研究生: |
黃慧雯 Hui-wen,Huang |
論文名稱: |
大學生的自我分化、社會活動經驗與自我認定狀態之相關研究 The Relationships Among Self-Differentiation,Social Activity Experience and Ego Identity Status for Undergraduate Students in Taiwan |
指導教授: | 蔡順良 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2002 |
畢業學年度: | 90 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 133 |
中文關鍵詞: | 自我分化 、社會活動經驗 、自我認定狀態 、社團參與 、打工經驗 、戀愛經驗 、親密 、個體化 |
英文關鍵詞: | Self-Differentiation, Ego Identity Status, Undergraduate Students, Social Activity Experience |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:543 下載:97 |
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整體而言,大學生的自我分化可以有效預測自我認定狀態,其解釋量介於1% 到12.5%之間。其中對「他主認定」的解釋量較大。在意識型態層面,大學生若與父親越親密、與母親越親密但是傾向陷入三角關係者,其自我認定狀態越傾向於「他主認定」;在人際互動層面,大學生若與父親越親密、與母親越親密但是和父親之間的個體化程度較低,則其自我認定狀態傾向於「他主認定」。
整體而言,大學生的自我分化可以有效預測社會活動經驗,其解釋量介於1% 到10.1%之間。其中對「父、母支持其參與各項社會活動的程度」的解釋量較大。若大學生與父親的親密和個體化程度越高,則越能感受到父親對其參與各項社會活動的支持;同樣的,若大學生與母親的親密和個體化程度越高,也越能感受到母親對其參與各項社會活動的支持。亦即,和父母之間有良好的分化,則父母越能支持其向外探索,參與各項的社會活動。
整體而言,大學生的社會活動經驗可以有效預測自我認定狀態,其解釋量介於1% 到10.1%之間,其中對「自主認定-人際互動」的解釋量最大。若大學生投注在戀愛經驗的時間和重視程度越高以及父親越支持其參與各項各項社會活動,則其在人際互動層面的自我認定狀態越傾向於「自主認定」。此外,若大學生越少投注時間和心力於戀愛經驗以及參與社團活動的程度越低,則其在人際互動層面的自我認定發展越傾向於「認定混淆」的狀態。但是,大學生的社會活動經驗對於意識型態層面的自我認定狀態之預測解釋量則普遍偏低,甚至無法有效預測「尋求認定-意識型態」此一自我認定狀態。
整體而言,大學生的自我分化、社會活動經驗可以共同預測部份的自我認定狀態,其解釋量介於8.2% 到13%之間。其中以「自主認定-人際互動」的解釋量最大(13%)。若大學生對戀愛經驗的投注時間和重視程度越高、從父親那裡獲得越多對其參與各項社會活動的支持以及與母親的關係越親密,則其在人際互動層面的自我認定狀態越傾向於「自主認定」。
The purposes of the study were to: (1)use self-differentiation to predict ego identity status, (2)use self-differentiation to predict social activity experience, (3)use social activity experience to predict ego identity status, (4)use self-differentiation and social activity experience to predict ego identity status, and (5)explore the variances on ego identity status showed by students with different background variables.
The sample consisted of 617 undergraduate students from five universities and colleges in Northern Taiwan. Instruments used in this study were “Scale of Self- Differentiation” (including “Scale of Differentiation With Father ”, “ Scale of Differentiation With Mother ” , ”Scale of Detriangling ”) , ”Scale of Social Activity Experience ” and “ the revised version of the Extended Objective Measure of Ego Identity Status”. Data obtained in this study were analyzed by multiple stepwise regression and multivariate analysis of variance. The main findings were as follows:
1. There were relationships between self-differentiation and ego identity status
The results indicated that self-differentiation could significantly predict ego identity status, and the amount it could account for the variance of ego identity status was between 1% and 12.5%.
2. There were relationships between self-differentiation and social activity experience
The results indicated that self-differentiation could significantly predict social activity experience and the amount it could account for the variance of social activity experience was between 1% and 10.1%.
3.There were relationships between social activity experience and ego identity status
The results indicated that social activity experience could significantly predict ego identity status, and the amount it could account for the variance of ego identity status was between 1% and 10.1%.
4.There were relationships among self-differentiation、social activity experience and ego identity status
The results indicated that self-differentiation and social activity experience could significantly predict part of ego identity status, and the amount it could account for the variance of ego identity status was between 8.2% and 13%.
5. The variances of ego identity status showed by students with different background variables
(1) Significant gender differences were found on ego identity status. The differences in the ego identity status between male and female subjects include Ideology- Achievement and Interpersonal-Foreclosure.
(2) Significant grade differences were found on ego identity status. The third-grade students’ score was significantly higher than that of the first-grade and the second- grade students on Ideology- Achievement. The fourth-grade students’ score was significantly lower than that of the first-grade, the second-grade and the third-grade students on Interpersonal-Diffusion.
(3) Significant college differences were found on ego identity status. The physical education college students’ score was significantly higher than the education and liberal arts college students’ on Ideology- Foreclosure. The engineering and science college students’ score was significantly higher than the education and liberal arts college students’ on Interpersonal-Foreclosure.
(4) No differences on ego identity status were found among students participating in different clubs. In other words, the clubs that the students participated in didn’t affect the students’ ego identity status.
Based on the results, implications of this study for parenting and guidance were discussed, and suggestions for further research were proposed.
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