研究生: |
簡琬宣 Wan-Hsuan Chien |
論文名稱: |
以形態與分子證據探討紋黃蝶在台灣之分佈 Study on distribution of Colias erate in Taiwan based on morphological and molecular evidence |
指導教授: |
Hsu, Yu-Feng |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
生命科學系 Department of Life Science |
論文出版年: | 2010 |
畢業學年度: | 99 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 71 |
中文關鍵詞: | 紋黃蝶 、族群遺傳 、形質分析 、分子標記 |
英文關鍵詞: | Colias erate formosana, population genetic, morphometric analysis, molecular marker |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:268 下載:5 |
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紋黃蝶(Colias erate formosana)在台灣全年分布於中高海拔地區,過去認為高山族群屬於台灣特有亞種;而北部的低海拔地區出現時間則以秋、冬為主,有文獻認為也許源自日本。然而紋黃蝶在北部確實出現的季節、個體來源目前無相關研究。本研究針對北部低海拔的族群進行生態、成蝶形態、族群遺傳等,各方面相關研究,探討台灣產紋黃蝶之分布。
於幼生期方面,在15~28℃發育的時間隨溫度遞減而花費時間增加。此外,C. erate的食性測試,除了已知的寄主菽草(Trifolium pretense)外,還發現紫苜蓿(Medicago sativa)、印度草木樨(Melilotus indicus)可被幼蟲利用;另外,餵食田菁(Sesbania cannabiana)的幼蟲,則發生存活率降低與羽化成功率低的現象。檢驗日本和台灣低海拔、中海拔共三個地區的樣品,利用形質單變數分析與主成分分析,各地區樣品無法區分,亦無法將北部低海拔族群歸群於任一類群。野外族群調查於2008~2010年進行,結果顯示低海拔樣區在夏季及秋季有紋黃蝶族群記錄;武陵農場則是每次調查都有記錄。本研究利用分子技術(序列分析、SeAFLP、微衛星)探討低海拔個體來源。從COI、EF-1α序列資料,顯示族群間遺傳多樣性低,定序資料無法提供解決;而透過SeAFLP和微衛星實驗,得知台灣低海拔和中海拔族群間缺乏分化(Fst < 0.05),反應基因交流頻繁,可推測兩族群間的阻礙小、移動頻繁。
The sulfur butterfly Colias erate formosana is mainly distributed at higher elevations in Taiwan, and has been considered as an endemic subspecies. Nevertheless, this Pierid butterfly about was be found at lowlands in northern part of the island in fall and winter. So far there has been insufficient information to explain the source of the individuals found on lowland Taiwan. I applied morphological, ecological and genetic methods to investigate this question.
With regard to the development of the immature stages, C. erate grows along with the progressively decreasing temperature between 15~28 ℃. Four potential host-plants of C. erate were tested. The results revealed Trifolium pretense, Medicago sativa, and Melilotus indicus can be used successfully by larva. By contrast, the survival rate of larva was reduced considerally by Sesbania cannabiana. The analysis of morphological characters using ANOVA and principal-components failed to distinguish three populations, including the Japan, low elevation and high elevation in Taiwan. A censor was performed at during 2008 and 2010, showing that the present of C. erate was unstable at Bisha Fishing Port but persisting at Wuling Farm was stable all year. The molecular technology used included sequential analysis, SeAFLP and microsatellite. It turned out that generic diversity were low for COI and EF-1α, that this methodology is not suitable for this research. SeAFLP and microsatellite demonstrated no differention was found between was found between low elevation and high elevation, and the results confirmed that the movement between two elevations occurred frequently.
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