研究生: |
王逸翔 Wang, Yi-Shiang |
論文名稱: |
基於腦波注意力之影音教材學習診斷系統 Developing a Learning Diagnosis System of Video Lecture Based on Attention Recognition Technology |
指導教授: |
Chen, Chih-Ming 洪欽銘 Hong, Chin-Ming |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
電機工程學系 Department of Electrical Engineering |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 102 |
中文關鍵詞: | 注意力 、學習成效 、自主複習診斷 、腦波注意力之影音教材學習診斷系統 |
英文關鍵詞: | attention, learning outcome, autonomous review and diagnosis, brainwave attention video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:279 下載:8 |
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The changing development of e-learning in last years has changed the traditional face to face teaching; and, the assistance of technology also allows e-learning being diversified. Computer assisted learning integrates curricula, materials, and teaching into information technology so that technology assisted learning could enhance students’ learning outcome and problem-solving abilities. Attention has been regarded as a key factor in learning outcome; however, the development of technology assisted instruments to enhance learning attention is seldom researched because of the restriction to the difficulty in attention detection technologies. A brainwave attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system is therefore developed in this study to verify the effects on the promotion of review learning outcome and attention as well as to compare the effects on the review learning outcome, review attention, cognitive load, and review satisfaction between learners in the experimental group applying the attention based review diagnosis system and those in the control group adopting autonomous review and diagnosis system. Furthermore, the effects of learners with different gender, attention and cognitive style, including field independence and field dependence, on the review learning outcome, review attention, cognitive load, and review satisfaction are also investigated.
The experimental results are summarized as following. (1) Learners in the experimental group applying brainwave attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system significantly outperform those in the control group adopting autonomous review and diagnosis on review learning outcome. (2) Female learners applying attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system remarkably outperform those adopting autonomous review and diagnosis on the review learning outcome. (3) Low-attention learners applying attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system notably outperform those adopting autonomous review and diagnosis on the review learning outcome. (4) Field dependent learners applying attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system outperform those adopting autonomous review and diagnosis on the review learning outcome. (5) Field dependent learners applying autonomous review and diagnosis review present significantly higher cognitive load than those adopting attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system. (6) High-attention learners applying attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system and autonomous review and diagnosis outperform low-attention learners on the review attention. (7) Field independent learners adopting attention based video and audio material assisted learning diagnosis system to the review reveal remarkably higher cognitive load than field dependent learners. (8) Male learners applying autonomous review and diagnosis show notably higher review satisfaction than female learners. (9) Field independent learners adopting autonomous review and diagnosis present significantly higher review satisfaction than field dependent learners do.
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