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研究生: 黃居正
論文名稱: 臺北縣國民中學教訓輔組織再造之研究
A study of school academic,student,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering in the junior high school of Taipei County
指導教授: 謝文全
Hsieh, Wen-Chyuan
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 教育學系
Department of Education
論文出版年: 2007
畢業學年度: 95
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 284
中文關鍵詞: 組織再造學校教訓輔組織臺北縣國民中學
英文關鍵詞: Organizational reengineering, School academic, student, guidance affairs of organization, The junior high school of Taipei County
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:249下載:9
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  • 本研究之主要目的,在於探討學校教訓輔組織再造基本概念,包括意義、功能、促使因素、原則、參與人員、策略、遭受困境及因應對策等,以瞭解目前臺北縣國民中學實施教訓輔組織再造的現況和意見,最後根據研究結論,提出做為實施教訓輔組織再造的建議。
    本研究調查對象包括臺北縣國民中學59校的校長、教訓輔單位之主任、組長,以及導師、專任教師,共發出903份,實得有效問卷517份,問卷處理採用Spss for Windows 統計套裝軟體進行統計分析。

    The main purpose of the study is to explore the primary concepts of school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering ,inclusive of the meaning , functions , participator , procedure , principles , strategies ,stats , counterplots ,to understand the current situation and comments . Finally , according to the results , the research provides some suggestions to carry out school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering in the junior high school of Taipei County .
    This study uses the literature research and questionnaire survey. First , through documentary research , the study explores the connotation of the research provides some suggestions to carry out school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering , to understand the meaning ,functions , participator , procedure , principles , strategies ,stats , counterplots , and relating research. Second, according to the results of literature research, the researcher compiles “questionnaire survey for school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering in the junior high school of Taipei County”, use for investigation to understand the current situation of school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering in the junior high school of Taipei County, and the opinions from educational staff. Finally, according to the conclusion, the research provides some substantial suggestions.
    A total 903 subjects were sampled from 59 schools of the junior high school of Taipei County, inclusive of the principals, the chiefs of affairs , and teachers . The effective samples acquired are 517 copies. These data are analyzed through statistical analysis under the “SPSS for Windows” statistical package software.
    From the data of the literature analysis and the results of the survey parts of the research, the researcher has formulated a number of conclusions & recommendations to educational administration and schools for school academic, student, guidance affairs of organizational reengineering .The major finding of this study are drawn as follow:

    A. conclusions

    1.The functions which school academic , student ,guidance affaire of origination reengineering develop , normally reach “ good “ extent . Some of them , such as improving work efficiency , manpower supporting can reach higher extent ; some of them , such as clear labor division of right and responsibility , contingency ability promotion can only reach lower extent .

    2. There are multiple factors to promote school academic , student ,guidance affaire of origination reengineering . Lack of organizational manpower , co-operate with governmental policy are two main factors to effect carrying out reengineering . Unfair labor division , lack of contingency ability are two minor factors to effect carrying out reengineering .

    3.Most school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering can follow relevant principles of reengineering .Flexible adjustment , coordinate communication , economic efficiency are some principles that the highest extent to follow. Overall participation , client requirement are two principles that the lowest extent to follow .

    4. Each staff to plan and participate for school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering , the extent for participation is “ high “ .Some peoples , such as principal , academic office , student office and guidance office are higher extent participants ; some peoples , such as committee members and specialists are lower extent participants .

    5.Most school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering normally can follow each step to practice . The highest extent to practice is to examine ideas , the lowest extent to practice is to evaluation and modification .

    6. There are multiple strategies for school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering . The strategies with higher extent usage are manpower resources , reengineering for running organization ; the strategies with lower extent usage are running style and reengineering for cultural organization .

    7. There are lot of difficulties for school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering . The higher extent difficulties are short of budget , hard to get enough manpower , the lower extent difficulties are short of support
    From higher rank , resistance reengineering from members .

    8. Schools usually can take suitable strategies to resolve every difficulty for school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering . Some strategies with higher extent are to intensify communication propagation ; some strategies with lower extent are subsidiary budget from higher rank , set up manpower database .

    9. The outcome of school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering are almost the same for schools with different background .

    10. The opinions of different interviewers for school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering are almost the same .

    B. recommendations :
    1.Some suggestions for schools :
    ( 1 ) To complete statues & systems and promote working morale to enforce
    reengineering functions .
    ( 2 ) To improve effectively for short of organizational manpower and unfair labor division .
    ( 3 ) To follow up decision making authorization , client requirement and overall participation strategies .
    ( 4 ) To promote participation for teachers , committee members and specialists .
    ( 5 ) To practice evaluation and modification procedures for organization reengineering with dependable spirit .
    ( 6 ) To take actively of more multiple concrete strategies for reengineering .
    ( 7 ) To resolve the difficulties of lacking budget and lacking manpower for reengineering .
    ( 8 ) To use communication propagation and incentives to resolve difficulties of reengineering .
    ( 9 ) To enhance the core abilities of administration members for reengineering .
    ( 10 ) To enlarge aspects of carrying out school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering .

    2. Some suggestions to educational administrations :
    ( 1 ) To carry out school academic , student ,guidance affairs of organizational
    reengineering for all schools of Taipei County .
    ( 2 ) To enforce the monitor for schools to implement school academic ,
    student ,guidance affairs of organizational reengineering .
    ( 3 ) To amend related statutes for reengineering to resolve the difficulties of
    lacking budget and manpower for schools .

    3. Some suggestions for future studies :
    ( 1 ) To study for multiple developments .
    ( 2 ) To add more interviews and cases studies .
    ( 3 ) To enlarge study scopes to all schools of Taiwan .

    目 次 第一章 緒論 第一節 研究動機與目的………………………….........…………………1 第二節 待答問題與名詞釋義………………………….........……………4 第三節 研究方法與步驟…………………………….........………………6 第四節 研究範圍與限制…………………………………………………8 第二章 文獻探討 第一節 學校教訓輔組織再造的意義與功能 ………………………11 第二節 學校教訓輔組織再造的策略與流程 …………………………22 第三節 學校教訓輔組織再造的原則 …………………………………40 第四節 國中教訓輔組織再造之現況、困境與對策…....……………….49 第五節 學校教訓輔組織再造相關研究 ……………………………...64 第三章 研究設計與實施 第一節 研究架構 .......……………………………………………………77 第二節 研究對象 ………………………….……………………………78 第三節 研究工具 …………………….…....……………....…………...…81 第四節 研究實施 ....................................…………….……............................84 第五節 資料處理 ………………………………....……..............................88 第四章  研究結果的分析與討論 第一節 教訓輔組織再造功能與因素之分析與討論……….…….………91 第二節 教訓輔組織再造原則與參與人員之分析與討論….……........…110 第三節 教訓輔組織再造流程之分析與討論…………….……………...128 第四節 教訓輔組織再造策略之分析與討論…….....….…………..…….135 第五節 教訓輔組織再造困境、對策之分析與討論… …………………187 第六節 教訓輔組織再造之其他意見. .……………….……...........……203 第五章 結論與建議 第一節 研究主要發現 ……………………………….………………207 第二節 結論 ……...... ….……………………………….…………...214 第三節 建議 ………………………………………………………...218 參考文獻 壹、中文文獻 ……..………………………………………….….……227 貳、英文文獻 ………..……………………………………….....…….233 附 錄 附錄一 『臺北縣國民中學教訓輔組織再造調查問卷』(專家問卷) …237 附錄二 『臺北縣國民中學教訓輔組織再造調查問卷』(正式問卷) … 243 附錄三 委託函(大型規模學校) ……………………………………...….249 附錄四 委託函(中型規模學校)…………………………………………250 附錄五 委託函(小型規模學校) ………..……………………………..…251 附錄六 感謝函………..…………………………………………….....…252 附錄七 問卷調查次數分配統計分析表………..………………………..253 附錄八 不同背景填答者整體分析表………..…………………………..257 附錄九 全體填答者對實施再造現況各項問卷回答情形一覽表……….264 附錄十 全體填答者對再造策略採用各項問卷回答情形一覽表..............265 圖 次 圖2-1 組織再造工程推展流程圖 …………………………….......…….…36 圖2-2 學校組織再造流程圖 ……...…………….......……………...….37 圖2-3 組織決策層級示意圖 ……...…………….......……………...….46 圖3-1 本調查研究之設計架構圖 ………….........…….…………………….77



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