研究生: |
李偉誠 Li, Wei-Cheng |
論文名稱: |
非彈性應變回復法評估花蓮和平地區及彰濱工業區之現地應力場 In-situ stress assessment of anelastic strain recovery in Hualien Heping area and Chang Hua Coastal Industrial Park, Taiwan |
指導教授: |
Yeh, En-Chao |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
地球科學系 Department of Earth Sciences |
論文出版年: | 2015 |
畢業學年度: | 103 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 228 |
中文關鍵詞: | 花蓮和平 、彰濱工業區 、非彈性應變回復法 、現地應力 |
英文關鍵詞: | Hualien Heping, Chang Hua Coastal Industrial Park, anelastic strain recovery, in-situ stress |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:227 下載:12 |
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現地應力場為地質科學與大地工程之重要資訊,對於地下結構物的設計、天然資源的開發與廢棄物的地下儲藏皆扮演重要的角色。現地應力場( in-situ stress )是由地質營力與重力場長期交互影響累積的結果。而影響現地應力的因素有很多,目前對於現地應力的成因尚無詳細完整的理論基礎,而實際量測現地應力為不失為有效的解決辦法。
In-situ stress is an essential information for geological science and geotechnical engineering and plays an important role for the design of underground structures, natural resource exploration and underground storage of waste. In-situ stress is long-term interaction result among geological processes and the gravitational field. Although many factors can affect in-situ stress, so far the origin(s) of in-situ stress is not theoretically established yet. The measurement of in-situ stress can be a practically good solution.
Taiwan is an orogenic belt of oblique collision between the Eurasian Plate and the Philippine Sea Plate, known as a mobile tectonic region. Heping of Hualien is located in the northeastern part of the Backbone Range, where the reversal of the Philippine Sea Plate subduction polarity take place and structural history is complex. The Chang-Hua Coastal Industrial Park is a part of land reclamation area in the western Taiwan. Underground formations from shallow to deep similar to that of the Western Foothills are consisted of the Toukoshan formation, Cholan formation, Chinshui shale, Kueichulin formation, Guanyinshang formation, Talu shale and Peliao formation.
In this study, we used retrieved cores with different depths from meta-granite in the Hualien Heping and sedimentary rock in the Chang-Hua Coastal Industrial Park to evaluate the variation of three-dimensional in-situ stress with depth via anelastic strain recovery (ASR) method. Results show that the stress field is normal faulting with N-S extension in both places. In Hualien Heping, the maximum, intermedium and minimum principal stress gradient is 26MPa/km, 22MPa/km, and 19MPa/km, respectively. Their regression coefficients are all larger than 0.9. The gradient of differential stress is 7MPa/km. In the Chang-Hua Coastal Industrial Park, the maximum, intermedium and minimum principal stress gradient is 22MPa/km, 18MPa/km and 17MPa/km, respectively. The regression coefficients are over 0.8. The gradient of differential stress is 5 MPa/km. In addition, empirical equations of lateral stress coefficients and stress ratio deduced from ASR results can used to characterize the site aspects and evaluate the stress field nearby. Combining ASR results with rock mechanic data in the Chang-Hua Coastal Industrial Park can further estimate the maximum fluid pressure and the maximum injection pressure of carbon dioxide for rock fracturing.
Results of this study can be used to evaluate the application and feasibility of ASR in Taiwan. Hopefully, the assessment of in-situ stress via ASR on retrieved cores from borehole and foundation engineering can provide information for academic and engineering reference and utility.
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