簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 沈淑端
Shu-duan Shen
論文名稱: 台灣產紫草科植物之分類研究
A taxonomic study of the Boraginaceae s. str. of Taiwan
指導教授: 王震哲
Wang, Jenn-Che
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 生命科學系
Department of Life Science
畢業學年度: 87
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 112
中文關鍵詞: 紫草科小堅果形態花粉形態染色體數地理分布
英文關鍵詞: Boraginaceae, nutlet morphology, pollen morphology, chromosome number, distribution
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:678下載:0
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  • 本論文針對台灣產狹義紫草科植物(Boraginaceae s. str.)進行分類研究,結果將台灣產紫草科植物處理為7屬15個分類群。其中台灣附地草(Trigonotis formosana Hayata var. formosana)與台北附地草(T. formosana var. elevatovenosa (Hayata) S. D. Shen)在外部形態與小堅果及花粉表面之超顯微構造上均未發現可截然區分二者之特徵,同功酵素電泳分析亦顯示二者之遺傳組成極為相似,故處理為種內分類群;另外並報導一新紀錄種附地菜(T. peduncularis (Trev.) Benth. ex Baker & S. Moore)。
    在外部形態方面,小堅果形態為區分台灣產紫草科植物最有效之特徵,習性、花序與花冠特徵、雌蕊形態有助於屬間之區別,被毛形態、葉部特徵在屬內分類群間常有差異。花粉形態方面,台產類群包括溝孔型與異溝型兩種,在花粉之外形、萌發孔之形式與紋飾的組合上,提供有效之分類特徵。細胞學研究共檢視10個分類群之減數分裂,結果顯示台灣產紫草科植物之染色體數以n=12為主;本研究首度報導細纍子草(Bothriospermum zeylanicum),高山倒提壺(Cynoglossum alpestre),小花倒提壺(C. lanceolatum var. formosanum),盾果草(Thyrocarpus sampsonii),假酸漿(Trichodesma calycosum var. formosanum)(以上均為n=12),以及台北附地草(n=24)之染色體數目;中橫新人崗的琉璃草(Cynoglossum furcatum Wall.)n=13,伏毛天芥菜(Heliotropium ovalifolium)n=14與狗尾草(Heliotropium indicum)n=12與前人報導不符。

    In the course of a taxonomic study of the Boraginaceae s. str. in Taiwan, 15 taxa of 7 genera are recognized, including a new combination and a new record, Trigonotis peduncularis (Trev.) Bentham ex Baker & S. Moore. Base on similarities in morphology and isozyme data (genetic similarity higher than 0.926 between each 2 populations), Trigonotis formosana and Trigonotis elevatovenosa, recognized as distinct species in the Flora of Taiwan, are treated as varieties of T. formosana.
    In this study, nutlet morphology are shown to be important in distinguishing plants of Taiwan Boraginaceae s. str. Habit, morphology of inflorescence, corolla, and stigma are diagnostic at generic level; hair types and leaf morphology are used to distinguish related taxa. Pollen types, shape and ornamentation of apertures are useful in separating taxa of Taiwan Boraginaceae s. str.
    Studies of chromosome cytology reveals that Taiwan Boraginaceae s. str. are based on n=12. First reports on chromosome numbers included Bothriospermum zeylanicum, Cynoglossum alpestre, Cynoglossum lanceolatum var. formosanum, Thyrocarpus sampsonii, Trichodesma calycosum var. formosanum (all above are n=12), and Trigonotis formosana var. elevatovenosa (n=24). Our chromosome counts of Cynoglossum furcatum (n=13) and Heliotropium ovalifolium (n=14) disagree with previous reports.

    附表目次-----------------------------------------------------------------II 附圖目次----------------------------------------------------------------III 中文摘要---------------------------------------------------------------IV 英文摘要----------------------------------------------------------------V 一、前言----------------------------------------------------------------------- 1 二、材料方法----------------------------------------------------------------- 9 三、形態特徵--------------------------------------------------------------- 12 四、花粉形態--------------------------------------------------------------- 25 五、細胞分類--------------------------------------------------------------- 34 六、台北附地草與台灣附地草之同功酵素分析---------------------- 37 七、生態與地理分布------------------------------------------------------ 44 八、分類處理--------------------------------------------------------------- 51 九、參考文獻-------------------------------------------------------------- 104 附錄一:酵素萃取液配方----------------------------------------------- 110 附錄二:同功酵素電泳的膠體緩衝液、電泳緩衝液配方及電壓 (或電流)、電泳所需時間------------------------------------ 110 附錄三:同功酵素之染色配方及其國際生化組織編碼 ---------- 111

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