簡易檢索 / 詳目顯示

研究生: 王富美
Leslie Fu-mei Wang
論文名稱: 台閩語類別詞研究
Classifiers in Taiwan Min
指導教授: 李櫻
Li, Ing
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 英語學系
Department of English
論文出版年: 2001
畢業學年度: 89
語文別: 英文
論文頁數: 119
中文關鍵詞: 類別詞語法化語用認知分類
英文關鍵詞: classifiers, grammaticalization, pragmatics, cognitive categorization
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:511下載:62
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  • 摘 要
    類別詞 (classifiers) 的選用經常能反應出人們對事物的認知及分類,因此長久以來一直是認知語言學家所熱衷的話題。本研究特別從分類 (classification)、語用 (pragmatics),以及語法化 (grammaticalization) 的角度來探討台閩語類別詞的使用。
    本研究指出在台閩語的個體類詞 (individual classifiers)裡,類別/功能 (type/function) 與形狀 (shape) 是反映個體類詞選用與分類的主要參數 (primary parameters),其次要參數 (secondary parameters) 為尺寸 (size) 與密度 (consistency)。而這兩個參數間的運作,可用以解釋中國境內方言量詞系統間的微妙差異。
    本文的第二部份討論多元化分類 (variable categorization),即同一名詞為不同類詞修飾之現象。不同類詞的選用常可用以表達一個名詞所具有的多種概念, 如一架飛機 ‘an airplane’ 和一班飛機 ‘a flight’ 。 此外,說話者亦可藉由選擇不尋常或非人 (non-human) 之類詞,如 ki (支), khoo (箍), sian (身), cang (叢), bue (尾) 等來表達其對某人之負面看法與態度。
    第三部份所討論的是 cit e (一個) 的語法化 (grammaticalization) 現象。 本研究發現 cit e 除了為名量詞 (nominal classifier) 之外,亦可為動量詞 (verbal classifier)、小量化的標誌 (a trivializer)、短時/嘗試貌之標誌 (a delimitative/tentative aspect marker)、表示時間 (a temporal connective) 與結果的連接詞 (a resultative connective),甚至是語尾助詞 (a particle of excessiveness)。 此部份將深入討論促成cit e 不同演變的語用動因, 特別是隱喻延伸 (metaphorical extension) 及換喻 (metonymy) 對cit e的發展與影響。

    This study, different from those previous studies on Taiwanese classifiers, approaches the numeral classifiers from various perspectives. It deals not only with the classification of classifiers but concerns the atypical uses of classifiers in discourse. Special attention is paid to the special uses of the default classifier e with cit.
    The first part of this thesis investigates the categorization of the numeral classifiers in Taiwan Min. Specifically, it re-examines the cognitive categories claimed by Tai (1992, 1994) and Li (1998) to be the underlying criteria for classification of nouns, namely, animacy, shape, consistency, size, and part of object. It is proposed that the major cognitive principles for classification should be type/function and shape and that the variations among classifier systems across Chinese dialects can best be accounted for by different settings of parameters, such as size, consistency, orientation, etc.
    The second part of this work mainly deals with variable categorization, the possibility for one noun to be characterized by various classifiers. It explores atypical uses of non-human classifiers with humans in particular. It is demonstrated that such classifiers as khoo (箍), sian (身), cang (叢), etc., when used non-canonically in discourse, serve the expressive/pragmatic function, revealing the speaker’s attitude toward the person in question.
    The last part of this research explores the various functions that cit e possesses. Cit e is observed to act as a nominal classifier, a verbal classifier, a delimitative/tentative aspect marker, a temporal connective, a resultative connective, or even a particle of excessiveness. With these different uses, the study demonstrates a case of polygrammaticalization in which the polysemous features exhibited by cit e can be accounted for naturally and elegantly. It shows that the prime pragmatic processes at work in the development of cit e are metaphorical extension in terms of domain shift and metonymy, especially the type involving conventionalizing of conversational implicatures. It also indicates that the overall paths of development accord with the two universal tendencies of grammaticalization: from the more concrete to the more abstract, and from the more objective to the more subjective.

    TABLE OF CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS…………………………………………………………...i CHINESE ABSTRACT………………………………………………………………ii ENGLISH ABSTRACT..……………………………………………………………..iii TABLE OF CONTENTS……………………………………………………………...v LIST OF TRANSCRIPTION CONVENTIONS AND ABBREVIATIONS………..viii LIST OF TABLES AND FIGURES……………………………………………….…ix Chapter One Introduction 1 1.1 Motivation and Goals 1 1.2 Methodology 3 1.3 Organization of the Thesis 4 Chapter Two Review of the Literature 6 2.1 Studies on Mandarin Numeral Classifiers 6 2.1.1 Chao (1968) 6 2.1.2 Li and Thompson (1981) 9 2.1.3 Tai and Wang (1990); Tai and Chao (1994) 10 2.1.4 Tai (1992, 1994) 12 2.1.5 Wiebusch (1995) 15 2.1.6 Ahrens and Huang (1996) 18 2.2 Studies on Taiwanese Numeral Classifiers 20 2.2.1 Yang (1991) 20 2.2.2 Li (1998) 21 2.3 Conclusion 24 Chapter Three Classification of Numeral Classifiers 26 3.1 An Overview 26 3.1.1 The Semantics of Nouns 26 3.1.2 The Functions of Numeral Classifiers 27 Quantification and Individuation 27 Classification and Categorization 29 Anaphoric Use of Classifiers 30 3.1.3 Summary 31 3.2 Numeral Classifiers in Taiwan Min 31 3.2.1 A New Classification of Numeral Classifiers 31 3.2.2 Relationships Among Categories of Classifiers 39 3.3 Categories of Classification for Individual Classifiers 43 3.3.1 Basic Parameters of Categorization 43 3.3.2 Categories of Classification 45 The Type/Function Category 46 The Shape/Dimensionality Category 47 3.3.3 Advantages of the Proposed Analysis 49 3.4 Conclusion 52 Chapter Four Pragmatic Functions of Classifiers 54 4.1 Variable Categorization 54 4.2 Pragmatic Functions of Classifiers 56 4.2.1 Ki (支) 56 4.2.2 The Use of Non-human Classifiers for Humans 58 Khoo (箍) 59 Sian (身) 61 Cang (叢) 62 Animal Classifiers: Ciah (隻) and Bue (尾) 63 4.2.3 Summary 64 4.3 Comparisons with Unconventional Uses of Mandarin Classifiers 66 4.4 Conclusion 67 Chapter Five Polygrammaticalization of Cit e 69 5.1 Previous Research 69 5.2 Distribution of Cit e in the Database 75 5.2.1 E as a Nominal Classifier 76 5.2.2 The Nominal Classifier-to-Aspect Marker Cline 77 Cit e in the V + [cit e + N] Construction 77 Cit e in the V + cit e + N Construction 81 Cit e in the [V + cit e] Construction 85 Interim Summary 89 5.2.3 Development of Cit e into a Temporal /Causal Connective 90 Cit e in the cit e V Construction 90 Interim Summary 93 5.2.4 Evolution of Cit e into a Particle of Excessiveness 94 Cit e in the V + cit e + C construction 94 Cit e as a Particle of Excessiveness 99 Interim Summary 101 5.3 Conclusion 103 Chapter Six Conclusion 109 6.1 Summary of results 109 6.2 Implications 110 6.2.1 Grammar and Discourse 110 6.2.2 Pedagogical Implications 110 6.3 Suggestions for future research 112 REFERENCES 115

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