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研究生: 王建睎
Wang, Jian-Xi
論文名稱: beta-丙胺酸增補對下坡跑運動後肌肉損傷之影響
Effects of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle damage induced by downhill running
指導教授: 何仁育
Ho, Jen-Yu
學位類別: 碩士
系所名稱: 體育學系
Department of Physical Education
論文出版年: 2016
畢業學年度: 104
語文別: 中文
論文頁數: 78
中文關鍵詞: 肌肽離心運動肌酸激酶氧化傷害增補劑
英文關鍵詞: carnosine, eccentric exercise, creatine kinase, oxidative damage, supplement
DOI URL: https://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202204570
論文種類: 學術論文
相關次數: 點閱:412下載:27
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  • 背景:否能藉由營養增補劑來減緩運動誘發肌肉損傷 (exercise-induced muscle damage, EIMD) 的程度,以期達到促進生理恢復及維持後續的運動訓練是近年來重要的研究議題之一。其中,beta-丙胺酸的增補已被發現能減緩運動時自由基的提升,是否能進一步降低運動時肌肉組織的損傷,目前尚無研究針對beta-丙胺酸增補與運動誘發肌肉損傷的關係進行探討。目的:探討四週的beta-丙胺酸增補對下坡跑運動後肌肉損傷的影響。方法:16名男性大專體育科系學生,依最大攝氧量 (VO2max) 表現進行配對分組:beta-丙胺酸組 (beta-丙胺酸錠劑) 與安慰劑組 (纖維素錠劑),並以雙盲實驗設計進行增補,每日攝取三次 (共4.8克) 並持續增補四週後,進行30分鐘強度為70% VO2max的下坡跑運動 (-15%)。參與者在下坡跑運動後仍持續增補3天,並於運動前30分鐘、運動後第48和72小時進行肌酸激酶 (creatine kinase, CK)、最大等長肌力 (maximal voluntary isometric contraction, MVIC)、主動關節活動度 (active range of motion, AROM) 與肌肉痠痛 (muscle soreness, MS) 的檢測。另外,在運動前30分鐘及運動後第24小時檢測氧化傷害指標丙二醛 (malondialdehyde, MDA) 的濃度。以混合設計二因子變異數分析進行統計分析。結果:下坡跑運動後兩組別之CK、MS於運動後第48小時皆顯著的增加,而MVIC與AROM則顯著降低。此外,beta-丙胺酸組之CK於運動後第72小時 (200 ± 79.03 U/L) 顯著低於安慰劑組 (503.17 ± 289.33 U/L, p < .05);AROM於運動後第48與72小時 (111.88 ± 1.94 度、122.19 ± 3.67 度) 顯著高於安慰劑組 (103.44 ± 7.28度、109.3 ± 5.65度)。然而,在所有時間點上,MVIC與MS的恢復情形,以及MDA的反應,兩組別間並沒有達顯著差異。結論:四週的beta-丙胺酸增補可能有減緩下坡跑運動後肌肉損傷的效益,特別是降低CK與維持AROM,但在MDA與MS和MVIC上則沒有顯著的效益。


    Background: In recent years, the issue whether nutritional supplements can be used to reduce the levels of exercise-induced muscle damage (EIMD), and therefore enhance physiological recovery has received great attention. Among them, beta-alanine supplementation has been proven to reduce the free radicals produced during the exercise. Whether the reduced free radicals can lead to reduced EIMD, no research has yet investigated the relation between beta-alanine supplements and EIMD. Purpose: To investigate effects of four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation on muscle damage induced by downhill running. Methods: 16 male college students were recruited to participate in this study. Participants were matched and assigned into beta-alanine group and placebo group. Supplementation was performed in a double-blind experimental design. All participants received beta-alanine supplement (4.8g‧d-1) or a placebo three times a day for 4 wk. After a 4-wk supplementation, participants performed the downhill running lasted for 30 mins at a decline of -15% and at a corresponding to about 70% VO2max. Moreover, participants continued to consume supplements for 3 days after downhill running. Serum creatine kinase (CK), maximal voluntary isometric contraction (MVIC), active range of motion (AROM), and muscle soreness (MS) were measured before, and 48 and 72 hrs after exercise. In addition, plasma malondialdehyde (MDA) was measured before and 24 hrs after exercise. Two-way mixed ANOVA was used to analyze the data. Results: After exercise, CK and MS at 48 hrs post-exercise were significantly higher whereas MVIC and AROM were significantly lower in both groups. Furthermore, CK in beta-alanine group (200 ± 79.03 U/L) was significantly lower at 72 hrs post-exercise when compared to placebo group (503.17 ± 289.33 U/L)(p < .05). At 48 and 72 hrs post-exercise, AROM in beta-alanine group was significantly higher than placebo group (p < .05). However, at all time points, there were no significant differences in MVIC, MS, and MDA between groups. Conclusion: Four weeks of beta-alanine supplementation may have benefits in reducing the levels of EIMD, epseically in CK and AROM, but not in MVIC, MS, and MDA.
    Keywords: carnosine, eccentric exercise, creatine kinase, oxidative damage, supplement

    目 次 中文摘要.................................................i 英文摘要................................................ii 謝誌..................................................iii 目次...................................................iv 表次..................................................vii 圖次.................................................viii 第壹章 緒論.............................................1 第一節 問題背景..................................1 第二節 研究目的..................................5 第三節 研究假設..................................5 第四節 研究範圍及限制.............................5 第五節 研究重要性.................................6 第六節 名詞操作性定義.............................6 第貳章 文獻探討.........................................8 第一節 beta-丙胺酸的生理效益......................8 第二節 運動後誘發肌肉損傷之相關文獻探討............11 第三節 beta-丙胺酸減緩運動誘發肌肉損傷的可能機制....17 第四節 本章總結.................................19 第參章 研究方法........................................20 第一節 研究參與者...............................20 第二節 實驗時間與地點............................20 第三節 實驗設計.................................21 第四節 實驗方法與步驟...........................23 第五節 實驗控制.................................32 第六節 資料處理與統計分析.........................32 第肆章 結果.............................................34 第一節 參與者基本資料............................34 第二節 下坡跑運動後肌肉損傷的反應.................35 第三節 下坡跑運動後氧化傷害的反應.................43 第伍章 討論.............................................45 第一節 beta-丙胺酸增補對下坡跑運動後肌肉損傷的影響..45 第二節 beta-丙胺酸增補對下坡跑運動後氧化傷害的影響..50 第三節 結論與建議................................52 引用文獻................................................53 附錄 附錄一 參與者同意書..............................63 附錄二 健康狀況與運動習慣調查表...................69 附錄三 實驗熟悉期記錄表..........................73 附錄四 各項測驗數值紀錄表.........................74 附錄五 最大攝氧量測驗記錄表.......................75 附錄六 下坡跑測驗記錄表..........................76 附錄七 增補記錄表...............................77 附錄八 增補副作用記錄表..........................78 表 次 表 3-1 RPE 運動自覺量表.................................25 表 4-1參與者基本資料表...................................34 圖 次 圖2-1 肌肉內肌肽合成之流程................................9 圖2-2 新陳代謝壓力理論引起肌肉損傷的可能機制..............13 圖2-3 機械壓力理論引起肌肉損傷的可能機制...................14 圖2-4 氧化壓力引起肌肉損傷的可能機制......................15 圖3-1 實驗設計與流程....................................22 圖3-2 最大攝氧量 (VO2max) 測驗情形.......................26 圖3-3 beta-丙胺酸錠劑與纖維素錠劑........................27 圖3-4下坡跑運動使用之跑步機..............................27 圖3-5下坡跑運動測驗情形..................................27 圖3-6 Biodex等速肌力測量儀...............................28 圖3-7 膝關節彎曲之角度...................................28 圖3-8 最大等長肌力 (MVIC) 測驗情形.......................29 圖3-9 視覺類比量表 (VAS) ...............................29 圖3-10肌肉痠痛測驗情形...................................30 圖3-11 主動關節活動度 (AROM) 測驗情形 (起點0゚)............30 圖3-12 主動關節活動度 (AROM) 測驗情形 (終點120゚)..........30 圖3-13血液收集之情形.....................................31 圖4-1下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組CK的反應...........35 圖4-2下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組CK反應的變化量......36 圖4-3下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組的MVIC.............37 圖4-4下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組MVIC的變化量.......38 圖4-5下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組的AROM.............39 圖4-6下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組AROM的變化量.......40 圖4-7下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組的MS..............41 圖4-8下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組MS的變化量.........42 圖4-9下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組MDA的反應..........43 圖4-10下坡跑運動後beta-丙胺酸組與安慰劑組MDA反應的變化量....44

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