研究生: |
陳品儒 Chen Pin Ru |
論文名稱: |
民眾對愛滋病及保險套態度,使用保險套行為意向及其相關因素探討 The study of attitude toward AIDS and condom ,the behavioral intension of using condom and relevant factors |
指導教授: | 晏涵文 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
健康促進與衛生教育學系 Department of Health Promotion and Health Education |
論文出版年: | 2004 |
畢業學年度: | 92 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 173 |
中文關鍵詞: | 民眾 、行動線索(資訊來源) 、使用保險套經驗 、民眾未來性行為時使用保險套之行為意向 |
英文關鍵詞: | People, Cues to action(Information Sources), Experience of using condom, Future behavioral intension of using condom during sexual behavior |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:396 下載:58 |
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六、 過去性行為「使用保險套經驗」可有效預測「未來使用保險套之行為意向」(p<.oo1);扣除過去性行為「使用保險套經驗」變項後,健康信念模式可解釋「未來使用保險套之行為意向」28.9%的變異量;「性別」、「愛滋病之自覺嚴重性」、「使用保險套之障礙性」對「未來使用保險套之行為意向」之解釋力最大。
This research mainly aims at understanding people's AIDS, condom attitude, behavioral intension of using the condom and relevant influence factors, and finding out the effective prediction factors that influence people liking to use the condom at each time, then offering relevant information for future healthy education intervention and media declaration about the condom usage to prevent AIDS. This study adopts the quality interview to match with the quantity as a result analytical research design, the research object inhabits the Taiwanese region, age 20-39 years old and have the ability of accessing Internet. According to the purposive sampling and obtains seven individual cases to receive the quality interview; Another, carrying on the quantity questionnaire data collections in the website of Department of Health Taipei City Government, CDC and Mercy Memorial Foundation, accept case 1,123, valid questionnaire 675, carry on income data to covariance and analyze the effect as follows:
1. Totally, the people have high score in AIDS knowledge. (but the results of quality interview showed interviewees always have vague AIDS knowledge, such as the AIDS contagious pathway through French kiss, oral intercourse or others, the definition of multiple sexual companion, onset of AIDS and treatment of AIDS.
2. The people with sexual experience 「using condom at each time」in the past sexual behavior are about twenty to thirty percent; nearly 30% showed the willing of 「using condom at each time」 in 「future behavioral intension of using condom during sexual behavior」.
3. Only about 10% people thought the amount of pubic media declaration about the condom usage to prevent AIDS is enough. The declaration information sources are 「TV declaration advertisement」,「TV news」and 「Internet」.
4. Sex, marital status, sexual companion counts,「past experience of using condom」 and 「Cues to action(Information Sources)」 obviously affect people’s 「attitude toward AIDS and condom」.
5. Age , job , marital status and past sexual companion counts obviously affect peoples’s 「Cues to action(Information Sources)」.
6. 「Past experience of using condom」in sexual hehavior can effectively predict 「Future behavioral intension of using condom」(p<0.01). If skipping the variant of 「Past experience of using condom」, the health believe model showed 0.289 R-Square for 「Future behavioral intension of using condom」;「Sex」,「perceived seriousness of the AIDS」,「perceived barrier to using condom」had much explanation for 「Future behavioral intension of using condom」.
Learnt from the result of study, people 「using condom at each」in past sexual behavior and show the willing use each time ' sheath express willing of 「using condom at each time」 in 「future behavioral intension of using condom during sexual behavior」 are about twenty to thirty percent. Only about 10% people thought the amount of pubic media declaration about the condom usage to prevent AIDS is enough ,and it means there are still enormous diligent space in future for educational declaration about condom usage to prevent AIDS. This study suggests the healthy department of Government using educational interventions with different declaration content for different group of people, and utilizing the pubic media communication well to do the healthy educational declaration about condom usage to prevent AIDS. Let people knew the importance of AIDS prevention and used condom at each, and we can keep people far away from AIDS.
Keyword: People, Cues to action(Information Sources), Experience of using condom, Future behavioral intension of using condom during sexual behavior.
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