研究生: |
簡耀 Chien, Yao |
論文名稱: |
成年前期父母關係、戀愛交往經驗與結婚期待之關聯 The Association between Parental Relationships, Romantic Relationships and Expectations of Marriage in Early Adulthood |
指導教授: |
Chou, Li-Tuan |
口試委員: |
Li, Tsui-Shan 葉明芬 Yip, Ming-Fun 周麗端 Chou, Li-Tuan |
口試日期: | 2022/01/03 |
學位類別: |
碩士 Master |
系所名稱: |
人類發展與家庭學系 Department of Human Development and Family Studies |
論文出版年: | 2022 |
畢業學年度: | 110 |
語文別: | 中文 |
論文頁數: | 114 |
中文關鍵詞: | 成年前期 、結婚期待 、父母關係 、台灣青少年成長歷程研究 、戀愛交往 |
英文關鍵詞: | Early Adulthood, Expectations of Marriage, Parental Relationships, Taiwan Youth Project (TYP), Romantic Relationships |
研究方法: | 次級資料分析 |
DOI URL: | http://doi.org/10.6345/NTNU202200289 |
論文種類: | 學術論文 |
相關次數: | 點閱:551 下載:56 |
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成年前期年輕人在整體樣本中(n = 631),父母離婚比例不高、知覺父母衝突程度低、有過戀愛交往者比例高達近七成、戀愛交往次數平均為1.88、想結婚比例為78.6%。在戀愛交往者中(n = 436),戀愛交往滿意度高。而在想結婚者中(n = 496),預期結婚年齡平均數為28.42歲(男性28.75歲、女性28.13歲)。
(一)在整體樣本中(n = 631),知覺父母衝突、戀愛交往狀態對結婚傾向有顯著解釋力,知覺父母衝突越低、目前交往者,越持有結婚傾向。
(二)在戀愛交往者中(n = 436),戀愛交往狀態、戀愛交往滿意度對結婚傾向有顯著解釋力,目前交往者、戀愛交往滿意度越高,越持有結婚傾向。
(三)在想結婚者中(n = 496),戀愛交往狀態、戀愛交往次數對預期結婚年齡有顯著解釋力,目前交往者、戀愛交往次數越多,預期結婚年齡越低。
(四)在想結婚之戀愛交往者中(n = 375),戀愛交往狀態、戀愛交往次數、戀愛交往滿意度對預期結婚年齡有顯著解釋力,目前交往者、戀愛交往次數越多、戀愛交往滿意度越高,預期結婚年齡越低。
Under the trend of late marriage and non-marriage in our country, this study was different from the research which focused on marital behavior in the past; instead, it focused on the young people’s perspective and motivation toward marriage, putting special emphasis on the crucial stage: early adulthood. It focused on the association of parental relationships and experience of romantic relationships with expectations of marriage considering the context of our society. This study used the J1 sample (wave 9) from the data of “Taiwan Youth Project” (TYP) in 2009, and the age of the whole samples were 21-25 years old. After discarding questionnaires with missing values, a 631-person effective sample size was obtained, then hierarchical logistic regression analysis and hierarchical regression analysis were used to examine the dependent variables respectively, including expectations to marry and expected age of marriage. The results of this study were as follows:
1. The Status of Parental Relationships, Romantic Relationships, and Expectations of Marriage in Early Adulthood
Among the whole samples (n = 631), which were composed of young people in early adulthood, their parents had low proportion of parental divorce, and they had low degree of perception of interparental conflict. Up to 70% of the young people had involved in romantic relationship. Their average number of reported romantic relationships were 1.88, and the percentage of desiring to get married was 78.6%. Among the people who had romantic relationships (n = 436), they had high degree of satisfaction in romantic relationships, and among the samples who desired to marry (n = 496), their average expected age of marriage was 28.42. (28.75 in men, and 28.13 in women).
2. The Association of Parental Relationships and Romantic Relationships with Expectations of Marriage in Early Adulthood Analyzed after Controlling Background Variables
(1) Among the whole samples (n = 631), the variables, such as perceptions of interparental conflict and status of romantic relationships, had significant explanatory power to expectations to marry. The one who had lower perceptions of interparental conflict or involved in a current romantic relationship held higher expectations to marry.
(2) Among the samples who had romantic relationships (n = 436), the variables, such as status of romantic relationships and satisfaction in romantic relationships, had significant explanatory power to expectations to marry. The one who involved in a current romantic relationship or had higher satisfaction in romantic relationships held higher expectations to marry.
(3) Among the samples who desired to marry (n = 496), the variables, such as status of romantic relationships and number of reported romantic relationships, had significant explanatory power to expected age of marriage. The one who involved in a current romantic relationship or had a higher number of romantic relationships held lower expected age of marriage.
(4) Among the samples who expected to marry and had romantic relationship (n = 375), the variables, such as status of romantic relationships, number of reported romantic relationships and satisfaction in romantic relationships, had significant explanatory power to expected age of marriage. The one who involved in a current romantic relationship, had a higher number of romantic relationships, or had higher satisfaction in romantic relationships held lower expected age of marriage.
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