研究生: |
劉頌真 Liu, Sung-Chen |
論文名稱: |
遊戲式學習應用於普通型高中自閉症學生職涯探索之學習成效與學習行為分析 The Analysis of Learners' Learning Effectiveness and Learning Behavior of a Career Exploration Board Game for High School Students with Autism Spectrum Disorder |
指導教授: |
Chang, Chien-Huey sophie |
口試委員: |
Hou, Huei-Tse 何英奇 Ho, Ying-Chyi 張千惠 Chang, Chien-Huey Sophie |
口試日期: | 2022/06/21 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
特殊教育學系碩士在職專班 Department of Special Education_Continuing Education Master's Program of Special Education |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 124 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自閉症高中生 、職涯探索 、遊戲式學習 、學習成效 、動機 、心流經驗 、接受度 、學習行為分析 |
英文關鍵詞: | High School students with ASD, career exploration, game-based learning, learning effectiveness, motivation, flow experience, acceptance, learning behavior analysis |
研究方法: | 實驗設計法 、 觀察研究 、 行為序列分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202201071 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:592 下載:0 |
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本研究使用桌上教育遊戲「118人力銀行—職涯探索」來進行職涯探索的教學。此桌上教育遊戲整合職涯探索中相關的職業工作及職業興趣性格特質相關知識,提供故事情境與任務挑戰,來輔助學習者學習。本研究邀請臺灣北部普通型高中32位自閉症學習者為研究對象 (實驗組16位、控制組16位),藉由實徵研究量化分析方法探討學生的學習成效、學習動機、心流狀態、接受度及學習行為模式。
一、 探討自閉症高中生在職涯探索課程「人力銀行—職涯探索」的學習成效、動機、心流狀態和遊戲接受度以及其差異。
二、 探討實驗組中的高/低學習成效學習者在學習動機、心流狀態和遊戲接受度的差異。
三、 探討實驗組中的高/低心流狀態學習者在學習成效、學習動機與遊戲接受度的差異。
四、 探討以遊戲式學習活動融入職涯探索課程「人力銀行—職涯探索」的學習成效、動機、心流狀態和遊戲接受度之間的關係。
五、 探討實驗組學習者在遊戲式學習活動融入職涯探索課程「人力銀行—職涯探索」中的學習行為模式及差異;以及探討遊戲式學習於自閉症學生之溝通互動、主動與他人合作與共同性注意的情形。
六、 探討實驗組中的高/低心流狀態學習者在學習行為模式上的差異。
If the career exploration is carried out in the form of activities, through the game-based learning board game, it is expected that learners can integrate into the board game situation and conduct in-depth thinking on professional knowledge through role tasks. This research used board games and cognitive mechanisms to combine game-based learning and learning objectives to enhance higher-level cognitive learning. The traditional lecture-based career exploration may have its limitations on the learning motivation and learning effectiveness of high school learners with autism.
This research used a board game "118 Manpower Bank—Career Exploration board Game". This board game integrated related knowledge about occupational work and interests and personality traits in career exploration, and provided story situations and task challenges to assist learners. The subject of this research included 32 learners with autism from regular high schools in a county in northern Taiwan ( 16 learners in the experimental group and 16 learners in the control group). This research used empirical quantitative research analysis method to explore students' learning effectiveness, learning motivation, flow experiences, acceptance and learning behavior model.
The purposes of this research are as follows :
1. Exploring the learning effectiveness, motivation, flow state and game acceptance of high school students with autism in the career exploration course "Human Banking - Career Exploration" and their differences.
2. Exploring the differences in learning motivation, flow state and game acceptance of high and low learning effectiveness learners in the experimental group.
3. Exploring the differences in learning effectiveness, learning motivation and game acceptance of high/low flow state learners in the experimental group.
4. Exploring the relationship between learning effectiveness, motivation, flow status and game acceptance of the career exploration course "Human Banking-Career Exploration" through game-based learning activities.
5. Exploring the learning behavior patterns and differences of the learners in the experimental group when game-based learning activities are integrated into the career exploration course "Human Banking - Career Exploration"; and to explore the situation of game-based learning in the communication and interaction, active cooperation with others and common attention of autistic students.
6. Exploring the differences in the learning behavior patterns of the high/low flow state learners in the experimental group.
After data collection and analysis, this study find that the learners in the experimental group make significant progress in learning effectiveness, but the learners in the control group don’t achieve significant progress; the learners in both the experimental group and the control group have significant progress in learning motivation; There is no significant difference between the two groups in terms of learning effectiveness or motivation. This study also find that the average performance of "overall flow status", "flow pre-factors" and "flow experience" of learners in the experimental group are significantly higher than the median; The average performance of "Overall Acceptance", "Game Usefulness" and "Game Elements" are significantly higher than the median, but "Game Usability" isn’t significant. In terms of correlation, learning motivation is highly correlated with flow state, and learning motivation is highly correlated with game acceptance. In addition, in terms of learning behavior sequence patterns, it can be found that after the behaviors of "reading card information" and "checking matching results", students in the experimental group will significantly generate discussions about learning; In this study, the behavior sequence pattern analysis is conducted based on the different flow levels of the learners in the experimental group, and it is found that the learners in the high flow group are more able to promote the learners to participate in the game through communication, interaction and cooperative discussions with others. Self-control, clearer learning goals, and flow state; the low flow group have less experience in communicating, interacting, and cooperating with others.
This study used the in-depth research method of behavioral sequence pattern analysis to explore the interaction patterns of students. The results of the study find that the game-based learning educational activities of group cooperation can indeed help high school students with autism to communicate, interact, actively cooperate with others, and pay attention to each other. It is suggested that the group cooperation mode of game-based learning and educational activities can be used in teaching practice to assist high school students with autism in their needs for communication and interaction, active cooperation with others, and joint attention. After reading the card information during the game and checking the paired and combined cards, high school students with the autism can spontaneously generate behaviors such as communication and interaction within and between groups, active cooperation with others, and joint attention, this is a very unique and important finding of this study. The study concludes with recommendations for future research and teaching practice.
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