士論文知識加值系統 勘誤回報 |
本研究採用問卷調查法和網站資料庫所蒐集的資訊,以平均數、標準差、one sample t-test、two pair t-test、two sample t-test、 One-way ANOVA等統計方法,進行分析。依據分析結果,可以歸納出以下幾項結論:
一、 「工作環境」是影響理化教師上網分享的最重要因素,而「知識分享負面動機」是影響最小的因素。
二、 網站中的排名機制,不會促進理化教師教師上網分享知識。
三、 理化教師分享「外顯知識」的意願明顯高於分享「內隱外顯知識」和「內隱知識」。
四、 理化教師分享知識時是比較期望得到無形的報酬。
五、 男性理化教師對於影響因素「工作環境文化」的知覺較女性理化教師高。
六、 男性理化教師對於影響因素「外顯知識」和「內隱外顯知識」的知覺較女性理化教師高。
七、 化學系畢業的理化教師對於影響知識分享因素「網站設計」的覺知程度高於物理系畢業的理化教師。
八、 「工作環境」是影響理化小站會員上網分享的最重要因素,「期望報酬(無形)」是影響非理化小站會員上網分享的最重要因素,「知識分享負面動機」是影響理化小站會員和非會員最不重要的因素。
九、 情境題中,各層面的得分高低順序均為期望貢獻、期望關係、組織中自尊、期望報酬。
十、 內隱和外顯知識情境中,期望無形報酬均明顯高於期望有形報酬。
This study implements a Physics and Chemistry knowledge-sharing platform (Physics and Chemistry Station) on WWW to offer a web-based virtual community for Physics and Chemistry teachers in junior high school. On Physics and Chemistry Station, teachers can discuss with each other, share knowledge and resources, exchange experience and emotion without the restrictions of time, space, and different schools.
This study proceeded mainly by managing Physics and Chemistry Station and a questionnaire was made to investigate the influential factors in Physics and Chemistry teachers sharing knowledge on line. The conclusion can be a reference for educators to advocate knowledge sharing and knowledge management. It also promotes the motive and exchange of knowledge-sharing of Physics and Chemistry teachers.
Data obtained from the questionnaire survey and web-based database were analyzed via mean, standard deviation, one sample t-test, two pair t-test, and One-way ANOVA.
Major conclusions are as follows:
1. Work environment is the most significant influence on teachers’ online sharing. On the other hand, knowledge sharing negative motive is the most insignificant influence.
2. The ranking system of Physics and Chemistry Station fails to encourage teachers to share knowledge on line.
3. Teachers show stronger intention to share tacit knowledge than explicit knowledge and tacit-explicit knowledge.
4. Physics and Chemistry teachers expect invisible rewards for sharing knowledge on the station.
5. Male Physics and Chemistry teachers show keener perceptions of work environment culture, explicit knowledge, and tacit-explicit knowledge than female Physics and Chemistry teachers.
6. Physics and Chemistry teachers graduated from Chemistry Department have higher awareness of website design than those graduated from Physics Department.
7. Work environment is the strongest influential factor to station members in sharing knowledge on line, whereas invisible expected rewards are the most important influential factor to nonmembers. Knowledge sharing negative motive is the most insignificant influential factor to both members and nonmembers
8. In context questions, the ranking of all dimensions is expected contribution, expected relationship, dignity in the organization, and expected rewards.
9. In the context of tacit knowledge and explicit knowledge, the expectation of invisible rewards is obviously higher than the expectation of concrete rewards.
10. On sharing explicit knowledge, station members’ expectation of concrete rewards is evidently lower than that of nonmembers.
11. Among the functions of the station, Website Link has the greatest satisfaction while News area has the least satisfaction.
12. The most popular resource downloaded is Chemistry in Life.
13. The most popular part of News area is life news.
14. The most popular discussion area is Physics and Chemistry Teaching Issue.
15. The most popular linked website on the station is Java Physics teaching/ demonstrated lab—Huang Fu Kun.
16. An apparently higher satisfaction is shown in specific function of the station than in operation interface, website information content, and resource classification structure.
Keywords: virtual community, knowledge management, knowledge sharing, website satisfaction.
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