研究生: |
陳虹仰 Chen, Hung-Yang |
論文名稱: |
家長支持自主性教養與青少年目標感—潛能信念與基本心理需求滿足的作用 Parents' Autonomy Support and Youth's Purpose: The Roles of Capability Beliefs and Basic Psychological Need Satisfaction |
指導教授: |
Cheng, Ching-Ling |
口試委員: |
Chou, Li-Tuan 劉奕蘭 Liu, Yih-Lan 王玉珍 Wang, Yu-Chen 吳志文 Wu, Chih-Wen 程景琳 Cheng, Ching-Ling |
口試日期: | 2024/01/09 |
學位類別: |
博士 Doctor |
系所名稱: |
教育心理與輔導學系 Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling |
論文出版年: | 2024 |
畢業學年度: | 112 |
語文別: | 英文 |
論文頁數: | 166 |
中文關鍵詞: | 家長支持自主性教養 、青少年目標感 、潛能信念 、基本心理需求滿足 、中期青少年 |
英文關鍵詞: | parents' autonomy support, youth's purpose, capability beliefs, basic psychological need satisfaction, middle adolescence |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202400070 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:262 下載:0 |
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此論文以中期青少年階段的臺灣樣本,探討家長支持孩子自主性的教養方式與孩子目標感之關聯性。本論文的三個研究中,家長自主支持區分為促進自發意願(promotion of volitional functioning)和促進獨立性(promotion of independence)兩個面向。青少年目標感在三個研究中皆包含了兩個目標發展向度—目標探索(purpose exploration)與目標投入(purpose commitment),並在研究三檢驗了與目標內涵相關的另外三個向度—意義感(meaningfulness)、目的導向(goal orientation)和超越自我的意圖(beyond-the-self intention)。研究一以高職學生為樣本所進行的交叉延宕模式分析結果顯示,家長促進獨立性正向預測青少年一年後的目標探索,而家長促進自發意願與青少年一年後的目標探索或投入沒有顯著關聯。研究二參考社會認知理論框架,檢驗了青少年的潛能信念能否解釋家長自主支持對青少年目標感的預測效果。結果顯示,兩種家長自主支持正向預測青少年的內控信念和自我效能,並再進一步正向預測青少年的目標投入。青少年的內控信念也解釋了兩種家長自主支持對青少年目標探索產生的間接效果,但青少年自我效能並未在此關聯間扮演中介角色。上述間接效果雖然同時存在於高中及高職青少年的橫斷資料,但沒有在縱貫資料上獲得支持。研究三根據自我決定理論,檢驗青少年基本心理需求滿足能否解釋家長自主支持對青少年目標感的預測效果。分析結果不僅支持研究假設,也發現青少年特定需求的滿足在各種目標向度中發揮了不同效果。當兩種家長自主支持預測青少年的能力需求獲得愈多滿足,可進一步預測青少年的目標投入、意義感和目的導向。當兩種家長自主支持預測青少年的連結需求獲得愈多滿足,可進一步預測青少年的目標探索與其超越自我的意圖。在上述的間接效果中,多數能夠於高中及高職學生上同時被觀察到。
This dissertation aims to investigate whether and how autonomy-supportive parenting contributes to youth's purpose development during middle adolescence in Taiwan. Across three studies, distinctions between the promotion of volitional functioning and the promotion of independence were drawn in examining parents' autonomy support. Youth's purpose was assessed in two dimensions in terms of the development of purpose—exploration and commitment—across this dissertation, with an additional three dimensions related to the essence of purpose—meaningfulness, goal orientation, and beyond-the-self intention—included in the third study. In study 1, the results of cross-lagged analyses showed that among vocational high school students parents' promotion of independence was associated with youth's enhanced purpose exploration one year later, whereas parents' promotion of volitional functioning was not associated with youth's purpose exploration or commitment one year later. Using a social-cognitive theory framework, Study 2 examined whether youth's capability beliefs account for the autonomy-supportive parenting effects on youth's purpose dimensions. The results revealed that both types of autonomy-supportive parenting positively predicted youth's internal locus of control and self-efficacy, which in turn positively predicted youth's purpose commitment. Youth's internal locus of control, but not self-efficacy, also explained the indirect effects the two types of parents' autonomy support had on youth's purpose exploration. Although these indirect effects were significant concurrently among both academic- and vocational-track high school students, such mechanisms did not occur when it came to longitudinal associations. Guided by a self-determination theory lens, moreover, Study 3 tested whether youth's basic psychological need satisfaction accounts for the autonomy-supportive parenting effects on youth's purpose dimensions. Such an argument was supported, with findings indicating that youth's satisfaction of specific needs plays different roles in the various purpose dimensions. That is, both types of autonomy-supportive parenting contributed to youth's purpose commitment, meaningfulness, and goal orientation when youth's competence need was satisfied. The two types of parents' autonomy support were also conducive to youth's purpose exploration and beyond-the-self intention when the youth's relatedness need was satisfied. These indirect effects largely applied to both academic- and vocational-track high school students.
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