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研究生: 崔曉柵
Tsui, Hiu-Shan
論文名稱: 陪伴未就學未就業少年穩定就業之服務經驗初探
Exploring Stable Employment Services for the NEET
指導教授: 王永慈
Wang, Yeong-Tsyr
口試委員: 王永慈
Wang, Yeong-Tsyr
Lin, Ching-Hsuan
Liu, Yen-Ping
口試日期: 2024/12/16
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 社會工作學研究所
Graduate Institute of Social Work
論文出版年: 2025
畢業學年度: 113
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 122
中文關鍵詞: 未就學未就業少年就業服務穩定就業
英文關鍵詞: NEET, employment services, stable employment
研究方法: 半結構式訪談法
DOI URL: http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202500019
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:106下載:10
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  • 未就學未就業少年主要面臨的就業困境是求職不易,當中原因包括就業準備不足、對勞動市場的運作不熟悉或技能不符合職場需求,這些因素會削弱他們的就業競爭力。若青少年長期無法順利進入職場,可能對個人、家庭及社會造成不同程度的負面影響。本研究旨在探討促成未就學未就業少年穩定就業的內外在條件,以社會認知生涯理論為基礎,分析生涯自我效能如何影響青少年的選擇和行動,並檢視工作者所提供的支持,如何協助他們實現穩定就業。本研究採用質性研究的深度訪談法,透過立意抽樣來選取對象,邀請現行服務於未就學未就業少年的工作者,總計訪談五間機構、八位受訪者,並以持續比較法進行資料處理與分析。

    NEET face significant employment challenges, primarily due to difficulty in job searching. The underlying reasons include insufficient job preparedness, unfamiliarity with labor market operations, and skills that do not align with workplace demands, all of which diminish their employment competitiveness. Prolonged inability to integrate into the workforce can have varying negative impacts on individuals, families, and society. This study aims to explore the internal and external conditions that facilitate stable employment for NEET. Using Social Cognitive Career Theory as a framework, the research analyzes how career self-efficacy influences youth's choices and actions, while examining the support provided by practitioners in helping them achieve stable employment.
    This research adopts a qualitative approach, employing in-depth interviews with purposive sampling. Participants include practitioners currently serving NEET, with interviews conducted across five organizations involving eight respondents. Data were processed and analyzed using the constant comparative method.
    The findings are as follows:
    1. Employment Service Approaches for NEET: For youth with judicial issues, practitioners focus on empowerment during the process, including helping them recognize employment needs, establish career goals, and enhance job skills. For youth with mental health challenges, services emphasize creating positive experiences to strengthen self-identity, social interaction, and confidence in their future careers. Practitioners prioritize addressing core issues that impact life stability before gradually guiding these youth toward employment.
    2. The Choice Between Survival Needs and Career Development: Youth often enter the workforce due to survival pressures, such as earning income or complying with judicial requirements, rather than prioritizing career development. Practitioners assist them in exploring various occupational possibilities, fostering a positive outlook toward their future.
    1. For Practical Work: Practitioners are encouraged to provide employment services with a future-oriented approach to enhance youth's career self-efficacy. Relevant organizations should host regular exchange meetings to promote experience sharing and professional learning among practitioners. Government agencies should establish a youth employment resource platform, create a supportive work environment, and offer diverse employment opportunities.
    2. For Future Research: Studies should explore different subgroups of NEET to gain a more comprehensive understanding of their challenges during the employment process. The research scope should be expanded to include NEET from other counties and cities, to better reflect their real-life situations and analyze the differences in employment service models across regions.

    摘要 i Abstract ii 第一章 緒論 01 第一節 研究背景及動機 01 第二節 研究目的與問題 05 第二章 文獻探討 07 第一節 未升學未就業青少年 07 第二節 青少年就業服務模式 14 第三節 相關理論觀點 23 第三章 研究設計 32 第一節 研究方法 32 第二節 研究參與者 32 第三節 研究工具 34 第四節 研究資料分析 35 第五節 研究品質 36 第四章 研究結果—機構服務模式 39 第五章 研究結果—就業輔導 46 第一節 小詩案例(E803-02) 46 第二節 小杰案例(A103-02) 49 第三節 小彬案例(C503-02) 51 第四節 小俊案例(C603-01) 55 第五節 小芳案例(A203-01) 59 第六節 小宏案例(E803-01) 61 第七節 小倫案例(A103-03) 65 第八節 司法議題青少年的服務方法 68 第六章 研究結果—就業及心理輔導 71 第一節 小豪案例(C503-01) 71 第二節 小美案例(B303-01) 75 第三節 小婷案例(D703-01) 80 第四節 小惠案例(B403-01) 83 第五節 小麗案例(C603-02) 90 第六節 小浩案例(A103-01) 96 第七節 身心議題青少年的服務方法 99 第八節 案例的綜合討論 101 第七章 結論及建議 106 第一節 研究結論 106 第二節 研究建議及限制 109 參考文獻 112 附錄一 受訪者知情同意書 121 附錄二 訪談大綱 122

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