研究生: |
楊俊德 Yang, Chun-De |
論文名稱: |
連鎖速食業經理人力培訓與甄選關鍵因素研究-以M公司為例 A study on Key Factors of the key factors of manpower training and selection for fast food franchise industry managers -The case of M company |
指導教授: |
Chou, De-Wai |
口試委員: |
Chen, Wun-Hwa 賴慧文 Lai, Hui-Wen |
口試日期: | 2021/05/25 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
高階經理人企業管理碩士在職專班(EMBA) Executive Master of Business Administration |
論文出版年: | 2021 |
畢業學年度: | 109 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 91 |
中文關鍵詞: | 培訓 、甄選 、連鎖速食業經理人 、AHP層級分析法 |
英文關鍵詞: | Training, selection, chain fast food industry managers, AHP level analysis method |
研究方法: | 實驗設計法 、 次級資料分析 、 比較研究 、 AHP層級分析法 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202100498 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:319 下載:0 |
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人力資源發展透過管理及培訓不斷精進,在二十世紀備受重視,到了二十一世紀,更是企業競爭的原動力,為各跨國大企業延續強權經濟的主要競爭力核心價值。新興科技亦如大數據、人工智慧等的推波助瀾,促使速食連鎖產業持續發展對於智慧化科技的採用,產生許多新形態業產業。亦如DoorDash 、UberEats 、GrubHub 及盒馬鮮生等。連鎖餐飲業者也在近幾年均積極投入社群媒體、大數據分析、人工智慧等技術,希冀透過新興科技幫助企業做更有效的營運管理,並延伸顧客黏著度,在此同時各大連鎖速食店為因應經營型態的改變,對於新一代的連鎖速食業連鎖速食業餐廳經理人培訓與甄選模式更顯得重要。本研究將「M公司」設定為範疇,以M公司「連鎖速食業經理人」培訓與甄選為主要研究議題,採取「層級分析法」,以專家問卷蒐集內部培訓與甄選專業意見,並使用AHP法探究連鎖速食業培訓與甄選關鍵因素。
The development of human resources has been continuously improved through management and training, and has received much attention in the 20th century. In the 21st century, it has become the driving force for corporate competition, and has continued to provide major multinational companies with the core value of the power economy. Emerging technologies, such as big data and artificial intelligence, have contributed to the continuous development of the fast-food chain industry and the adoption of smart technologies, resulting in many new industries. Such as DoorDash, UberEats, GrubHub and Hema Xiansheng. Chain restaurants have also actively invested in social media, big data analysis, artificial intelligence and other technologies in recent years, hoping to use emerging technologies to help companies do more effective operation management and extend customer retention. At the same time, major chains In response to changes in business models, restaurants are more important for the new generation of restaurant manager manpower training and selection models. This research takes "M Company" as the scope, and uses the "Analytic Hierarchy Method" (AHP) to design questionnaires to collect internal opinions and information on the operational issues of the training and selection system for "Managers of Chain Fast Food Industry" to explore the impact of the two main chains. Factors in the employment system of the fast food industry.
The research found that seven types of “training programs”(including 15 types of supporting courses such as “Customer Relations”) and seven types of “selection indicators” including “professional training” (including 15 types of supporting assessments such as “work specialty”), is the "successful integration" of the "key factors" of the chain fast food industry manager training and selection system; it was also found that the chain fast food industry managers have a "three-level difference" in their understanding of the "importance" of these key factors.
This research suggests that Company M can clarify the relationship between "ability training" and "performance selection" to plan training courses and evaluate performance criteria, and construct an efficient chain fast food restaurant manager training and selection model with both capabilities And performance-oriented to solve the obstacles encountered in the human training and selection of the chain fast food industry in the digital age. In addition, it is also recommended that M company include the "priority order" as the basis for consideration of "core training projects" and "core selection indicators", and in accordance with the order of implementation, use the evaluation weight of each project as a reference, and use it fully and efficiently. Training and selection funds can timely reflect the difference between the manager’s work performance as it should be and what is already there, and resolve the problems of managers’ "deficiency in digital literacy" and "unfair selection", and improve the training and selection of talents, from the perspective of human resource management. The root cause is to solve the problem of "insufficient managerial capabilities in the chain fast food industry".
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