研究生: |
林依瑩 Lin, Yi-Ying |
論文名稱: |
透過發展科學探究測驗分析學生的探究思考形式 Analyzing Student's Inquiry Thinking Through the Development of an Online Scientific Inquiry Assessment |
指導教授: |
Yang, Fang-Ying |
口試委員: |
Tsai, Meng-Jung 許衷源 Hsu, Chung-Yuan 楊芳瑩 Yang, Fang-Ying |
口試日期: | 2023/01/30 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
科學教育研究所 Graduate Institute of Science Education |
論文出版年: | 2023 |
畢業學年度: | 111 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 68 |
中文關鍵詞: | 科學探究 、探究思考 、探究評量 、蠟燭燃燒 |
英文關鍵詞: | scientific inquiry, inquiry thinking, inquiry assessment, candle burning |
研究方法: | 調查研究 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202300318 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:250 下載:0 |
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十二年國教自然科學課程綱要中提出以「探究與實作」為貫穿各學習階段且整合各學科內容 的核心素養,於是本研究決定發展出以思考智能為主的探究式試題,融入蠟燭燃燒的情境脈 絡,來分析高中生們針對探究式試題的回應,了解其在探究各階段的思考形式,並探討學生們 的科學認識信念與探究思考表現的關係。本研究的研究問題有以下四個:
一、此蠟燭燃燒探究試題包含哪些面向,可反應出哪些思考形式? 二、學生們在回答探究試題時,產生了哪些回應類別和思考形式? 三、學生們的科學認識信念的形式為何? 四、學生們的探究測驗表現和其認識信念是否有關。
本探究式試題結合探究階段和科學思考形式後,包含以下的思辨形式:「觀察解釋」、「發 現問題」、「運用科學知識提出現象解釋」、「提出假設」、「分辨變項」、「控制變項」、「分析或解 釋資料」、「評估證據的一致性」、「建立解釋理論/建模」等 ,基於以上的思辨模式,結合蠟燭 燃燒情境初步定題後再和探究與實作的專家一起討論最終完成定題,呈現出完整的探究試題。 測驗發展完成後,由研究者設計的探究式試題進行施測,共約 300 位學生參與,並在施測後以 「科學認識辯證信念問卷」來偵測學生們的科學認識信念,近一步探討學生的探究表現和科學認 識信念的相關性。
本研究的探究試題的思考形式著重於和科學教育最相關的科學推理與科學辯證。研究結果 顯示,針對科學思考形式,學生在「觀察解釋」中得分最高,在「控制變因」、「整合理論和數據 進行辯證」和「批判反思」得分皆較低。在科學認識辯證信念問卷中,學生得分較高的是「科學知 識發展信念」面向,而學生的探究表現會受到其科學認識信念所影響,與普遍認同的「科學知識 發展信念」達到顯著正相關,但與普遍較不認同的「科學知識確定信念」達到顯著負相關。
本探究試題採線上測驗,雖然已包含四個高中部分班級的樣本,但期許之後能有更大規模 資料的收集和分析,擴大到整個年級或是整個高中,才能做更廣泛的推論。
The newly developed curriculum guideline for 12-year basic education in domain of nature science proposed a course of "inquiry and practices" to be the learning and teaching focus. Such a course integrates cross-domain subjects and hands-on activities. This study aimed to develop a situated online assessment testing the inquiry thinking ability in the context of candle burning. The target learners were the senior high school students. By the assessment, we hoped to understand their thinking modes in different inquiry stages and to find the relationship between students’ scientific epistemic beliefs and their inquiry thinking performance. There are four research questions as follows:
1. What are the main characteristics of the “candle burning” inquiry assessment developed in the study, and what thinking modes can it reflect?
2. What types of responses and thinking modes did the students produce when they answered the inquiry assessment?
3. What are the forms of the students' scientific epistemic beliefs?
4. Whether the students' inquiry thinking performance is related to their scientific epistemic beliefs.
This inquiry assessment tested scientific thinking modes in different inquiry stages, including "observation and explanation", "discovering problems", "using scientific knowledge to explain phenomenon", "proposing hypotheses", "distinguishing variables", " Controlling variables", "analyzing or explaining data", "coordinating theory and evidence", "constructing explanatory theory/models" and “critical and reflective thinking.” We first worked closely with content expert to develop and test the inquiry assessment. After the development of the assessment is completed, about 300 high school students were given the test. After the test, an adapted questionnaire was applied to detect the students’ scientific epistemic beliefs. The associations between students’ inquiry thinking performance and their epistemic beliefs were discussed afterwards.
The result of the study showed that, regarding the inquiry thinking modes, students scored the highest in "observation and explanation", but lower in "controlling variables", "coordinating theory and evidence" and "critical thinking". For the scientific epistemic beliefs, students scored higher in the dimension of "development". Students' inquiry thinking performances were found to associate with their scientific epistemic beliefs, in which students’ thinking performance was significantly positive with the epistemic beliefs in “development”, but negatively correlated with epistemic beliefs in "certainty".
The inquiry assessment is an online assessment. Although there were about 300 students from four senior high school participating in the study, we still hope a larger-scale data collected and analyzed in the future in order to make extensive inferences.
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