研究生: |
陳芮平 |
論文名稱: |
精品品牌空間之展示器具形式探討 The Study of Design Apparatus in Luxury Brand Interior |
指導教授: | 梁桂嘉 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
設計學系 Department of Design |
論文出版年: | 2013 |
畢業學年度: | 101 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 141 |
中文關鍵詞: | 精品 、精品品牌空間 、展示器具 、展示設計 、體驗行銷 |
英文關鍵詞: | Luxury goods, Luxury retail space, Display apparatus, Display design, Experiential marketing |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:557 下載:48 |
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本研究根據前述過程,歸納出的精品空間之展示器具設計架構,導入品牌形象進行展示器具之設計創作。最後歸納出以下重點:(一) 精品品牌空間中的展示器具設計與品牌形象的關係:精品品牌在空間中的展示器具設計的要素深受品牌策略定位與品牌視覺形象等兩大要件影響,其材質、色彩與商品分佈方式必須適當的反映出品牌形象;(二) 精品品牌空間在體驗行銷上的運用:在精品品牌的消費空間中,首重視覺感官上的體驗,透過精心規劃的強大品牌視覺形象深化顧客對品牌的印象。本研究僅針對研究目標(頂級柔性精品品牌)進行研究與設計的考量,其他類型品牌消費空間中的展示器具之研究與探討,將會是後續或未來值得繼續研究的部分。
To develop value-added product, the general trend is to bring luxury characteristic to products. Luxury goods are perfect combination of aesthetics and craftsmanship and brand, the artistic value is one of the most important factors in luxury goods. Successful exhibition design sets off that the qualities of luxury goods and creates the right atmosphere, and encourages impulsive buying behavior. This research aimed to incorporate the concept of display design and expect to conclude factors for display apparatuses that suitable for luxury brand space.
The study reviews the literature of luxury goods, luxury brand space and display design. Then, case studies in display apparatuses in top luxury brands’ space to understand the design princeples of display spparatuses that suitable for luxury brand space include lighting, material, color, human engineering, structure and facing.
The following are the results of this research: 1. The relationship between display apparatuses in luxury brands’ space and brand identity: the design of display apparatuses in luxury brands’ space is influenced by factors inclusing brand strategy and brand visual identity, the design must reflect brand global identity properly; 2. Experience marketing in luxury retail space: in luxury retail space, the visual experience is the most significant part of experience marketing, luxury brands create powerful brand identities to strengthen brand images.
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