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研究生: 張秋草
Truong, Thao-Thu
論文名稱: The Effects of Knowledge Management Strategies on Innovation and Business Performance in Information Technology Industry
The Effects of Knowledge Management Strategies on Innovation and Business Performance in Information Technology Industry
指導教授: 施正屏
Shih, Cheng-Ping
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 國際人力資源發展研究所
Graduate Institute of International Human Resource Developmemt
論文出版年: 2018
畢業學年度: 106
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 55
中文關鍵詞: knowledge managementinnovationbusiness performanceinformation technology industry
英文關鍵詞: knowledge management, innovation, business performance, information technology industry
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/THE.NTNU.GIHRD.017.2018.F06
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:219下載:7
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  • In a rapid changing economy where companies have to cope with many challenges to survive and stay ahead of their competitors, it is constant innovation that gives them the best chance at thriving in business. Knowledge converted into innovation has been acknowledged by both researchers and practitioners as the most critical factor in the process. However, the mere act of possessing knowledge is not enough. Knowledge Management (KM) has been proposed as the one discipline that helps organizations manage and access their full knowledge potential, especially regarding innovations. Questions exist regarding the impacts of KM on Innovation, and business performance. There has been research studying the effects of KM on Innovation or business performance. Nevertheless, the interrelationships among these three variables are still understudied, especially in IT industry setting. Thus, this study aims to examine how KM affects Innovation which, in turn, contributes to business performance. Structural Equation Modelling (SEM) is utilized for this study due to its capability of handling multiple variables simultaneously. Practical implications will be proposed for organisations to build proper KM strategies which will enhance innovation and business performance.

    ABSTRACT I TABLE OF CONTENTS II LIST OF TABLES IV LIST OF FIGURES V CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION 1 Background of Study 1 Purpose of the Study 3 Questions of the Study 3 Significance of the Study 4 Delimitations and Limitations 6 Definition of Terms 7 CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW 8 Knowledge Management Strategies and Business Performance 8 Knowledge Management Strategies and Innovation 11 Innovation and Business Performance 14 CHAPTER III RESEARCH METHOD 18 Research Framework 18 Research Hypotheses 19 Research Procedure 20 Research Method 22 Data Analysis 24 CHAPTER IV FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION 27 Main Study 31 Findings Discussion 37 CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND RECOMMENDATION 40 Research Conclusions 40 Research Implications 40 Recommendations for Future Research 42 REFERENCES 43 APPENDIX A RESEARCH QUESTIONNAIRE (ENGLISH & CHINESE) 50

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