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研究生: 高妍妮
Kao, Yen-Ni
論文名稱: 博物館的解殖實踐:以荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館為例
Decolonizing the Museum: A Case Study of the Rijksmuseum
指導教授: 賴嘉玲
Lai, Chia-Ling
口試委員: 吳介祥
Wu, Chieh-Hsiang
Hudson, Hugh
Lai, Chia-Ling
口試日期: 2022/01/26
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 歐洲文化與觀光研究所
Graduate Institute of European Cultures and Tourism
論文出版年: 2022
畢業學年度: 110
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 128
中文關鍵詞: 荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館博物館和解殖實踐荷蘭民族主義再現政治困難遺產
英文關鍵詞: Rijksmuseum, museum and decolonization, Dutch nationalism, politics of representation, difficult heritage
研究方法: 個案研究法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200345
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:229下載:53
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  • 2019 年 9 月,考慮到“黃金時代”(Gouden Eeuw)一詞所代表的片面歷史史實,阿姆斯特丹博物館宣布將在其展覽和館藏中徹底移除這個歷史標籤,並以荷蘭 17 世紀取代之。然而對此決議,荷蘭阿姆斯特丹國家博物館提出了另一種想法與可能性,該博物館除了將繼續使用這一特定術語,更將在 2021 年,同時也是荷蘭西印度公司成立 400 週年紀念,舉辦一場聚焦在奴隸制的展覽,以闡明奴隸貿易的不當行為以及該貿易在荷蘭殖民歷史中所扮演的重要腳色。
    關於荷蘭的解殖化進程和荷蘭博物館群的解殖實踐,本論文旨在回答三個主要問題:荷蘭國家博物館該如何在一個解殖化辯論不斷變化的社會中轉型過程中證明自己的合理性?該博物館該如何以解殖民化的方式,通過舉辦與殖民相關的展覽,重構博物館內部的權力知識框架?最終,荷蘭博物館群的解殖主義方法和實踐應該如何繼續?本文以班奈特(Tony Bennett)提出的博物館研究理論框架為支撐,並在文獻分析和實地考察的基礎上,進行兩個面向的探討:首先為文化治理與荷蘭黃金時代的討論,接續著對博物館群的解殖進程探究。

    In September 2019, considering the one side story indicated by the term the ‘Golden Age’ (Gouden Eeuw), the Amsterdam Museum declared that this historical label for the Dutch 17th century will no longer be used in its exhibition galleries and materials. In response, the Rijksmuseum announced that they will continue to use this term while an exhibition focuses exclusively on slavery be stage in 2021. As the year marks the 400th anniversary of the establishment of the Dutch West India Company, it is believed to be a reasonable occasion to shed light on the misconduct of the slave trade since it played an integral part in Dutch colonial history.
    Regarding the decolonization context of the Netherlands and the decolonial practice in the Dutch Museum World, this thesis aims to answer three main questions: how should the Rijksmuseum transform and justify itself through a changing society that finally joined the debate over colonization? How to reconstruct the power-knowledge framework within the museum by organizing a colonial-related exhibition through a decolonial approach? And ultimately, how should the decolonial approach and practice of Dutch museums continue? Supported by the theoretical framework provided by Tony Bennett on museum studies from a Foucauldian approach, and based on document analysis and field investigation, this thesis aimed to discuss the issue of the Rijksmuseum’s decolonization practice from two aspects, which is the cultural governance and the historical term Dutch Golden Era on one hand and the museum world’s on-going decolonizing process.
    Through the case study of the Rijksmuseum’s temporary exhibition Slavery: Ten True Stories, this thesis attempts to analyze the how collective memory toward a difficult history can be constructed in a temporary exhibition through its exhibition strategies.

    Chapter 1 Introduction. 1 I. Research Background. 1 II. Research Questions. 4 Chapter 2 Literature Review. 5 I. Cultural Governance and the Dutch Golden Era. 5 1. Power/knowledge in the Public Display. 5 2. Exhibition Policy and Poetic in Space of Representation. 12 3. Cultural Citizenship in Space of Civilization. 20 II. Museums Moving Toward Decolonization. 21 1. The Ongoing Epistemic Project of Decolonization. 21 2. Museological Curating Practice — British as Example. 30 3. Multiple Patterns of Visitors. 33 Chapter 3 Methodology. 38 I. Research Object. 38 II. Research Methods. 42 Chapter 4 The Rijksmuseum and the Glorified Memory. 48 I. The Construction of Symbolic Meaning in Rijksmuseum. 48 II. The Formation of National and Cultural Identities. 48 1. Exhibition Discourse. 50 2. Guided Tour. 55 3. Temporary Exhibitions, Research Projects and Online Resources. 58 III. Discourse of Reflection on Colonialism — Social Changes. 61 1. The National Government’s Reaction Upon Movements. 64 2. The Potential of Cultural Institutes for Collective Memories. 66 Chapter 5 An Exhibition About Slavery. 67 I. Exhibition Review. 67 II. The Construction of Collective Memory in a Temporary Exhibition. 89 III. The Rijksmuseum’s Exhibition Strategy in Facing Difficult Memories. 90 IV. Exhibition Discourse of the Slavery Exhibition. 93 Chapter 6 Conclusion. 100 I. Reviewing Decolonization Practice within Cultural Institutions. 100 II. Decolonizing Museums. 105 III. Research Limitation and Suggestion. 106 Appendix. 107 Reference List. 116

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